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Old 05-05-2012, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I would have to go ahead and agree with Naesco, although sending the message a little more diplomatically would likely result in more positive responses.


Putting these "typically difficult to keep" fish in the hands of uneducated, inexperienced, or careless reefkeepers is really sad. When you've been around forums for a long time it gets tiring to read repetitive threads like, "What's wrong with my CBB?".
Unfortunately, with these forums, too many people like to just regurgitate popular or politically correct opinion, rather than provide constructive advice based on direct experience. Certainly CBB's and Cleaner Wrasse require more knowledge, care and attention than a Damsel or Angel. But that doesn't mean no one should ever keep these fish as Naesco advocates, and now Myka with her endorsement of Naesco.

In the case of CBB's, there is plenty of good information available about these fish, and how to set up a proper QT environment that suits the fish's behavior and feeding requirements. Both Daniella and myself (and others) have posted extensively about this.

I know far less about Cleaner Wrasse (but probably more than those that just say don't buy them), but would like to learn more. I would like to see more posts (like Daniella's) about how to do it successfully, and also what not to do. Personally, I am not ready to buy a Cleaner Wrasse (and don't know if I ever will), but I do appreciate hearing from those that have been successful, and those who have not (to try and find out why).

I am sure both Naesco and Myka mean well, but they would have a lot more credibility with me, if they advised caution and knowledge with these fish rather than just say "The chances of a cleaner wrasse surviving more than a week or two are almost nil". That statement is just not true.

Instead, I wish more of our "trusted experts" on this forum would advocate proper QT practices, that are appropriate to the specific fish (and coral). QT is not just about preventing disease, but also about acclimatizing and getting your fish strong and healthy before moving them to the display tank.

For me, it's more "tiring" to read over and over about newbies (and sometimes "experts", too) and how their fish are sick and dying because of ich and velvet (although often mistaken for ich). Saying to just just feed garlic instead of QT, is most irresponsible, IMO. And I am speaking from direct experience here, when I got burned initially by listening to the "experts" and going through the horrible ich in my display tank experience. Since then, I have gone QT (hypo only, no copper) with 100% success rates.

So hopefully, we can see more posts about what to do (and not to do) with keeping Cleaner Wrasse, and other other "difficult to keep" fish. There is no substitute for direct experience when it comes to knowledge.
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Last edited by Reef Pilot; 05-05-2012 at 02:43 PM.
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Old 05-05-2012, 03:09 PM
tim the toolman tim the toolman is offline
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I was a newbie to salt when I got my cleaner wrasse and now about 2 years later it is still doing great.
That is all.
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Old 05-05-2012, 03:16 PM
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Thank you Reef Pilot,....exactly what I was thinking. Very well said.
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Old 05-05-2012, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by mws View Post
Cleaner wrasse is not an exception, like any other fish. I had mine for over a year and he is fat and eats everything, but he doesn't clean fish anymore.
This is interesting. Have others found that their Cleaner Wrasse stop cleaning other fish after a year or two eating other foods?
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Old 05-05-2012, 05:05 PM
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yes that seem to be a common pattern from those that I know who have one for a long time.

Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
This is interesting. Have others found that their Cleaner Wrasse stop cleaning other fish after a year or two eating other foods?
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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Old 05-05-2012, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
But that doesn't mean no one should ever keep these fish as Naesco advocates, and now Myka with her endorsement of Naesco.
Naesco is definitely rather more extremist than I am. I don't think that "no one should ever keep these fish", you haven't seen me say that exactly. I think newbies shouldn't keep these fish. Just as I think newbies shouldn't keep any other challenging species of fish. Newbies lack the knowledge to recognize problems while the problem is still young enough to reverse or treat. In a perfect world, it would be nice if newbies stuck to captive bred fish (well in a perfect world we would all stick to captive bred fish) where their mistakes would have less impact.

In the case of CBB's, there is plenty of good information available about these fish, and how to set up a proper QT environment that suits the fish's behavior and feeding requirements. Both Daniella and myself (and others) have posted extensively about this.
CBBs and Cleaner Wrasses seem to be a lot like Mandarins where they have specific feeding requirements/habits, but in the case of CBBs I think it is more than that (cyanide maybe?). You read of many people that have had CBBs and Cleaner Wrasse for some time (6 months, a year?) then suddenly they quit eating, get pinched bellies, and die in just a few days. Fish don't die from not eating for a few days. Something else is going on. And no, the experts and scientists don't know yet.

