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View Poll Results: What caused your reef tank crash?
I'm not really sure 6 6.52%
Clam spawning 0 0%
Macro algae went sexual 3 3.26%
Overheated from hot weather 5 5.43%
Faulty heater (hot or cold) 12 13.04%
Faulty auto top off 6 6.52%
Faulty doser 0 0%
Other faulty equipment 6 6.52%
I didn't pay enough attention to parameters 15 16.30%
I did something stupid 14 15.22%
Tank sitter did something stupid 3 3.26%
My kids did something to the tank 3 3.26%
Tank broke 5 5.43%
Toxin within the tank (like maybe fragged large leather) 3 3.26%
Toxin outside the tank (like maybe household cleaners) 2 2.17%
Prolonged power outage 5 5.43%
I was away when the tank crashed 8 8.70%
Other 11 11.96%
Tank move/transfer 17 18.48%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 92. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 08-04-2012, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
I just read it: and the couple of other incidents that were shared in your thread.

Toddlers and preschoolers can be such monkeys! It's a good thing that they're so darn adorable (most of the time). My three-year-old is well behaved around our system, for the most part.
So was mine! She was always soo good! That's why it blew me away when she did that.. And she seemed so surprised that I was upset, she started crying! So I had to comfort her while trying to get the soap out of the tank! Lol! You called it, such monkey's!
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Old 08-04-2012, 02:50 PM
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Disease would be my downfall. I had a marine velvet outbreak a few years ago (my ex added a fish without my knowledge from a lfs everyone knows to stay away from) and it ended up killing almost all my fish. Not a total crash but there was many losses.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 08-04-2012, 03:18 PM
toxic111 toxic111 is offline
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Well the poll don't seem to show up in tapatalk. Anyway my 33 crashed when I was away for a long weekend & the heater broke causing the gfi to trip. Water temp was 65F when I got home. Lost all the fish, all the SPS and nearly everything else. One brain coral made it (still have) some hermits & snails and a RBTA that I still have today
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Old 08-04-2012, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by toxic111 View Post
Well the poll don't seem to show up in tapatalk. Anyway my 33 crashed when I was away for a long weekend & the heater broke causing the gfi to trip. Water temp was 65F when I got home. Lost all the fish, all the SPS and nearly everything else. One brain coral made it (still have) some hermits & snails and a RBTA that I still have today
Yes, I'm using tap a talk as well...
So my worst crash ever was in my 55g, I had worked a long day at work, and I came home just beat! The sump I was using on the 55 was major overkill, as I had bought it a few years prior to go in the 120g I had at the time..
Anyway, I unplugged the return pump to feed my corals, and my heater is in my sump. I was just so dam exhausted that instead of plugging it back in half an hour later, I forgot I unplugged it at all and went to bed!! Tank is on lino covered concrete, it was winter.. My temp dropped dramatically and I lost every fish I had. No corals. I was absolutely devastated... The money you loose is totally secondary to knowing such a stupid slip took the lives of those beautiful creatures.. I felt like such a horrible murderer for a long time. It was hard lesson, and a mistake that I will NEVER make again! And yes, I did it, I said NEVER!! Lol
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Old 08-05-2012, 03:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Ohhh, I did forget about that. So many things can go wrong it's hard to think of them all while making a poll! I guess that falls into "other".
Hehe that's what I picked
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 08-05-2012, 05:40 AM
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What is the definition of a tank crash. I have always thought of it as something happening that starts a domino effect where you end up losing everything and have to restart from scratch.
I have never had a tank crash unless losing more then half the fish stock to a disease counts as a crash......

300g tank
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Old 08-05-2012, 05:48 AM
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i just realised one missing option tothis poll...

..thank you fro making me relive my worst nightmare now im going to curl up in a ball sucking my thumb and sobing lines from nemo ,,just keep swimming....

sorry im in a strange place tonight
Desperately seeking serenity ...
180g custom build

50g custom daycare tank...
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Old 08-05-2012, 08:21 PM
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Voted for multiple, because it was multiple.

Power outage for 12 hours in January, caused die off. Excess nutrients cause macro algae to grow like crazy, fill refugium andcaulerpa to go sexual. This caused another cycle, too long for SPS, so there was SPS die off. Calcium reactor was still outputting the same (I did sometihng stupid), and my levels went nuts. API Test kit still showed 7KH, i thought i was good. Got water tested at LFS, 14DKH, bought another test kit(salifert), and showed 14 as well. (Other) Ouch, lots of water changes, small issues with salt being high KH (12KH in new water), but didn't cause too much issue, got more salt and rolled the bucket better this time :P. So things are finally looking up and i wake up to find thatmy kids put a graphing calculator in the sump, complete with batteries the day before. (my fault too, i left the fish room door unlocked with a 3 year old and a 2 year old) Big reset button again for the tank. Overall, lots lots, learned lots, and now things are going GREAT. My tanks still got some aiptasia issues, but coral that had completely browned out(bleached then brown, totally dead) is coming back. I went through and purged the dead-dead stuff, the recovering stuff is looking good.
My 150 In Wall Build
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Old 08-06-2012, 01:02 AM
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I got caught in the bad batch of instant ocean that came out a few years ago(2003). Painful experience.
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Old 08-08-2012, 04:05 AM
rastaangel rastaangel is offline
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Ya ready for my list?
1. First encounter with velvet, killed everything but I was green and didnt even notice it
2. Tank broke
3. Ex-GF killed my 2 large volitans, mini crash as 100% fish died
4. Land lord poisoned tank with ant spray
5. Hair algea took over so I shut down, put corals in another tank and heater cooked that tank
6. Mom overdosed Alk/VSV
7. And just recently I lost a bunch of very rare expensive fish due to a combo of moving stress, bad infestations and suspected bad meds
Hi, my name is Corey... And im a reefaholic.
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