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Old 10-29-2012, 05:10 AM
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Default Downsizing help me decide

I am looking to downsize from my 90 gallon tank to something smaller. The maintenance is a little too high, so is the tank height (24" is too tall for my arms). Also, it's in my basement dungeon where nobody enjoys. What a disaster.

I will be keeping either my 4 x T5HO, or 6 x T5HO TEK fixture. The tank will be SPS dominant (I don't think all my existing corals will fit) and I will incorporate my sump into it and re-utilize all my existing equipment.

My choices are either a 40 Gallon Long (48" long x 12" wide x 16" tall) or a 55 Gallon (48" long x 13" Wide x 21" tall). Which would you go with and why?

I have a preference for the 40 gallon long but am unsure on whether the lights will be overkill. I am using the TEK legs so raising the fixture up is limited to a certain height.
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Old 10-29-2012, 05:19 AM
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I have a 55 with the same dimensions, I don't like how narrow it is, but do like the 4 ft. If I could change the tank, I'd make it a cube instead for more layout options. I do love my tank tho!
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Old 10-29-2012, 05:51 AM
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I also don't like a 12" wide tank

I see you want to downsize, but you mentioned 48", and also 21" tall
A 75g is 48x18x21
I like the height for reaching all around the inside

Or you could get something custom made;
48x18x16 is a 60g
Nice width and an easy to work with height. Plus your 4 bulb would probably be enough with a shallow tank
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Old 10-29-2012, 12:14 PM
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48x18x16 would be nice. Same height and depth as my 40B, but a foot longer. And, I don't get my arm wet much higher than my elbow . . . Which is really nice.
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Old 10-29-2012, 04:05 PM
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Thanks for the response. If I went down to a 75 gallon, I don't think my maintenance would be much easier would it?

Maintenance consists of
- cleaning the glass (worst part as I hate using the long scrapers, they take forever, especially if you are trying not to scratch the tank or take any silicone off on the corners)
- cleaning the socks (3 of them at one time)
- emptying protein skimmer
- change carbon
- water tests
- water change

I'm wondering if going to a smaller tank like a 40 breeder would work out better. I could go with two AI Sols instead of the 6 bulb T5.
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Old 10-29-2012, 04:10 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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i love my 75g....30" x 30" x 20" h

awesome cube dimensions.
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Old 10-29-2012, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by ChizerBunoi View Post
I'm wondering if going to a smaller tank like a 40 breeder would work out better. I could go with two AI Sols instead of the 6 bulb T5.
I *love* my 40B. I'm just running out of space in it.
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Old 10-29-2012, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by ChizerBunoi View Post
Thanks for the response. If I went down to a 75 gallon, I don't think my maintenance would be much easier would it?

Maintenance consists of
- cleaning the glass (worst part as I hate using the long scrapers, they take forever, especially if you are trying not to scratch the tank or take any silicone off on the corners)
- cleaning the socks (3 of them at one time)
- emptying protein skimmer
- change carbon
- water tests
- water change

I'm wondering if going to a smaller tank like a 40 breeder would work out better. I could go with two AI Sols instead of the 6 bulb T5.
Not really sure the maintenance would be any less on a smaller tank. I have a canister filter on my 55, no skimmer. Takes me about 20 minutes to clean the cf, change the media, hook back up, plus the time it takes to empty and refill for a water change - I typically do 15-20 gls at a time every 2 weeks. So total time is maybe 30-35 minutes. Also daily top ups.

Filter socks - I rinse then throw in the washer, hang to dry (these are on my 180).

Cleaning the glass - I just did a good scraping on the 180, first time since I set it up in March, took maybe 1/2 hour - 45 mins. Wiping the glass down daily or every other day. I didn't use the handle, just the blade, felt like i had more control anyway, but as the tank is 2' tall, I was on my tiptoes to reach the bottom, standing on a chair. I didn't mind as the end result looks awesome!!

I'm not sure what you are trying to reduce as you would still have to maintain, maybe just less water to move around.
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Old 10-29-2012, 05:42 PM
knickle22 knickle22 is offline
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Hi there,

If you decide to downsize to a 75 Gallon, I have one i need to sell soon! my asking price is $500b for the tank,stand,and canopy. I custom ordered it about 15 months ago from big als with a corner overflow, and i have LED's built into the canopy, i personally really like them, and it didnt up our electricity derastically but you get a powerfull lighting. I have posted a hardware post earlier today, but if you want a picture or something text me 403-671-7344. the tank demensions are 48L 21H and 18W. just thought id let you know!
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Old 10-29-2012, 05:55 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Get a Magnetic algae cleaner.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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