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![]() Make a long story short I have a full 80 gallon stocked with tons of rock and nice soft corals I bought a 125 but work out of town and won't have time until spring to set it up so if any one is interested just pm me I have one sailfin tang 1 snowflake eel 1 tomato clown giant bubble tip anenomie frog spawn candy canes Xenia a large Croatia clam giant brain coral a dozen of different kinds of mushroom large feather dusters elaphent ears and a large cabbage plus about 80 pounds of rock, I am not open for anything less then 2.50 a pound on the rock also have an army of crabs and snails
25 gallon reef 80 gallon reef in construction |
![]() Pm
![]() pm
![]() I hate to be the jerk but site requires you to have a price on all items you are listing for sale please.
And I would like to see a pic of the clam and price if it is not already spoken for.
Feed the bear goodies, make a new friend, don't feed the bear............... 8' - 165gal Reef DIY LED's Build 2012 Nano Contest Winner Febuary 2013 POTM Winner 300 gal + 60 gal Complete DIY Build |
![]() You big old jerk...lol!
Glad you are going for the clam and not what I wanted this time. |
![]() If I knew what you where going after I might just change my mind
Feed the bear goodies, make a new friend, don't feed the bear............... 8' - 165gal Reef DIY LED's Build 2012 Nano Contest Winner Febuary 2013 POTM Winner 300 gal + 60 gal Complete DIY Build |
![]() Lol that doesn't surprise me
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![]() Sorry guys clam went for 40 and as for prices I'm not the lfs so ask me I price and ill let u know how I feel I would rather sell it all to locals if there's an issue go to ur local Lfs and pay more I'm looking for good homes for my live stock that is all..
25 gallon reef 80 gallon reef in construction |
![]() You may not be the lfs but its still a rule the forum has, it also helps others so people can go through later on and see "oh that sold for ____" be it that their trying to sell one of their own or seeing what they should pay for that type of item.
http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=68933 |
![]() Ball park 250 for everything as a deal excluding rock 2.50 a pound for rock 700 for entire tank with skimmer lights power heads heater also have a 35 bow front lights all equipment for 200 as well with a 400watt mh with ballist for 100 seperatly corals I can't really list a price anemone going for 60 brain going for 60 mushrooms 20 bucks because there colonized on rocks xzina 10 buck fish All three for a 100 frog spawn 20 it has five heads ECt ECt so hopefully that takes care of everyone's confusion the the live stock and everything as of now is on hold until sat if buddy dose not pick it up ill let everyone know but if interested in tank ad rock pm as ill consider parting it out as well
25 gallon reef 80 gallon reef in construction |