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Old 06-17-2012, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
you also don't want any purple acroprora...nasty stuff. If you get some accidentally, send it to me and I'll dispose of it for you..
Really? I have a huge colony of purple acro that could definitely use a trim. Give me a shout and we can set something up for you.
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Old 06-19-2012, 07:47 PM
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Wow am I glad I saw this thread! I was looking for a coral for my second clarkii clown to host and was told they host GSP, Xenia and Clove polyps so I was looking into getting one for my clown as I don't want an anemone.

So what are some other options for me since I'm quite turned off from the corals you guys listed as nuisances now ! I heard clarkii's would host gonioporas, and frogspawn/torch corals. How are these three in the nuisance category, generally safe and easy to keep under control or would you guys discourage any of them? I'm also open to other coral suggestions!
Thanks in advance
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Old 06-19-2012, 07:57 PM
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What about a toadstool? Some toadstools will tolerate Clowns alright. I purchased a hairy toadstool for my clown (along with Xenia, Rhodactis Mushrooms, Clove Polyps, and Daisy Polyps). He likes the cleaner magnet.

My only concern about having Euphyllia and Clowns is that the fish can annoy them and cause damage to them. That said, I have two torch corals, three frogspawn, and a hammer coral in a 10 gallon display tank with the Clownfish . . . and he still likes the cleaner magnet.

Euphyllia aren't typically nuisance corals, though they can have a pretty fierce sting (especially the torch corals).
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Old 06-19-2012, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
What about a toadstool? Some toadstools will tolerate Clowns alright. I purchased a hairy toadstool for my clown (along with Xenia, Rhodactis Mushrooms, Clove Polyps, and Daisy Polyps). He likes the cleaner magnet.
Is the toadstool a type of leather? Cup leather to be exact? LFS doesn't carry much of anything for marine systems so my only option is either to travel or buy online. The sites I've been looking at carry a lot of leather corals but I haven't seen any specifically called "toadstool" yet, though I have heard of them!
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Old 06-19-2012, 08:12 PM
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Hmm. I'm not sure if it would be a "cup leather" or not. I'm not familiar with the term. It is a "leather" coral.
There is a clown being hosted by a green hairy toadstool (the same one I own).

They are Sarcophyton sp.
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Old 06-19-2012, 08:19 PM
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Oh wow that one is awesome! No definitely not the cup leathers that I've been seeing. I have not seen one like this on the sites I've been looking at. I'd like to buy from or j&l but haven't seen a hairy leather/toadstool on either of them.... Hmmmm I wonder if clowns would host the cup leather, Fragalot has a nice neon green one that I've been eyeing up
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Old 06-19-2012, 08:35 PM
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I purchased mine from Snappy here on the forum. It doesn't look like he has any more right now.

The only "negative" about Sarcophyton sp. (that I'm aware of) is that they can get very large. They're reportedly very easy to cut back, though.

The "neon cup leather" on Fragalot's site looks quite similar, as does the "leather colony." The polyps aren't quite the same, but it might be worth a shot.
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Old 06-19-2012, 08:38 PM
MKLKT MKLKT is offline
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Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
I purchased mine from Snappy here on the forum. It doesn't look like he has any more right now.

The only "negative" about Sarcophyton sp. (that I'm aware of) is that they can get very large. They're reportedly very easy to cut back, though.

The "neon cup leather" on Fragalot's site looks quite similar, as does the "leather colony." The polyps aren't quite the same, but it might be worth a shot.
I had a pair of ocellaris that hosted in my toadstool leather (green one from J&L, they usually have a few different toadstools in stock). I bought it at ~4" diameter and maybe 6" tall... it's now easily 1' diameter and almost 1' tall but the stalk is thicker than my arm.

It's easy to frag and only grows where you want it, you can even just cut the whole top off and it'll re-grow a cap.
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Old 06-19-2012, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by MKLKT View Post
I had a pair of ocellaris that hosted in my toadstool leather (green one from J&L, they usually have a few different toadstools in stock). I bought it at ~4" diameter and maybe 6" tall... it's now easily 1' diameter and almost 1' tall but the stalk is thicker than my arm.

It's easy to frag and only grows where you want it, you can even just cut the whole top off and it'll re-grow a cap.
I just checked your build thread . . . your toadstool has had great growth!

Mine started off about 2" tall with a 2" cap around seven weeks ago. It is now 3" tall with a 4"+ cap.
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Old 06-19-2012, 09:16 PM
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Oh another one I forgot to mention is the yellow sun coral. How are they nuisance wise? I was considering one to add some "pop" to my tank but having a hard time finding enough info on them.

I'm strongly leaning towards trying that neon cup leather colony. I loved it in the first place, but now that there's the possibility that my clown might also love it is a bonus. Let's hope he doesn't love it too much and bother it though. I think I'll try that one out for sure

Thanks in advance for opinions/info on the sun coral.
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