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Old 10-08-2012, 03:10 AM
chromakey chromakey is offline
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Default Extra Filtration for 28 Gallon JBJ Nano

Good Day:

I recently purchased a JBJ 28 Gallon Nano reef tank a couple of months ago. I also switched from Instant Ocean to Reefer's Best Salt. I do a 4 gallon water change weekly. I have been talking with a few people about the different add on filters I can use with Nano.

I would like to get some input on what item adds the most to keeping the water clean.

Protein Skimmer (possibly the Aquamaxx HOB-1)
Reactor with bio-pellets
Reactor with GFO or phosphate remover.
Other type of filter.

Thanks for your input,
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Old 10-08-2012, 04:23 AM
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Are parameters out if whack? Is anything suffering or not thriving? What is your filtration setup right now?
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Old 10-08-2012, 04:34 AM
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If the inhabitants do not seem to be suffering you might be best to let the tank season a bit; you said it's rather new to you, might be a good plan to let things work in

As for the skimmer, I have an Aquamaxx HOB1 on a smaller tank, and it's an excellent choice for skimming a tank your size.
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Old 10-08-2012, 08:32 AM
claymax claymax is offline
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i think jbj makes a clip on refugium led that you just stick on the back glass, ive never used one but it seems like a pretty nifty idea.
28NC, BKm180 , MP10, sump, diy leds(modular led) caulerpa/apitasia jungle.
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Old 10-08-2012, 01:30 PM
chromakey chromakey is offline
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I purchased the tank used. It has been setup for about 3 years and I moved it about 2 months ago.

I have the upgraded basket in the centre chamber with sponge, bag of Chem-pure Elite, bag of charcoal. Also I have a small bag of live rock in the lefthand chamber.

Advice from one person was keep it simple and just do weekly water change of 4 gallons. It seems to be working but I recently added a few fish to the tank. I would like to know what adds the most benefits of keep the water conditions correct.

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Old 10-08-2012, 02:13 PM
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Remove the sponge and use polyester filter floss instead. This is basically quilt batting. Big Al's sells it. You might be able to get it at Michael's Craft Stores, and you can most certainly get it at Fabricland (I think those are over on the island). Change this regularly.

I use Purigen in all of my tanks, and I've used it in conjunction with GFO. You could place it in the filter basket under the poly.

Having the media basket, you really don't need fluidized reactors for carbon or GFO. The media basket will work just fine for those.

I'm not sure of the chamber configuration on the NC28. Have a look at my contest entry thread (link in signature), and you can see how I squeezed a Hydor Slim Skim Nano into my NC24. It isn't without challenges. I can't comment on the skimmer yet, as there is no water in the tank yet.

I wouldn't do bio-pellets yet. The bio-pellet reactor that would work best for you is an external recirculating bio-pellet reactor. It is made by Reef Dynamics, and it would need to be ordered from the US ($250 + $50 shipping). You would need to T-off your return pump, and carve out the hood to allow the hoses to pass through. If you add a sump to your NC28, then there is another good bio-pellet reactor option, which can be purchased in Canada from J&L Aquatics (the Cad Lights recirculating reactor for $180). Cheaper reactors will work, but the recirculating ones help guard against overdose. If you're handy, there are DIY plans online for modding the TLF reactors to be recirculating.

In the event any parameters do wind up out of line, or anything undesirable happens in your tank, specific recommendations are generally easy to make.

And lastly . . . Tank photos are always appreciated.
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Old 10-08-2012, 04:24 PM
dbigdog dbigdog is offline
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Default 28 gallon filtration

Your best bet is to keep it simple.I have a 24 gallon,there is limited space for all the equipment,in the first chamber its all floss and foam filter the second is charcoal,bio balls and ceramic and heater.the return chamber has the pump and some foam filtering.I have large hang on protein skimmer that i use on saturday form morning till about 4 or 5,i also use this to do my water change.During this time i do the regular tank maintenance.The lighting is 50/50 and to led strips.
In the tank i have 1 power- head some live rock,sand bed,fist sized ball of cheato,soft coral,and a broad leaf plant that all of which are growing like crazy.
Livestock,2 clowns snails and hermit crabs.
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Old 10-08-2012, 09:56 PM
chromakey chromakey is offline
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Here are some pics of my tank:

I have some cyano bacteria on the green algae for sure. I try to suck it up when I do my water changes. I have some other reddish algae? that is growing on the coral. The texture seems different and you can't remove it with the turkey baster. Is this something else?

I am at the max for fish and that is kind of why I was thinking of adding some more filtration.

I have 1 adult clown, 3 juvenile clowns (locally bred in Victoria), file fish, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 6 line wrasse and snails & crabs.

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Old 10-08-2012, 10:40 PM
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I'm mulling this over.

It looks like most of your corals are softies. You've got cyano, and what I'm guessing is bryopsis (the green stuff). It is difficult to tell from the photos on my iPad. I'm going to have to look at the photos on a computer. If you filter/skim aggressively you may loose some of your corals. I personally can't keep Xenia: it requires more nutrients than my display system provides (but I still have algae and cyano).

You need to pick off the green algae. But, don't let any get loose in the tank. You can't treat with H202, as that will certainly kill your Xenia.

I would definately add a bag of Purigen to your media basket. I would also definately skim.

Do you have any idea what your phosphate and nitrate levels are?
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Old 10-09-2012, 12:21 AM
dbigdog dbigdog is offline
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Default 28 gallon filtration

I dont think that is hair algea,its too course,i have some in my tank and it is very fine and flowing.What you have is kind of like cheato which is beneficial,and aids in the filtration.Just keep it trimmed back and you should be good.Run your skimmer once or twice a week.
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