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Old 08-13-2002, 06:33 PM
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Default Where to find CO2 cylinders (other than LFS or MO)

Wondering where people could go to get CO<sub>2</sub> cylinders (if not at LFS). Been trying some welding supply shops, CO<sub>2</sub> supply, medical O<sub>2</sub> supply places, but not really having a huge success rate.

Do CO<sub>2</sub> cylinders ever come up for sale used (there has to be a market other than aquaria, i.e. beverage dispensers)? I called a few places and got laughed at when I asked if they had (or knew of) any second-hand cylinders. Is it really all that absurd a notion?

Surely I'm just calling the wrong places! Someone tell me what category to look up in the yellow pages, PleaseAndThankYou<sub>(tm)</sub>??
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Old 08-13-2002, 06:46 PM
Acro Acro is offline
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Default Where to find CO2 cylinders (other than LFS or MO)

Try a fire protection company
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Old 08-13-2002, 08:22 PM
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Default Where to find CO2 cylinders (other than LFS or MO)


I'm sure you can find a Praxair or Air Liquid place to "rent" a tank from for a year. It will probably be a 20lbs tank. Then when you use it, they just swap the tank. Some places it's hard to find refills if you pruchase you own tank. Make sure it's food grade, not indutrial, they could have some oil "lubrication" in the industrial.

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Old 08-13-2002, 09:38 PM
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Default Where to find CO2 cylinders (other than LFS or MO)

Is it better to rent the tanks then? I actually spoke to both Praxair and Air Liquide (first places I called) and these neither were really amenable to selling a tank. No wait I'm remembering this wrong. I can't remember the price Air Liquide gave me, but I do remember being a bit horrified. When I asked about second-hand cylinders they just laughed. Praxair won't sell a cylinder, but will happily rent one out without a regulator, so that's still an additional cost.

I found one place that sells a 20lb. cylinder with product and regulator for $300. I then found a guy who was willing to sell me an empty tank (he has two) for $180. But no product, no regulator. So add $150 for regulator/solenoid/needle valve, another $20-30 for a fillup CO<sub>2</sub> and already the new tank for $300 is a better deal.

Is this seriously right? For real? It has to be this expensive???

What do most people do? I honestly thought most people were buying their cylinders not renting them.

[ 13 August 2002, 17:55: Message edited by: delphinus ]
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Old 08-13-2002, 11:07 PM
clintyiu clintyiu is offline
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Default Where to find CO2 cylinders (other than LFS or MO)

My 15# cylinder was about $170+/- and my pressure regulator was about $75 both prices include tax. They are both from Liquide Air. The sales person had to change the fitting on the pressure reg. to fit the CO2 cylinder.

You don't actually own any particular cylinder so don't count on it being a conversational piece in your living room. They're rusty and ugly. When your current bottle runs out you exchange it for a full one for ~$20 worth of CO2. This is part of the reason you cannot get a used cylinder. Also, like propane tanks, they have to be pressure tested and approved every ten years.

In my case 15# lasts about a year for both my reef and planted tank. This is way less expensive than leasing the bottle for $150 every year.

Becareful with custom cylinders like that from Sera. You will only get it refilled by a petshop. And you need to call ahead to have a full bottle ready for exchange. CO2 companies will refill for you if you leave it with them for a few days but they will only fill the bottle if it is CSA approved/pressure tested. Lots of hassles...

I heard that some hydroponics shops have CO2 exchange available but that was a while ago. Serious "reefers" use CO2 generators these days.

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Old 08-13-2002, 11:51 PM
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Default Where to find CO2 cylinders (other than LFS or MO)

Originally posted by clintyiu:
You don't actually own any particular cylinder so don't count on it being a conversational piece in your living room.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">this is not nessarly true, go to fire extingusher places, home brew places, and liquid air (or simular types of companies) ask if they have any tanks that are privat sales. I got a 14lb tank for 100.00 including the fill and it is a nice blue.. when I need it filled I take it to a fire extinguisher place and they wll fill it in 5 min while I wait. There are tones of extinguishers out there that are getting cleaned up and re tested and then released into the home brew world. you don't realy have to worry about oils and stuff in your co2 cylenders unless it is filled at a place like a paint ball refill whare they add oil to lubracate the guns.. most CO2 is cleen (used for shielding gas when wielding or putting out fires... both of which require cleen co2) but if you want to be safe go to a home brew and buy one of there.. they are owned usaly and they are to food standard. (but I can tell you when I worked at winekitz and we ordered CO2, we ordered it from the same places that wielders and other companies order theres from..

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Old 08-14-2002, 12:56 AM
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Default Where to find CO2 cylinders (other than LFS or MO)

Wine Kitz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A winemaking place or a fire extinguisher place. I haven't tried any of these yet.

Ooh, OK, I have a renewed enthusiasm to call a few more places and see what I can find.

Hey, um, what about a used scuba tank? Would that work?

BTW, I assuming there is a REALLY good reason I can't just go to Canadian Tire and pick me up a propane tank and use that? Wrong fittings maybe?
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Old 08-14-2002, 01:19 AM
Terrance Wong Terrance Wong is offline
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Default Where to find CO2 cylinders (other than LFS or MO)

I'm also looking for a CO2 system for a calcium reactor. J&L sells a 10 lb with one of their packages, but I haven't asked Allen/John how much more a 20 lb tank would cost.

I wouldn't mind some info if you find a cost of a 20 lb tank.
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Old 08-14-2002, 01:38 AM
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Default Where to find CO2 cylinders (other than LFS or MO)

Originally posted by delphinus:
Wine Kitz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A winemaking place or a fire extinguisher place. I haven't tried any of these yet.

Ooh, OK, I have a renewed enthusiasm to call a few more places and see what I can find.

Hey, um, what about a used scuba tank? Would that work?

BTW, I assuming there is a REALLY good reason I can't just go to Canadian Tire and pick me up a propane tank and use that? Wrong fittings maybe?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">well the PSI rating of a propane tank is way lower than a CO2 cylinder and it would probably explode when they tried to fill it :D

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Old 08-14-2002, 02:34 AM
Shadetree Shadetree is offline
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Default Where to find CO2 cylinders (other than LFS or MO)

I bought a brand new 5 lb CO2 cylinder from this place for $100 + tax. They also sell larger ones. You do have to find a place that will refill your tank while you wait, there is only one place in Vancouver that I could find and that is Liquid Air's head office.

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