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Old 04-21-2012, 10:00 PM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
I'm going to try to avoid a scrubber. I'll try Chaeto and HC GFO to start with. If I need to expand the system, I can move the beer fridge and add another tank.
I dunno.. the beer fridge is a must IMO
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 04-21-2012, 10:10 PM
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Woah there big fella !!!! I didn't say remove. I'm crazy, but not certifiably so
There's room on another wall beside my desk if I get rid of a useless hutch
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Old 04-22-2012, 11:23 PM
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I posted this for lockrookie so thought I may as well add it here in case it inspires someone

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Old 04-24-2012, 12:56 AM
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I went shopping today for a simple check valve for the chaeto system.
For those of you out of the loop, the new system bleeds loads of air into the lines that causes the system to puke loads of water over the sump sides on re-start.

For those of you looking for the short story;
I drove over 70 miles and spent 5 hours to bring home the needed plumbing

For those of you willing to read the long story;
I left home @ 9:30am and drove to Ocean Aquatics. When I got there, I found out they didn't have the 1" clear union swing check valve I wanted, so I bought a 1-1/2" one. I then left Delta and headed for Corix in Coquitlam. Little did I know about how bad the construction delays are on the Fraser River Perimeter Road. It took me an hour and 25 minutes.
OK, no biggie, I've got time today and it's still only 12:30.
I found all the adaptors I needed and got out of there for under $6. Woohoo !
Out to the truck go I and, before I drive away, I decided to test fit a couple fittings in the new valve. To my dismay, the slip fittings fall into the valve. So back into Corix I go and attempt to solve the problem. Sorry, Charlie ....
The new valve was manufactured wrong.
OK .... deep breath ........ ( I need a beer ) .... I have to go back to OA.
I love driving my truck, but I have a tank to finish.
40 mins back to Delta ..... good thing I get great reception ... I forgot my media.
I get back to OA and show bud the issue. Even He's shocked. They had one valve left the same size and, lo and behold, the fittings are correct. I just happened to grab the one in stock that was made wrong.
No biggie, away I go with one that works.
Out the door, into the truck, out the driveway, hmmm ... this valve is too big for my space.
Back to the store, exchange for the only 3/4" one they have, test fit with a 3/4" fitting I have with me, all good.
Hit the road. Hit the ..... Alex Fraser traffic ........ on River Road ..... puddle along for another 1/2 hour.
Alright, I'm in New West, I'll take the Marine Way exit for Burnaby and .... Oh crap, they changed the off-ramp. Now I'm really in New West ... and look at all the cars ............................................
It took me another 1/2 hour to get to Kingsway .... Oh look, a beer store. That'll come in handy in about 15 mins.
I got home @ 2 flippin' 30

I'll post a pic or 2 of the finished plumbing when it's done. I'm still messin' with it and knocking down some liquid prozac
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Old 04-24-2012, 02:33 AM
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The new valve works very well. I am again very happy with my decision to make a change.
There's no more air/draining issues causing a huge mess on pump re-start.
I've turned the pump off/on over the last hour, letting the sump equalize between tests, and it's awesome
Keep in mind ... this change was not done to eleviate back-flow per se, but only to stop air intrusion.
So, forward and onward again to get this little tank salty
Here's the new setup

Ya, Brett, I have become lazy with the cement.
Brett commented on the neat-ness of my first few joints way back when I began. I started off making everything really clean looking, but have, after 50' of pipe and $100s of dollars in glass and fittings, lost my patience and went with 'just glue it, who's gonna see it ?'
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Old 04-24-2012, 02:57 AM
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It's ok man I didn't even iron the sheets I hung behind my tank =) Not sure I even have an iron these days actually lol.

I can relate to the air bubbles/splashing. When I bring my water-change section of the sump back online I have to do it really slow. Huge bubbles fly out and the water level is less than an inch from the top of the sump in that compartment. I've 'gone over' many times
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Old 04-24-2012, 03:11 AM
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sloppy joints make for a better seal.....thats my theory anyway.....

man it looks like you JUST got that valve in there!
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Old 04-24-2012, 03:20 AM
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It'll definitely help you sleep easy once the power goes out
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 04-24-2012, 03:31 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
It's ok man I didn't even iron the sheets I hung behind my tank =) Not sure I even have an iron these days actually lol.

I can relate to the air bubbles/splashing. When I bring my water-change section of the sump back online I have to do it really slow. Huge bubbles fly out and the water level is less than an inch from the top of the sump in that compartment. I've 'gone over' many times
Too funny you got in right there.
Oh, I probably haven't even washed any sheets in awhile ( don't tell Donna )
Glad you understand the splashing thing. It drove me nuts.

Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
sloppy joints make for a better seal.....thats my theory anyway.....

man it looks like you JUST got that valve in there!
Ya, it was kinda sketchy. I almost brought home a 1-1/2" instead of the 3/4" one. That would have set me off like, umm, set me off
I'm glad I turned around and exchanged the valves.
I can see me now, going to Home Dee Pot for the umteenth time and spend another $15-20 to replace something I botched

For the record, I enjoy talkin' with you guys, All you guys, 'cause I really like the contact, but, Man, I really need to get some local Reef friends to talk to
If it wasn't for you all, my wife would have been eligible for parole by now

Last edited by gregzz4; 04-24-2012 at 03:35 AM.
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Old 04-24-2012, 03:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Nano View Post
It'll definitely help you sleep easy once the power goes out
Kenny, it's not for the back-flow .... It's to stop air getting into the system. The sump can handle the small amount of this tank
The problem was air getting back into the circuit, from that tank being so hi above the sump, and bubbling out when the pump re-starts.
It made a huge mess with all the air coming out of the lines, overflowing the sump and splashing everywhere.
I'm running switches and so on for 'sleeping' security, but they aren't ready yet.
That will be for a later post
You'll see some more 'too much' if I do what I'm thinking
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