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Old 04-13-2012, 05:51 PM
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+1 for the blue throat. Had one for a couple years, just sold him after he ate the foot off my anemone. In his defence it parked it self right in his favorite spot. Cam't blame him but he had to go after that.
225gal dt with 100g sump. Mitras, vortechs, bubble king, AI Sol and Profilux.
Will trade subs for frags

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Old 04-13-2012, 07:02 PM
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Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
You have a snowflake!!!!!????

Do you have a top on your aquarium, if not, how is it going with it trying to escape? I always wanted one, but haven't due to my open top.

Nice tank!
I've had him for just over 2 weeks with no cover on the tank. I didn't want to take him before we went away, but it was either now or never due to the other person shutting their system down and previous arrangements made. I got him a few days before we left and I didn't have a chance to make a cover before we left - its the plan for this weekend. So far, I have not seen any attempt whatsoever of an escape. He's in the tank by himself with the CUC, so no harrassment.
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Old 04-29-2012, 06:57 PM
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I just tested tank parameters as I get ready for a water change

Ca 460
Kh 6
Ph 8.1
Salinity 1.025
Temp between 79-80.5 - noticing with warmer weather, temp increasing so need to adjust.

Kh and mag are low, will dose to bring them up. Overall, happy with tank...have some new corals and a fish coming Monday. Everything is doing great...
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Old 06-04-2012, 06:18 PM
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Well the tank is doing alright. I have added a few fish, including a male blue throat trigger (I LOVE this guy), diamond watchman goby, red velvet wrasse, tomini tang and a two spot hogfish I know its a lot at once, but this weekend added a yellow tang, red coris wrasse and a leopard wrasse. Both wrasses dug into the sand as soon as they hit the water, so I expect it might take a few days before they venture out. I love all the movement of the fish and its interesting how they interact with each other. The hippo tang swims with the radiant wrasse and is very territorial with him. The tomini gave the yellow a few slaps yesterday, but seemed ok by lights out. The hippo does not like the trigger at all, so this makes me a bit nervous...I had been good at adding only 1 per week, but the last 3 were a good more fish for a while.

I also added a rose tip anenome accidentally to this tank...I bought it for my 55, but wasn't ready to put it in there as I had just made changes to the 55. Well, my clown found the nem within 2 days of it going in and I don't think I'm going to move it to the other tank, they both seem happy. I'm concerned with the coloring of the nem, its tips are pinkish, but the bottoms of its tentacles are whitish. I'm assuming good water quality and feedings will help this guy color back up?

As for corals, haven't added too much recently. Still trying to help the ones that have been struggling for a while. No worse, but no better....

One thing that is troubling me is my salinity has dropped. I checked late yesterday and it was down to 1.022. I mixed up water last night and will change today. I can change about 25-30gls, what should I have the salinity at in the mixed water to make a difference in the tank? It normally sits at 1.025-1.026.

Will add pics later.
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Old 06-04-2012, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
Well the tank is doing alright. I have added a few fish, including a male blue throat trigger (I LOVE this guy),.............................................

I also added a rose tip anenome accidentally to this tank...I bought it for my 55, but wasn't ready to put it in there as I had just made changes to the 55. Well, my clown found the nem within 2 days of it going in and I don't think I'm going to move it to the other tank, they both seem happy. I'm concerned with the coloring of the nem, its tips are pinkish, but the bottoms of its tentacles are whitish. I'm assuming good water quality and feedings will help this guy color back up?
I have a female blue throat in my 180 and miss Piggy is one of my favorite fish. Wanted a male but the only one at blue world wasn't eating

Your nem's colors are the same as mine. Rose pink tips, white base with a tint of green. Mine has been growing well for the two months I've had it and it even split once already. I don't think you have anything to be concerned about. If it wasn't happy it would move somewhere else.
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Old 06-04-2012, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by reefgirl189 View Post
I have a female blue throat in my 180 and miss Piggy is one of my favorite fish. Wanted a male but the only one at blue world wasn't eating

Your nem's colors are the same as mine. Rose pink tips, white base with a tint of green. Mine has been growing well for the two months I've had it and it even split once already. I don't think you have anything to be concerned about. If it wasn't happy it would move somewhere else.
You could add a male as well when you find one, it was an idea thrown at me when I got mine as I guess as pair they have interesting behaviours. Mine is a pig as well, I love triggers and one of the reasons I wanted a bigger tank!! He's a very nervous fish though but getting braver, he hides when our dog barks close to the tank!!!

Won't worry about the nem, the clown feeds it so it gets enough food. I hope it doesn't move......

You should update your build, haven't seen pics in a while either...
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Old 06-06-2012, 12:36 AM
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Red. Coris. Wrasse. Beautiful fish but what a pita!! Come home and 2 mushroom rocks are upside down, flip back over, walk away, 10 mins later, upside down tank and sure enough, the wrasse is flipping them in front of me. First fish I've added that I think I'm up a bit and although reef safe with caution, I was not expecting this......ugh.
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Old 06-06-2012, 01:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
Red. Coris. Wrasse. Beautiful fish but what a pita!! Come home and 2 mushroom rocks are upside down, flip back over, walk away, 10 mins later, upside down tank and sure enough, the wrasse is flipping them in front of me. First fish I've added that I think I'm up a bit and although reef safe with caution, I was not expecting this......ugh.
Sorry to hear that but thanks for the info!
225gal dt with 100g sump. Mitras, vortechs, bubble king, AI Sol and Profilux.
Will trade subs for frags

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Old 06-28-2012, 04:50 AM
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Just gone thru your journal... Love your lights and def jealous as I wish I could have a bigger tank! I like the diff variety of corals you have and wish I could keep clams... for some reason they dont like me much and I've never had much success with clams...

Pic update?
Thanks for sharing!
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Old 06-28-2012, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
Red. Coris. Wrasse. Beautiful fish but what a pita!! Come home and 2 mushroom rocks are upside down, flip back over, walk away, 10 mins later, upside down tank and sure enough, the wrasse is flipping them in front of me. First fish I've added that I think I'm up a bit and although reef safe with caution, I was not expecting this......ugh.
I'd have to agree. I love my red coris but definitely a PITA. FYI they aren't reef safe, they are listed with the non-reef safe wrasses on most sites. Mine is 6-7" now and when he was 2-3" Doug and I tried to catch him out of my reef tank (took all the rock out and dug through the sand searched for 3 days before putting the rock back) and I sill wasn't able to catch him He often flips rocks around, ate my almost all my crabs and snails (a few big ones survived) but I will say on the plus side (knock on wood) he hasn't ate my shrimp yet. Beautiful for sure but a PITA.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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