Recently, it has been discovered there is some sort of Bangaii Cardinal virus (or such) that kills off wild caught Bangaii. Most people in the business will confirm often poor survival rates of wild caught Bangaii. Or some batches are good while other perish. They are eating one day, floating the next. One will die here and there until none are left. There is a research group right now that just got together and are working to solve this problem and research the Bangaii in general. They are working on people's donations. Go here to donate:

My point is, even though people have been keeping and even breeding Bangaii Cardinals for many years there has been this virus that no one knew about mysteriously killing off so many Bangaii Cardinals that the average hobbyist has likely been completely ignorant of. Maybe such things exist with other "difficult to keep" species?

You see, I'm not so quick to support people attempting to keep difficult species simply because their requirements are mostly a mystery right now. I can't support hundreds of people trying in hopes that someone will find the answers. I would rather donate (like I have) to research projects where experts can figure this out, and publish works that we can all learn from.

I know far less about Cleaner Wrasse (but probably more than those that just say don't buy them)
That's just a silly assumption.

I am sure both Naesco and Myka mean well, but they would have a lot more credibility with me, if they advised caution and knowledge with these fish rather than just say "The chances of a cleaner wrasse surviving more than a week or two are almost nil". That statement is just not true.

Instead, I wish more of our "trusted experts" on this forum would advocate proper QT practices, that are appropriate to the specific fish (and coral).
I agree that statement isn't true. I'm not looking for credibility from you, I don't even know you. I haven't been posting much lately, but in the last 6 months I've mentioned the word "quarantine" in 15 different threads. I'm actually working on a quarantine article right now.

For me, it's more "tiring" to read over and over about newbies (and sometimes "experts", too) and how their fish are sick and dying because of ich and velvet (although often mistaken for ich). Saying to just just feed garlic instead of QT, is most irresponsible, IMO.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 05-05-2012 at 05:25 PM.
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Old 05-05-2012, 05:29 PM
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Daniella, you talk about white worms a lot, have you ever tried black worms (not Tubifex) with your CBB or Cleaner?

Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
This is interesting. Have others found that their Cleaner Wrasse stop cleaning other fish after a year or two eating other foods?
Yeah, that seems to be typical of the Cleaners I know.
~ Mindy

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Old 05-05-2012, 05:59 PM
Mike-fish Mike-fish is offline
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well i think we all saw this debate coming. mine 3+ years in and going strong still cleans my powder blue almost daily great fun to watch as they chase one another around the tank. and he was one of my first fish the day after the very first 5 went in the tank. tank had been "cycling" for about a year then
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Old 05-05-2012, 06:17 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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id put $100 say no one on this forumn has one over 5 yrs old.....

ive had many including an adult i had for 2 1/2 yrs old, it ate fine was the most active fish in my tank.

it also didnt clean fish, never really did, cleaned my hand though all the time:P

most died for no apparent reason , didnt look sick or skinny, wasnt getting chased bullied or stressed...

ive been reefing for awhile and in a few different provinces and i dont think i know of anyone who has one older than 5yrs

im not against getting another as they are nice fish and its not impossible to keep them short term but i will wait a while to see what the hobby comes up with for them.....

after all patience is what its all about
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Old 05-05-2012, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I agree that statement isn't true. I'm not looking for credibility from you, I don't even know you. I haven't been posting much lately, but in the last 6 months I've mentioned the word "quarantine" in 15 different threads. I'm actually working on a quarantine article right now.

Myka, you're contradicting yourself. Here, you agree with me that Naesco's statement isn't true. But earlier you said "I would have to go ahead and agree with Naesco". Which is it? That's what I mean about credibility. And no, you don't know about me either, that is obvious. But I have to chuckle when I read one of my own posts in the threads you have just referenced here.

I have read a lot of your posts and articles, Myka (hard not to, you are a very prolific writer). But with all due respect, you sound more like a reporter than someone advising based on their own direct experience. I know you are a long time reefer, so don't get me wrong. But I haven't seen a lot of new or unique information coming from you that I haven't seen before on other forums or by googling. I may be wrong (hope I am actually), and feel free to correct me.

By contrast, I have found that Daniella has a tremendous amount of unique and useful experiences, and I have learned to really appreciate and trust her contributions. I have seen pics of her tanks, too, so she definitely knows what she is talking about. I actually had a rocky introduction on this forum with her when she very unkindly admonished me for trying to keep two Copperbands in one tank. But she was right (had to sell one).

Myka, I know you write articles for magazines. Ever thought of profiling someone (like Daniella maybe) that could provide some new and unique insight to reef keeping. Your writing skills and her experience could be a dynamite combination. Just a thought.

Having said all that, you and I probably don't differ much, if any, on our views about QT. I just wish you would better separate yourself from "elitists" like Naesco who puts more merit on 1970's articles than current reefers' direct experiences.
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Last edited by Reef Pilot; 05-05-2012 at 07:15 PM.
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