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Old 05-22-2012, 08:23 PM
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sounds like a good plan to me. ive heard stories of the rocks not leaching anything and ive heard stories of them leaching lots, so better to be safe than sorry!

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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Old 05-23-2012, 01:43 AM
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Did I miss it some where but what kinda tang is that? Sweet setup.
206 gal tunze centre overflow star fire front illumina 260

Loudest part of my system would be the nagging sound I hear on a regular basis about how much time and money I spend on the tank.
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Old 05-23-2012, 02:55 AM
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Hes a juvie Goldrim/Whitecheek Tang! Awesome fish!

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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Old 05-30-2012, 03:56 AM
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Default WOOPS!

Just set up automatic dosing of Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium with my Marine Magic doser and made a huge woopsie..

Thinking that the first time setting on the first pump was the ON time and the second time setting for the same pump was the off time I plugged in..
Pump A

..thinking that this would turn the pump on at 18:00:00 and off 15 seconds later at 18:00:15.. WRONG! The second line is for the length of time you want the pump to run when it turns on at 18:00:00! My doser was set to pump for 18 hrs LOL. By the time I came by to check on things, 3.5 liters of Calcium solution had been added to the tank. Calcium shot up from 400 to 800 in about 2 hrs..

Luckily for me Alkalinity and Magnesium stayed in check at 7.5 and 1300 respectively and I do not have a snowstorm of precipitate in the tank and everything seems to be doing okay still. I did a 10% waterchange or so as that is all the water I had made up. Hopefully things will be okay and nothing is hurt too badly..

To my defense, the instructions for the doser look to be written by a 12 year old from China who has never spoken a word of English but still, just a reminder to always check, double check, triple check, and check again when it comes to things in this hobby.

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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Old 06-09-2012, 12:47 AM
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Lately I had been wondering why all my SPS seemed to be doing well while my adored Yellow Millepora colony was losing its color and its flesh from the bottom up... Well today I pulled the coral out because I was going to move it to another location in the tank and found a tiny friggen Gorilla crap living inside the Millys branches The coral is not looking so great but I am hoping that since removing this pest the coral will come back.. Crossing my fingers!

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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Old 06-09-2012, 01:28 AM
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Originally Posted by wmcinnes View Post
Lately I had been wondering why all my SPS seemed to be doing well while my adored Yellow Millepora colony was losing its color and its flesh from the bottom up... Well today I pulled the coral out because I was going to move it to another location in the tank and found a tiny friggen Gorilla crap living inside the Millys branches The coral is not looking so great but I am hoping that since removing this pest the coral will come back.. Crossing my fingers!
Gorilla crap eh, now there's something I never thought a person would find in there tank!!

Just bugging, I hope your coral heals!!
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Old 06-22-2012, 08:25 PM
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Yellow Millepora is still alive and is slowly getting its color back!

Just made an order for SPS frags from CoralMaster! Super Excited!

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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Old 06-22-2012, 09:08 PM
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Default Perhaps a real update is in order..

A couple things have happened since my last update.

As I stated before, I am now dosing the big three as water changes are kind of a pain out here in the extreme TDS country.
My tank survived the 3.5 gallon calcium overdose which caused my calcium levels to skyrocket to around 800ppm with little problem to be honest. I had no precipitate so it didn't look like Christmas in the reef, thank goodness! I only did one 30% water change which brought the levels down to around 650 ppm and then just let the corals suck up the rest. As of yesterday my parameters were:

Temp: 79-80 F
pH: 7.90
Calcium: 540 ppm
Alkalinity: 8 DkH
Magnesium: 1300 ppm
PO4: 0.02 ppm
Nitrates: ~2ppm

I attribute the fact that the high calcium levels did not precipitate because my Alkalinity was kept in check.

I have added a MaxiJet 1200 to the bottom corner of my tank just to add a little extra boost of flow to the system until I purchase my second MP40es. Seems as if the corals have responded well to this as they polyp extension has increased.

Unfortunately, with good news comes bad. My Copperband Butterfly had gone missing and for a few days it was a complete mystery as to where he went. Until I put in the maxijet powerhead and started adjusting flows when a chunk of what was left of him floated out from the rocks I still have no idea what happened... he ate so much that I couldn't understand what the fuss was about getting these fish to eat! Still a mystery to me..

After some studying and talking to Steve at Red Coral I decided to start dosing Prodibio supplements, BioDigest and BioPtim. My first dose of this was Wednesday so I don't expect to see results until after the 2nd dose.

I will take some pictures and post them asap.

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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Old 06-22-2012, 10:08 PM
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Old 06-22-2012, 10:12 PM
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And what my Yellow Milly looks like because of stupid crab


Rainforest of the Sea
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