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Old 04-14-2012, 02:25 AM
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Looks like you'd need inner stoppers for those hinges. Maybe the sprung-magnetic style ( there's also this and this kind ) up high? My wife hates that kind, but you get the idea
If you don't mind door knobs these are cool, and this is also cool, as long as you don't lose the knobs !
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Old 04-14-2012, 03:31 AM
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Those Soss hinges are awesome, but they won't work. They position the doors within the opening rather than the doors covering the opening. The trouble with that is that it would be a real pain in the butt to block the light coming from the sump which would shine out the crack between the door and the opening. Right now the skin on my stand only covers the 2x4s, so the opening is as big as possible. It wouldn't take much to modify the doors I have to work with the Soss hinges. I was considering the option at one point. For now though I'm just going to stick with what I have and hurry up to get some water in the tank! Replacing doors later is pretty easy.

I'm going to silicone the overflow in tomorrow morning, and hope to have the tank running by Sunday evening. I guess I will see how quickly the silicone dries.
~ Mindy

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Old 04-14-2012, 04:33 AM
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When I silicone my overflow within 8 hrs I was gtg
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
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Old 04-14-2012, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Skimmer King View Post
When I silicone my overflow within 8 hrs I was gtg
Haha, you're nuts! I'm going to wait at least 24 hours. I have to paint the bottom of the stand still anyway which needs to dry fully before I can put it down on the carpet. I should have done that during the week sometime.
~ Mindy

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Old 04-14-2012, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Haha, you're nuts! I'm going to wait at least 24 hours. I have to paint the bottom of the stand still anyway which needs to dry fully before I can put it down on the carpet. I should have done that during the week sometime.

I know
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
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Old 04-15-2012, 11:33 PM
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So I totally bunged up. I had this brilliant idea to use a hammer to knock the corner off the glass overflow liner to make room for the silicone joint that runs along the bottom of the tank. Yeah, I have NO idea why I did that. The annoying part is that I have all the tools needed to grind or cut that little corner off, but nooooo I had to use a hammer. Mad at self. Needless to say, I need to order a new piece of glass on Monday and there won't be any water in the tank this weekend. Sigh...

I still have to drill the return hole. I'm going to drill it for 3/4" bulkhead even though I really only need 1/2" return from the pump. I want to try it with 1/2" line and 3/4" and see if I get any "free" extra flow from using 3/4".

Here it is in it's spot. The color is pretty accurate in this pic. Doors still need clear coat. I haven't decided on background color, but will probably be black. After looking at it all set up I will definitely be making a short wrap (canopy) for the top.

~ Mindy

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Old 04-15-2012, 11:39 PM
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I feel for ya. I busted my new chaeto tank yesterday trying to move a line. I'm not going to buy another 2mm tank but rather try making my own with 6mm and the old framing.
Stand looks great.
So I see your going to be using a scraper on some panes
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Old 04-21-2012, 08:35 PM
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Any progress ?
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Old 05-02-2012, 03:19 PM
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The tank has almost all of my LPS corals in it now. I put a couple juvenile Galaxy Clarkii clowns in there yesterday. I don't have the return pump hooked up yet. I painted the back and took some pics, but they seem to have been lost. I must have deleted them off my camera before my trip to Kauai. With only 2 T5 bulbs I can't get the color to my liking. I'm looking for a used 4-bulb fixture to put over the tank already.

Greg, in reference to your previous post, the European hinges hold the doors closed so I don't need magnetic latches. I'm going to buy the "soft-close" pieces for the hinges so they won't slam shut.
~ Mindy

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Old 05-03-2012, 01:58 AM
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Excellent. Glad to hear the hinges you picked work
Lookin' forward to some pics

Figured you were out of town. Hope you had a wonderful time
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