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Old 04-23-2012, 10:24 PM
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Default Fragalot Group Buy Lower Mainland Spring 2012

So interested in a Fragalot group buy and live in the lower mainland?

Steps as I see it:
1. Choosing a host. Someone with tank space or a usable quarantine tank able to host the purchases until the buyers have a chance to pickup their frags. I would hope everyone could pickup their frags within five days of them landing at our host. Host would need to be central and preferably south of the Fraser. Preferably host is a canreef regular so we can all feel good about trusting him/her with our purchases

2. Payment. I am thinking PayPal has some group options we can take advantage of. Should be easy. Payment coordinator does not have to be the frag host but it might make things easier.

3. Communicating with Fragalot. I remember one group buy where communication was poor and timing was unlucky because the seller had some serious personal issues at the time. This caused some aggravation and stress all around and I am hoping to avoid that. I am hoping Burc or whoever coordinates our order will post here and keep us all in the loop.

DO NOT MAKE FRAGALOT PURCHASES AND SAY TO THE SELLER THAT YOU ARE PART OF THE CANREEF GROUP BUY AT THIS TIME. I think this was the root of some of the confusion on that other group buy. If you want something from Fragalot NOW then go ahead and make the purchase and ship to yourself.

Once we sort out the details of the group buy we will communicate as a team to the seller and life will be good. If you do not understand this last point speak up now.

Discuss please.

Last edited by Snaz; 04-23-2012 at 10:31 PM.
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Old 04-23-2012, 10:30 PM
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I may be interested in joining in, I see a few things on his site I may be interested.
Would probably feel more comfortable getting somebody else whos getting more to order for me and I pay them. Ive never done any type of online ordering haha.
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Old 04-23-2012, 10:33 PM
Ginu Ginu is offline
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I will jump for some frags as well.
Casual reefer
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Old 04-23-2012, 10:35 PM
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I have some credit i'd like to use up, so I'd be interested in getting in on a group buy.
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Old 04-23-2012, 11:17 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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I'm in. I don't mind coordinating with him either. I can receive the shipment and hold things provided that most people pick up their stuff within a day or two as my tank isn't huge.

Some recommendations:
1) Let's set a final date that this goes through so we're not waiting forever for people to figure their stuff out.
2) Pick ups have to happen that day unless you make arrangements with the receiver to hold your shipment as they'll have to take them out of the bags and acclimate them to their tank rather than just floating the bags.
3) By a certain date, have everyone submit their orders to a coordinator who will check the availability of items as his site isn't always up to date. Coordinator will inform those who may be affected by availability. When he gets bombarded by emails is when mistakes start to happen.
4) Let's make a list of who's in.

New frags baby!
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Old 04-23-2012, 11:59 PM
Kryos Kryos is offline
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Is there a minimum we need to reach? about how much would we save? do we just save on shipping? There are a few frags I'm interested in, but depends on how much I save/spend.
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Old 04-24-2012, 12:03 AM
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$300 is the min...and you have to add tax on paypal payments... but email money transfers are tax free! with my group orders, i just tell everyone what they owe after it's confirmed in stock and they pay on their own!
Flash - Free Agent

Fb- edmonton fish coral and hardware buy and sell!
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Old 04-24-2012, 12:45 AM
Paigee Paigee is offline
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I might be interested! I'll keep checking in for more details!

Last edited by Paigee; 04-24-2012 at 12:51 AM. Reason: Adding more
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Old 04-24-2012, 01:10 AM
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$300 gets us free shipping which saves everyone $45 so there is your savings. We should keep this as simple as possible perhaps if we pay individually as per Flash's group buys.

I am fine with ScubaSteve hosting the frags and coordinating the sale. Anyone object to Steve's 1 day pick up rule?

Dates. We should hard set some dates.

Ship date. The date everything ships and expect order to arrive at host next day.

Cut-off date/time. Last chance to order and be included in this group buy. This is needed for Burc for obvious reasons.

Inventory date. A firm date with accurate inventory list from Burc. This is when we begin to order our purchases, first come first serve.

Discuss please.
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Old 04-24-2012, 01:37 AM
Reef-Geek Reef-Geek is offline
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I am in if it happens within 2 weeks, I'll spend minimum 60 dollars.
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