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Old 01-11-2013, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
I'm going to add in that I previously had a purple that lived with 6 other tangs and it was NOT aggressive. Of all the yellow, purple, sailfin, tangs I would place the purple as the LEAST aggressive of the zebrasoma (sp?).

Before immediately rushing to prevent a business from selling to a client, I'd probably ask a few other questions first; how large are your existing tangs, what are your long term tank plans, etc.

What if all these fish are 2-3" in length? What if they are all 4-5"? It makes a difference.

I'm not saying either "side" here is right, but I am saying step back and ask more questions.
Sorry I know the poster personally so I am aware of his tank set up and situation, due to this I may have come off a bit harsher then necessary, attempting to knock some sense into him. He has told me that he thinks his 90g tank size is fine (even when years ago told him the unicorn tang he had would get way to big for his tank, he didn't seem to care) and he's told me that he has no plans on upgrading tank size. I personally think a purple tang has no business being in a 90g, regardless of how small it is.

However people will do what they want (and honestly I've been guiltily of it, but I usually regretted not listening to the good advice given) anyway all we can do is make people aware of the bad decision they are about to make. I know I would of saved some money over the years if I had just listened to what others told me instead of trying it out anyway regardless of consequences.

FYI my purple tang is aggressive, he picks on my mimic tang, my angelfish and my rabbitfish. He doesn't care if the fish looks like him or not.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 01-11-2013 at 02:11 PM.
Old 01-11-2013, 03:56 PM
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Originally Posted by MMAX View Post
The more live rock you have in your tank means the less swimming space for your tangs.
Sounds like theres not alot of swimming room left. I dont think you people are going to change this guys mind. I don't agree with his decision either but i'd say the tang will be in his tank this weekend.

ps. Marko did you change your name?
Old 01-11-2013, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post

ps. Marko did you change your name?

hahah i bet it is marko :P

people are going to buy the fish they see fit , while some may be influenced not to buy because others say not to most will buy as they please.

the way i see it is people need to do what they see is best , he may rehome the tang one week later or upgrade and keep the tang for 10yrs either way its their own call best we can do is inform the person of the fishes needs and hope he does whats best for the animal long term , not everyone does the right thing but there are still some good people left.
Old 01-11-2013, 04:19 PM
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While not an expert in fish or this hobby and still learning, from my own experiences with fish recently, it is really difficult to say how fish are going to react in a tank.

I've spoken with a number of people who could not believe my blue hippo would go after my trigger the way it did, even causing him to jump out of the tank. My tominini goes after my goby. They are all in a 180 gl tank. I researched my fish choices before adding, and yes have made poor choices, not understanding reef safe doesn't necessarily just pertain to corals, but inverts, rocks etc.

I think everyone has a story or two about fish they thought would be "reef safe" and turned into the complete opposite.

The op is asking about pricing, not whether its suitable in his tank. I've lost a number of fish recently and I'd be a little upset if I was told a store won't sell me one because I don't have a cover and my tank isn't suitable for say wrasses.
Old 01-11-2013, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
While not an expert in fish or this hobby and still learning, from my own experiences with fish recently, it is really difficult to say how fish are going to react in a tank.

I've spoken with a number of people who could not believe my blue hippo would go after my trigger the way it did, even causing him to jump out of the tank. My tominini goes after my goby. They are all in a 180 gl tank. I researched my fish choices before adding, and yes have made poor choices, not understanding reef safe doesn't necessarily just pertain to corals, but inverts, rocks etc.

I think everyone has a story or two about fish they thought would be "reef safe" and turned into the complete opposite.

The op is asking about pricing, not whether its suitable in his tank. I've lost a number of fish recently and I'd be a little upset if I was told a store won't sell me one because I don't have a cover and my tank isn't suitable for say wrasses.

exactly a store is a business hence being a store , sure an employee may feel like a bluespot stingray is to large for a 25g tank and decide not to sell it for that reason but no store is going to nit pick with a customer over future upgrades, opinions on fish behaviors and whether or not the customer is experienced enough or not.

its up to the general public to spread whats best for fish and ultimately its up to the customer to dfo his own reserarch and decide if a fish is right for him system.

some people would say my house is to small for my dog.....does that mean i shouldnt have been sold my dog?

realistically he gets a walk every morning before work , fed twice a day and has play dates with other dogs.....statistically my place is too small for a 100lb active animal but theres a good posibility he has a better home now with me then he could with someone in a large acreage who leaves him to sleep outside and fed every other day.

Old 01-11-2013, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Do you have some app that alerts you to the word Tang??

You are on fire today.
Old 01-11-2013, 07:08 PM
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
Absolutely I 1000% agree

Not to be rude but I will ask Red coral not to sell it to you. The purple tang will torment and attack and stress out your other two tangs. It's not fair to any of your fish to add him to such a small tank. You need a minimum of at least a 180g if you want a purple tang. Plus when I saw you at the store you mentioned you were having some issues with your tank. I would get the issues you have under control first before even thinking about adding anything else never mind a fish that has no business in being in there!
you are self entitled aren't you?
I hate to say it, but you have absolutely no right to control what someone else does with their money if they are not buying directly from you.

This is one of the most self righteous things I have ever seen or read.

Naesco should be proud.

Last edited by gobytron; 01-11-2013 at 07:11 PM.
Old 01-11-2013, 07:30 PM
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I just love these Tang threads!
Old 01-11-2013, 07:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Reefer Rob View Post
I just love these Tang threads!
Ya, they're my second favorite thread topic
Old 01-11-2013, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Ya, they're my second favorite thread topic
And the first?
I glue animals to rocks
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