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Old 04-16-2004, 09:35 PM
Bert Bert is offline
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Default Nano

Here are some photo's of my nano, set up in sept/oct. Trying to go as much captive raised as possible. So far 6lb of LR and 3 hermit crabs have come from the wild.

Tank: 25 w/ 25 sump
Lighting: 175W 14000K
Skimmer: 32" homemade
Rock: 40-50# base, 6# LR

Future Ambitions: aquire more coloured shrooms (green, green striped, ricordia, ultrafuzzy), zooanthids (really want those orange center with long green tentacles and solid lime) and some captive branching LPS (torch, frogspawn, hammer) Maybe by the time I finish my degree some of those rose BTA's will have split enough that a captive one becomes available

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Old 04-16-2004, 10:11 PM
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Looks keen

I'm curious what size is your planted tank you have pictured? I like the layout of that.
-- Tony
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Old 04-16-2004, 11:03 PM
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I thought I had a lot of Xenia.. wow!! looks great..

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Old 04-17-2004, 12:34 AM
Bert Bert is offline
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The plant tank is a 100g (6"x18"x18") with 320 watts of NO fluorescent lighting & CO2 injection. I thought I would go with a high nutrient substrate this time around so I could grow the crypts and glosso/ chainsword a little better. I used 1/4 each vermiculite, unscented kitty litter, soiless potting soil, and pond soil for lillies. Growth is excellent, but I'm having a little trouble keeping up with trace nutrients, especially iron. If I stretch the time b/t water changes to more than a week or forget the biweekly TMG dosing, the tips on my limnophila turn bone white. The funny thing is the swords (even a E x barthii, which is normally an iron hog) don't seem too show any signs of iron deficiency. I'll keep experimenting and eventually figure out what is missing. Edmonton tap water doesn't help any, hard and I suspect fairly high in phosphate.

I recieved some glosso and Monosolenium tenerum ("Pellia") not too long ago. The pellia is doing great, and I love the way it looks.

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Old 04-17-2004, 04:16 AM
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Nice pics! You don't seem to get the level of blue that others have reported from that 14K bulb - or is it from Sun Aquatics?

That orange cap - are those polyps pink?
Would like some more pics of that!
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Old 04-17-2004, 05:20 AM
Bert Bert is offline
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No, I think the polyps are just a shade of orange lighter than the coral itself. It's just a piece of the same old orange monti that every edmonton reefer has a chunk of. Frag trading makes for some hillbilly inbred reeftanks, need some out-crossing with frags from other cities (wink-wink-nudge-nudge).

The bulb is an aquaray. I had an "accident" with my previous bulb and didn't have much choice in which type to buy, it was the only one I could find on short notice.

Have you seen anyone running sun aquatic bulbs? how do they look?

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Old 04-17-2004, 05:29 AM
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Do you have these?

The purple might be exaggerated a bit... depends on your lighting. I also have some other zoos with orange, and some brown with blueish centers, likely you've seen similar from Bob_I...

StirCrazy posted some bulb comparison pictures under the Product Reviews (SA bulb reviews part I and II). That should give you some idea.
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