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Old 03-29-2012, 07:00 PM
tt101 tt101 is offline
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Originally Posted by Faithinc View Post
I've spent the last few months visiting all the stores, and I've gotta say the staff and community at each location has been phenomenal. Everyone had great service. What I found interesting was that costs, in regards to both coral and fish, were pretty equal across the bord. Where MA or AI was higher on some fish, they were cheaper on some coral. Or where BWA has great prices on coral, some types of coral were higher than others. But over-all, whether its RC, BWA, AI--all stores have pretty average prices. At most you'd save a couple of dollars by picking up your Zoas here, your Frogspawn there, your Xenias there... but you'd lose it all in gas anyways.

I've found that when shopping for coral... the reason you shop around is not so much for price, but for selection. Finding that perfect Zoa that fits your tank, or the perfect mushroom to fill that spot in the corner--its all about preference and which LFS's has what you want/need in at the time you need/want it!
TOTALLY agree, you shouldn't shop for price because sure something is really cheap but it could turn out to look like crap so whats the gain...and your pretty right about stores being average on priceing. i was thinking that since i barely knew about half of the stores we have here that their could be this one little hidden store that was great on selection andprices were good. but this hobby is not about pricing so its all good. i i see something i like im takingit regardless of price
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Old 03-29-2012, 07:50 PM
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I have my favorite store and buy 90% of my stuff there (BWA).....but I do make the full tour once a week just to see what's new and exciting.
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Old 03-29-2012, 08:50 PM
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FRAG A LOT!!! lmao!!! i shop everywhere... depends on the shipments!
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Old 03-29-2012, 08:56 PM
tt101 tt101 is offline
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i gotta check out these stores next week when i get the chance!!! and loool im deffinitely FRAGING A LOT!!!!! LOOOOOOL
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Old 03-30-2012, 12:53 AM
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Originally Posted by tt101 View Post
oh i thought they closed down.....they had a location in the north side here that closed down a few months ago, i could be mixing up but i'll deffinitely check it out!!! thanks
Aquarium Illusions has been around for many years by the Mayfeild Inn. It's only ever had the one store. You're probably thinking of Aquagiant they had 3 stores but are down to one now. I personally avoid Aquagiant (pm me if you want details) but have shopped at all the other stores in town. Lots of pros and some cons for each of them. Best to go check for yourself and make up your own mind.
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Old 03-30-2012, 06:30 AM
tt101 tt101 is offline
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
Aquarium Illusions has been around for many years by the Mayfeild Inn. It's only ever had the one store. You're probably thinking of Aquagiant they had 3 stores but are down to one now. I personally avoid Aquagiant (pm me if you want details) but have shopped at all the other stores in town. Lots of pros and some cons for each of them. Best to go check for yourself and make up your own mind.
i must be mixing up with another store...WHOOPS lol and i heard the storiesaout aqua giant.....and really apprecate it that someone warned me before i made any big mistakes . i agree with you that every store is special for itsown thing which is something i REALLY like
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Old 03-30-2012, 12:14 PM
Jeff000 Jeff000 is offline
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Interesting thread.

A few of my observations of all the stores. No particular order.

AI, has some nice stuff, over priced, and lots of bugs, every time I am in I see zoa eating nudi's and lots of their corals are marked as popular named things... but having some of these named corals from the original source I know they are not the proper corals. I have to say I only visit once every few months, and it has been a while so I can only hope things have changed.

Red Coral, what can I say, steve is great and has the nicest corals in the city, and consistantly the nicest corals in the city, a little birdie has mentioned a little competition is coming though.

Marine Aquaria, Josh is great too, and nicest fish in the city, they do get some nice corals in, but they move fast and don't come in often enough.

Blue World, Ken is great too, and a year ago he would get some great corals in too, but it has been a long time since much note worthy has come in. Lots of empty tank space, and seldom gets more then the normal plain fish in.

Aqua giant and big als, well I check them out when I drive by, but mostly just to kill time, your mileage my vary.

I know I have missed some great employees that work at these stores, but the list would get long fast.

Don't worry too much about price, just ask yourself if you are ok paying for what you are looking at. Not all fish and corals are equal.
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Old 03-30-2012, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by tt101 View Post
thanks, will do. do you know the address, feels like most good fish stores are in south side
i dont know it. they are a sponsor on this forum. they are south of 34 street west side of calgary trail beside i think its a outback steak house?

Originally Posted by subman View Post
I have my favorite store and buy 90% of my stuff there (BWA).....but I do make the full tour once a week just to see what's new and exciting.
i call it my home store lol except mines not BWA
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Old 03-30-2012, 05:27 PM
tt101 tt101 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeff000 View Post
Interesting thread.

A few of my observations of all the stores. No particular order.

AI, has some nice stuff, over priced, and lots of bugs, every time I am in I see zoa eating nudi's and lots of their corals are marked as popular named things... but having some of these named corals from the original source I know they are not the proper corals. I have to say I only visit once every few months, and it has been a while so I can only hope things have changed.

Red Coral, what can I say, steve is great and has the nicest corals in the city, and consistantly the nicest corals in the city, a little birdie has mentioned a little competition is coming though.

Marine Aquaria, Josh is great too, and nicest fish in the city, they do get some nice corals in, but they move fast and don't come in often enough.

Blue World, Ken is great too, and a year ago he would get some great corals in too, but it has been a long time since much note worthy has come in. Lots of empty tank space, and seldom gets more then the normal plain fish in.

Aqua giant and big als, well I check them out when I drive by, but mostly just to kill time, your mileage my vary.

I know I have missed some great employees that work at these stores, but the list would get long fast.

Don't worry too much about price, just ask yourself if you are ok paying for what you are looking at. Not all fish and corals are equal.

thanks for taking the time to write up the response for me, i really appreciate it. it seems like everyone here pretty much agrees with what your saying. i personally think big als has some pretty good fish but the prices are a little off compared to the rest of the stores here in edmonton....although i haven't checked out RC or BWA or MA or AI yet so i can't say anything about fish quality till then.
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