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Old 06-28-2012, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
You could add a male as well when you find one, it was an idea thrown at me when I got mine as I guess as pair they have interesting behaviours. Mine is a pig as well, I love triggers and one of the reasons I wanted a bigger tank!! He's a very nervous fish though but getting braver, he hides when our dog barks close to the tank!!!

Won't worry about the nem, the clown feeds it so it gets enough food. I hope it doesn't move......

You should update your build, haven't seen pics in a while either...

That would be a cool idea. Maybe I will get another. BF and I are talking about moving in the next year so I'm not sure I want to stock my tank too heavily but hey, a year is a year away, right?

And yes... I do need to update my tank build. I'm just so swamped and busy and I've been neglecting the tank lately. It's looked better and I don't want to show it off much right now....
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Old 06-28-2012, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Rice Reef View Post
Just gone thru your journal... Love your lights and def jealous as I wish I could have a bigger tank! I like the diff variety of corals you have and wish I could keep clams... for some reason they dont like me much and I've never had much success with clams...

Pic update?
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you. I haven't added much lately as I've had a few issues, the coris wrasse is one (knocking over corals), my parameters dropped so
I have been dosing, finally back to where they should be. I've also lost a number of corals and have not really been sure why, so been a bit gun shy to add more. So I've been focusing on stability and slowing down. I've also had 3 fish jump in the last month, no the tank isn't covered.

I'll go through my pics and get something up later though.
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Old 06-28-2012, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
I'd have to agree. I love my red coris but definitely a PITA. FYI they aren't reef safe, they are listed with the non-reef safe wrasses on most sites. Mine is 6-7" now and when he was 2-3" Doug and I tried to catch him out of my reef tank (took all the rock out and dug through the sand searched for 3 days before putting the rock back) and I sill wasn't able to catch him He often flips rocks around, ate my almost all my crabs and snails (a few big ones survived) but I will say on the plus side (knock on wood) he hasn't ate my shrimp yet. Beautiful for sure but a PITA.
I think I had read reef safe with caution, so I was more worried about eating corals, not flipping them...I have a lot of empty snail shells and my fire shrimp has been missing for a while, cleaner shrimp are still around...

Yours is the same size as mine, he's skittish and hides whenever I'm in the tank, so I think trying to catch him is out of the question unless he becomes more social.

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Old 09-15-2012, 07:02 AM
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Awesome pics, gunna read the rest another time.
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Old 09-15-2012, 07:28 AM
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any fts updates?
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Old 09-15-2012, 07:49 AM
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Is your eel in with all your fish? Just so you know I have seen a snowflake take out some pretty big fish including a fairly large lion.

Regarding triggers, I used to have a niger in my reef several years ago and loved it however when I upgraded my tank and moved it to the back tank it actually ate my bicolor angel on day.

Fish are always hit & miss but if you get a bad one look out! Also they can change behavior even after being in a tank for several years.
One of the interesting aspects of this hobby is we put fish together in our tanks from all over the world and many that often don't live together in the wild and they can teach each other new tricks - some of which are not good.

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Old 09-15-2012, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by fragNplug View Post
Awesome pics, gunna read the rest another time.

mattjoly85 any fts updates?
Haven't done one in a while, tank is ugly ATM...cyano
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Old 09-15-2012, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Snappy View Post
Is your eel in with all your fish? Just so you know I have seen a snowflake take out some pretty big fish including a fairly large lion.

Regarding triggers, I used to have a niger in my reef several years ago and loved it however when I upgraded my tank and moved it to the back tank it actually ate my bicolor angel on day.

Fish are always hit & miss but if you get a bad one look out! Also they can change behavior even after being in a tank for several years.
One of the interesting aspects of this hobby is we put fish together in our tanks from all over the world and many that often don't live together in the wild and they can teach each other new tricks - some of which are not good.
The eel was in my 55 gl tank, I sold him a while ago and reset it to a reef tank again.

My trigger is awesome right now but he's still pretty small. My hippo tang picks at him all the time, actually made him jump out of the tank earlier this week, so she might be going.

I agree that we put fish together that would never live together in these boxes, then hope for the best....That sucks yours actually ate another fish....I guess there's always risks no matter what. You must have got rid of the Niger as I don't recall seeing him in your tanks??
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Old 09-15-2012, 03:53 PM
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Yes after it ate that angel it got traded in at Golds' for something else.

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Old 09-24-2012, 01:51 AM
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Finally have an aqua scape I like. My lights were starting to dim when I took these but I'm happy with the overall look of the tank. I was concerned about having less live rock so created an island today. My rock all looked purple before I started, once rearranged, pieces that were buried are now exposed and whitish again.

Now I need to fill it with corals. There's much better options for coral placement now, lots of caves for the fish and open swimming space. I thought redoing the rocks would stop my hippo tang from picking on my trigger, nope, she's still a jerk.

Finally, my candy hogfish must have been hiding in a rock, when I pulled the rock out on the tarp, I heard it flopping around. Picked him up and put in the tank, but he was pretty lifeless. I cupped him in my hand and moved him around to move water through his gills. He stayed in my hand for 10 mins, I finally moved it away and he zipped back to the rock. Didn't see him again till this morning and he was back to normal, so no casualties, yay!

Last edited by Coralgurl; 09-24-2012 at 01:58 AM.
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