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Old 12-09-2012, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
I like duck dynasty but I can't believe any self respecting person would watch SOA. watched 5 min of that wanna be junk and turned it off.

Wanna be junk??? Real bikers gang members are directly involved in making that show. Not wanna be at all. You definetly need more than 5 minutes to appreciate SOA... I didn't really like it at first, but kept watching because everybody said how good it is. Now I can't believe that I have to wait until Sept. 2013 for a new episode!!! DAMNIT!

Back on topic... I've only seen a couple episodes, but Duck Dynasty seems pretty hilarious.

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Old 12-09-2012, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Titus99 View Post
Each to there own but please realize it starts at duck dynasty then your hooked on honey boo boo��
no, never. I only like duck dynasty because I thought they were in alberta filming my cousins when I first saw it. I admidt my family is about as redneck as it comes and it is a hearitage to be proud of.

D.D. just showes what happenes to rednecks when they have more money than they know what to do with.

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Old 12-09-2012, 04:44 PM
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Dexter, SOA, game of thrones, Walking dead, put those all on and I have no complaints. I need to catch up on walking dead, dexter and game of thrones though lol I'm like 4-5 episodes behind on each
So in other words don't spoil it!
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 12-09-2012, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by doch View Post
Real bikers gang members are directly involved in making that show.
you got any official publication to that, went through there whole webside, no gang members on staff cast or crew, or if there is they don't admidt it.

I would not doubt if they consulted with ex gang members or what not, but still its a show that caters to wannabe's and not to the general riding public.

now I don't say you have to be a wannabe to watch it. different strokes for different folks, heck I even like watching highway to hell (even though it is totaly over dramaticised and made to look a lot worse than it is. people don't realize it took them 3 years to make the first season.)

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Old 12-09-2012, 06:02 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
you got any official publication to that, went through there whole webside, no gang members on staff cast or crew, or if there is they don't admidt it.

I would not doubt if they consulted with ex gang members or what not, but still its a show that caters to wannabe's and not to the general riding public.

now I don't say you have to be a wannabe to watch it. different strokes for different folks, heck I even like watching highway to hell (even though it is totaly over dramaticised and made to look a lot worse than it is. people don't realize it took them 3 years to make the first season.)

Do a damn google search Steve and see for yourself, there are atleast 4 HA member that I came across alone in 5 mins. Frankie Diamond, Happy, Auto & the old dude in prison that has the hole in his throat are all past or present members

I am in the general public of riders along with several of my friends & family. I know many many people that ride from being associated with the Ride For Sight for 12 yrs and it does cater to the general public, you have no clue what you even talking about really.

SOA can not use HA reference on there own personal website without permission from all chapters around the world & yes I do know what I am talking about since I have grown up around the HA & have a few good friends as members.
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Last edited by The Grizz; 12-09-2012 at 06:15 PM.
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Old 12-09-2012, 06:19 PM
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Game of Thrones. Can't express how stoked I am for that to start up again.

Not to mention new Arrested Development in the near future. TV has its moments!

I heard Tron was directed by ex HA members too and that's how they got the macho glow-in-the-dark light cycles and lycra so bang-on.
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Old 12-09-2012, 06:52 PM
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There's too many reality shows and people trying to make a buck of what others see as their weird or different lives. Some is fun, some just stupid. But if people watch them then they stay on, if not, they disappear. Pretty simple formula, no need to argue about it.

Not everyone sees the appeal of every show or movie out, I can only take so much duck dynasty at a time, but it's mindless tv, good to chill after a long week of work!
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Old 12-09-2012, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by reefgirl189 View Post
Is anyone here watching the Voice? I'm not usually into the singing competitions but there's this guy name Nicholas David on the show and I've been cheering for him from his first audition. Normally my favourites get booted off in the first few episodes so it's nice that he's making it in the top 4.
Could not comment until the wife & I caught up on The Voice on the PVR. I am a huge music person with over 7000+ song library. I love Nicholas's soleful style, Terry's classic rock vibe & Cassadee Pope amazing chilling voice. I am sad to see Little Miss Melanie leave, I loved her alternative style.

I strongly predict that Cassadee Pope will win this year, I have everything she has ever recorded even with the band Hey Monday & what I true artist she is.
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Old 12-09-2012, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post

I am in the general public of riders along with several of my friends & family. I know many many people that ride from being associated with the Ride For Sight for 12 yrs and it does cater to the general public, you have no clue what you even talking about really.

wow, I guess that electraglide sitting in my garage is a figment of my imaganation.

I have been involved in probably 27 different charity rides over the last 25 years. I have also been a member of 5 different riding groups and left them because they turned into ride to someplace for lunch groups... I also have family ties to the HA but I distance myself there, not proud of it not embarased by it, it just is. and thats all I go into it on a public board.
I am sorry Grizz that I don#t like a show that you do, but I don#t think you need to wear a leather vest full of patches over a jean jacket to be a biker either.

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Old 12-10-2012, 12:01 AM
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post

I strongly predict that Cassadee Pope will win this year, I have everything she has ever recorded even with the band Hey Monday & what I true artist she is.
were on the same page for this one. I didn't want to see mell leave either but I predicted she would as I while I liked here I think the others were better, the one that surprised me is that they kept the hippy in and sent home amanda brown.. oh well guess I can't get them all right

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