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Old 04-09-2004, 04:26 AM
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Well, some bad news for me... My only partner in this game so far, now has a multi status of RED.. Ugh.. I hope he works it out.. Otherwise I am all alone out there..

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Old 04-09-2004, 05:41 AM
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My allies and myself are actually going to remove a guy this weekend that was warned not to attack one of our allies ... some people just dont learn till they open up a can of whoop a$$

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Old 04-09-2004, 05:43 AM
LostMind LostMind is offline
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I dont see a lotto button anywhere. But then again, I am only level 0 with 11 planets and science over 20

but, I am ranked like 1500

So, hmmm.

Good luck chad. I am going to read some msg boards...
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Old 04-09-2004, 06:03 AM
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Ahhh, so I find the lotto and donate buttons ( I never paid attention before I spose) and I go to donate some money.... and I see this:

The PayPal website is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance.
It will be available again at approximately 3:00 AM Pacific Time.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Old 04-09-2004, 07:21 AM
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I shoudla never spent the past hour or so reading those boards.

Now, I kinda lost interest in the game. Seems impossible to do well unless you use kinda sneaky tactics or join a big alliance...
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Old 04-09-2004, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by LostMind

I shoudla never spent the past hour or so reading those boards.

Now, I kinda lost interest in the game. Seems impossible to do well unless you use kinda sneaky tactics or join a big alliance...

What do you mean ? ... I have gotten ranked as high as 294 ( fluctuates a bit day to day up to 364 ) and if a few battles had gone my way ( experience gained and next beta will be different ) I would be much higher ranked by now ... I think a wise use of race attributes, strategic acquisition of planets, a good NAP alliance and a bit of luck is what you need ... remember that some of these guys/gals have been playing since beta 1 so know what to build and when ! ... I dont think a formal alliance is necessary or desired but a good group in a NAP is key.

There will always be those willing to circumvent the system but the admins remove those that are caught ... enjoy the beta and use it as a learning experience for the next one

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
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Old 04-09-2004, 06:48 PM
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Well, its mostly the fact that tehre are those big ass alliances out there, with like 30plus members all funneling money to the top dawg in the alliance. So there are planets out there with cybernets of like 120 and other crazy stuff.

Just seems wrong somehow.

And this beta is over soon anyways, I see the top alliance is at like 370 and only needs 400 to win.

sux! I am not even lvl1!
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Old 04-09-2004, 08:19 PM
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Well, its mostly the fact that tehre are those big ass alliances out there, with like 30plus members all funneling money to the top dawg in the alliance. So there are planets out there with cybernets of like 120 and other crazy stuff. Just seems wrong somehow.

The alliance cant win with a negative balance ... so if there is funneling of A$ it will hurt them in the end ... I have more points than the top 14 alliance

And this beta is over soon anyways, I see the top alliance is at like 370 and only needs 400 to win.

You need 470 points for 3 days as a alliance to win ... my bet is that a individual will win ... the top 4 or 5 guys are part of a alliance so unless the alliance wins they are toast anyway

sux! I am not even lvl1!

Look at this beta as a learning experience

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire
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Old 04-10-2004, 05:57 AM
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I am trying to look at this beta as a learning experience....

But, somethings just bug me... like how I just lost my fleet for no reason.

I had 12 battleships, 20ish cruisers and 100 destroyers sitting on an empty planet, holding it till my culture allowed the next planet. Normal plan, right?

So, I sent over my colony ships when the time was right...

Log in and see the "congratulations, we have colonised blah blah" but, my fleet of battleships, cruisers and destroyers are nowhere to be found.

Not one.

Thats a hard blow to swallow... but oh well, I write it off to a glitch in the game. So I send over 20 colony ships from 5 different planets to get the SB lvl on this new planet up to a decent amount as it is naked... the ships had less then 3 hours for all of them to get to my new planet...

Of course, I login this morning and see that I have lost all 20 colony ships cuz someone in the sector sent *5* destroyers at me! WTH! Only freaking 5!!

So... just built up 10 cruisers, sending those over now in 1 fleet. According to my planet (which I still own cuz the guy didnt send transports), there is now 25 destroyers, but he only has lvl15 science, I have lvl20 math and physics. I HOPE I will defeat him with my cruisers.... but I dunno.

Now, I wish I could figure out where my actual FLEET went... its been MIA for 2 days
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Old 04-10-2004, 06:16 AM
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I would PM the admins for asistance ... bummer

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire
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