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Old 04-18-2012, 09:17 PM
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Default Buying used...

Hello everyone As mantioned in my other post I am being treated to a 28 gallon nano for my birthday on Friday....however I have stumbled across someone selling a full 90 gallon set up for less than what it will cost me to buy just my starter kit and stand. My question is, what are the red flags of buying used? And how well does a 90 gallon set up deal with a big move? It is full of fish, corals and inverts as well as live rock...Due to being a complete noob at this I of course do not already have a tank at home that I can have set up and waiting to recieve all of these living creatures....and I don't see how I could possibly move 90 gallons of water from the existing big fear is that moving the live rock will cause significant die off leading to the death off all of his fish...Also, even if I was to go buy an RO DI unit that morning it will take too long to get it to make 90 gallons worth of good water so I would potentially have to use chemicals and tap water to get the thing filled FAST to all of the living things could get in there ASAP....advice from anyone???
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Old 04-18-2012, 09:23 PM
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if you can go big, do it the hard part about big moves, is a lot of the water has to come with the tank so you will need a lot of buckets (especially for 90g) also if its set up and you can see that you may not need to worry about leaks too much. when a tank is taken down and purchased I would suggest to leak test it first, but as said, sounds like its still running ATM.
die off is for sure a risk in longer larger moves, in your case I would wait for a few others to pipe in with some tips
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 04-18-2012, 09:23 PM
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If you post a link people will likely chime in and let you know if it's reasonable and provide you with information regarding the included equipment.

Ideally it would be best to get a system just including equipment and live rock, that way everything can be moved without water and there is no rush to get things setup. Once everything is moved to your place the rock can be temporary placed in a large inexpensive container full of fresh heated saltwater. The rock can remain in there until you have setup the tank. Depending on the condition of the rock you may want to do further treatments in the container prior to adding it to the tank.
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Old 04-18-2012, 09:27 PM
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i buy almost all my stuff used... i take my chances but usually give it a good once over before i hand over the cash!
Flash - Free Agent

Fb- edmonton fish coral and hardware buy and sell!
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Old 04-18-2012, 09:31 PM
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I have had 2 setups that I bought used. I highly recommend it. I would go with the larger tank because the water chemistry is more stable, essentially it will take more of anything to have the same effect on the chemistry compared to a smaller set up.

Moving the system is relatively easy. You really need a few buckets, or a couple of big rubbermaid containers. I have done this before and used treated tap water , I still use treated tap water in my 100g tank, so you don't have to panic if you don't have an RO setup yet. If you move the livestock and rocks in buckets or rubbermaid containers, you will end up with a fair amount of the original water. I would suggest that you get the salinity and temp of the water before you pick up the setup so you can premix some top up water for the system once you have it set up.
The key thing is to keep testing the water at least once a day for a few days to keep an eye on ammonia and nitrates. Be prepared to do a few water changes over the first two weeks.
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Old 04-18-2012, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Ideally it would be best to get a system just including equipment and live rock ...
This is probably the best 'used system' option a beginner should consider. Buying a 'ready made' system will require lots of help from someone experienced to avoid loss.
All the knowledge and satisfaction that you gather building up your own system would be missed.
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Old 04-18-2012, 10:07 PM
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I've bought used many times off of canreef members. I've many positive experiences and one bad one.

My tips would be to see the actual item before buying if you can. Do not trust that the seller's opinion of what condition the item is in is true. i.e. What is their opinion of "Great" condition is really your idea of "poor" condition.

Make sure you try to buy from someone who has a reputation around here that they hold in high regard. People selling big ticket items like radion leds or bubbleking skimmers who have only one post are kind of suspicious. Especially if they live in cuba or something and want payment before shipping.

If you can try to find a complete set up or near complete set up it can save you hundreds or thousands and it's a great way to get in the hobby.

See the item working in person.

See the item working in person.

And lastly, see the item working in person!
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Old 04-18-2012, 10:22 PM
msjboy msjboy is offline
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only problem buying used is the life of the tank... seals might eventually break especially if it is say 7 - 9 yrs old. Always ask the history of the tank itself. Also, if there are things like wavemakers, it will shorten the seals. Aside from that, I highly recommend buying used just incase you don't like the hobby, you only take a small financial hit. (like buying a used/demo car as opposed to new car.. someone else takes the depreciation).

Also, true, go big ( I recommend at least 30 gallons minimum for a reef tank to achieve minimal fluations in salt water, temps, waste, etc)... probably ideal is 55 - 90 gallons... from there, it will also get potentially expensive to run in terms of heat, light, maintenace etc. not to mention heavy especially if you live upstairs.

happy reefing


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Old 04-19-2012, 01:06 AM
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Well, thanks guys I don't think that will be the tank for me lol, here is what the guy wrote me back about the questions I had about his tanks...

just to give you heads up you dont have to have all the bells and whistles to run a salt tank, depends if your close to a window your lights dont have to be so powerful for coral. and that depends if you get soft or hard coral. when you buy your rock if its full of holes than you dont have to buy as much (1lb/gal rule of thumb) buy about half to 2/3. if you over size your filter it helps keep water cleaner longer, i just used tap water in mine and never had an issue. skimmers are useful but not mandatory keeps the surface water looking nice. i think when i set up my next tank i will go with an over flow filter cause than you dont need any ugly stuff hanging in your tank (skimmer, heater, hoses, ect)
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Old 04-19-2012, 02:08 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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You don't want the sun lighting your tank unless you are trying to grow lots of algae. Control over all aspects of a reef tank is essential.
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