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Old 09-12-2012, 02:20 AM
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Default More Livestock

Our lone Royal Gramma is doing quite good in the DT - it spent about a day mainly hiding but has been swimming in the open since then and has been eating well.

We have now purchased a few more fish. We have three more Royal Grammas and a pair of True Perculas. We have just put the five of them in the QT and appear to be doing fine. (yes it is a terrible phone picture )

Our plan is to slowly introduce them into the DT after their quarantine. We are thinking towards the next ones that we will buy - though it will be quite a while before that takes place. We are thinking of a Kale Yellow Eye Tang, and/or a Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish, possible a Cardinalfish or two.

We also have five snails in the DT - Question - at what point do we add to the CUC?
90g mixed reef (eventually!); 23g sump; 20g QT; Waveline DC-5000 return; 2 Radions; 2 Vortech MP10s; Koralia 3; ELOS ATO with 14g ATO tank; RLSS R8 skimmer; BRS reactor - GFO/Carbon; filter socks; Puratek RO/DI
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Old 10-08-2012, 03:03 AM
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Wow - it has been a long time since I have posted on here - mainly because not much is happening. We now have four Royal Grammas (and a few snails) in the DT and all are doing well. Everything seems to be doing quite good. There have been no outbreaks of algae and the water parameters continue to be stable.

We did have a problem with the two Perculas that we had - unfortunatley, on about day 5 in the QT one of the Perculas began to appear lethargic and stopped eating. After talking to the LFS, we brought them both in and brought in a water sample. In the end, both fish eventually died. Niether showed any physical symptoms other then being lethargic. The water was sent out to a lab for testing and did not reveal anything. We are now waiting for another pair of captive bred True Perculas to arrive.

Other wise, everything is going fine.
90g mixed reef (eventually!); 23g sump; 20g QT; Waveline DC-5000 return; 2 Radions; 2 Vortech MP10s; Koralia 3; ELOS ATO with 14g ATO tank; RLSS R8 skimmer; BRS reactor - GFO/Carbon; filter socks; Puratek RO/DI
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Old 10-18-2012, 04:07 AM
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It's been a little over a week since the last time I posted on here - Nothing has changed . . .

We ordered two captive breeed Perculas and they should be at the LFS on Friday. Sure wish I knew what happend to the first ones so that it does not repeat.

We are also begining to think about coral - when we should start to add some, what kinds etc. If anyone reading this has ideas, I'd sure appreciate hearing.
90g mixed reef (eventually!); 23g sump; 20g QT; Waveline DC-5000 return; 2 Radions; 2 Vortech MP10s; Koralia 3; ELOS ATO with 14g ATO tank; RLSS R8 skimmer; BRS reactor - GFO/Carbon; filter socks; Puratek RO/DI
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Old 10-18-2012, 04:29 AM
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What are you interested for corals? Lps, sps, softies? I personally prefer lps. To start you could add some shrooms, zoas, acans, leathers. My first corals were a bubble, button and frogspawn, lost the frog but still have the other 2.

I like frags as its rewarding to watch them grow, but it's nice to have some bigger pieces as well.
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Old 10-18-2012, 04:41 AM
chris88 chris88 is offline
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My advise would be to go with some Lps corals to begin with and when the tank ages add some spa corals to fill the upper layer. Maybe try some shrooms, zoanthids, or gsp to fill up the live rock. It's a beautiful tank and I am excited to see what it looks like a few months down the road.
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Old 10-18-2012, 08:27 AM
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Hey George
Sorry to jump in here, but I haven't read your whole thread lately
I was a little concerned about you having multiple royal grammas ...

I like the idea that you are adding corals and wanted to let you know what happened in my tank ...

I had originally planned on adding only some softies, then maybe some LPS, and eventually some SPS ...

Before I had a chance to think about the future, a friend came over with some Montis. Then, a week later, there was a frag swap ....

I populated my tank faster than you can say cycle

I ended up with so many SPS and took the crash course in keeping parameters ...

I am really happy with our tank and all it's SPS ...

So, I'm saying, just jump in

If you can keep your major 3 up, just do it
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Old 10-18-2012, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
What are you interested for corals? Lps, sps, softies? I personally prefer lps. To start you could add some shrooms, zoas, acans, leathers. My first corals were a bubble, button and frogspawn, lost the frog but still have the other 2.

I like frags as its rewarding to watch them grow, but it's nice to have some bigger pieces as well.
Our long term plan is to have a mixed reef tank.

Originally Posted by chris88 View Post
My advise would be to go with some Lps corals to begin with and when the tank ages add some spa corals to fill the upper layer. Maybe try some shrooms, zoanthids, or gsp to fill up the live rock. It's a beautiful tank and I am excited to see what it looks like a few months down the road.
I appreciate the advice re: to start with LPS - that's two votes in favor

Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Hey George
Sorry to jump in here, but I haven't read your whole thread lately
I was a little concerned about you having multiple royal grammas ...

I like the idea that you are adding corals and wanted to let you know what happened in my tank ...

I had originally planned on adding only some softies, then maybe some LPS, and eventually some SPS ...

Before I had a chance to think about the future, a friend came over with some Montis. Then, a week later, there was a frag swap ....

I populated my tank faster than you can say cycle

I ended up with so many SPS and took the crash course in keeping parameters ...

I am really happy with our tank and all it's SPS ...

So, I'm saying, just jump in

If you can keep your major 3 up, just do it
No problem jumping in with a question about the Royal Grammas - I think I understand your concern with the multiple Royal Grammas, we had been told to go with either one Royal Gramma or three or more - but not to have two. So far the four of them are all playing nice together. The larger one is obviously boss, but there have been no bullying issues . . . yet.

And . . I had noticed how quickly your tank seemd to fill with frags - I had wondered what took place as your whole build has been a study of patience - I've been amazed at your pateince. Now I understand the sudden amount of frags. Thanks for the advice to "just jump in!"

Can anyone point me towards a good resource or two regarding chemistry / water parameters?

90g mixed reef (eventually!); 23g sump; 20g QT; Waveline DC-5000 return; 2 Radions; 2 Vortech MP10s; Koralia 3; ELOS ATO with 14g ATO tank; RLSS R8 skimmer; BRS reactor - GFO/Carbon; filter socks; Puratek RO/DI
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Old 10-18-2012, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by chris88 View Post
My advise would be to go with some Lps corals to begin with and when the tank ages add some spa corals to fill the upper layer. Maybe try some shrooms, zoanthids, or gsp to fill up the live rock. It's a beautiful tank and I am excited to see what it looks like a few months down the road.
I forgot in my previous post - thank you very much for the compliment re: the tank. I appreciate the feedback.
90g mixed reef (eventually!); 23g sump; 20g QT; Waveline DC-5000 return; 2 Radions; 2 Vortech MP10s; Koralia 3; ELOS ATO with 14g ATO tank; RLSS R8 skimmer; BRS reactor - GFO/Carbon; filter socks; Puratek RO/DI
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Old 10-18-2012, 08:35 PM
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Wow this tank looks awesome! Love the white stand and cabinetry. Very clean and sexy :-) you did a phenomenal job here! Well done.
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Old 10-20-2012, 12:21 AM
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Originally Posted by gridley View Post
Can anyone point me towards a good resource or two regarding chemistry / water parameters?
If you're still looking for some reading ...
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