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Old 03-27-2012, 04:55 AM
rastaangel rastaangel is offline
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This will be the last straw for me to shut down.... Ive had enough
First I had a tank break, then wiped out by ick, then wiped out by velvet, then I had a heater give out and kill off everything, then my landlord used ant spray by my tank which killed all my coral and caused a spike which resulted in massive hair algea and most other wiped out so I stared over again, then I stocked again and had a longnose butterfly wipeout 80% of my SPS, restocked then I developed bacterial problems, then red bugs, then AEFW and last night a power surge casue my lead heater to give out and my tank dropped to 74* and nothing is happy!!!!
Think thats enough to throw in the towel? All has happened in less then 2 yrs BTW
Hi, my name is Corey... And im a reefaholic.
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Old 03-27-2012, 06:16 AM
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If you decide to stick with it, a quarantine system might be something worth looking into. Seems like a lot of the problems were added to the tank. Quarantining would have caught most of that.
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Old 04-04-2012, 10:25 PM
Matman Matman is offline
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I had two colonies infected. I've been using zeovit flatwormstop for less than a month and it seems pretty good. One of the two colonies (a suharsonoi) is recovering fine and don't seem to have any AEFW on it anymore. The other one (a red hyacinthus) was more deeply affected by them and was still infested when I dip it yesterday. They suggest using it at least 3 months so I hope to save that colony, it's a fast grower usually. I think it should be good to prevent futher propagation from the result I got with the suharsonoi. I can add that it's also good for polyp extention and it didn't stimulate cyano bloom even at double or triple dose.

My tank is also running in low nutrient with daily dosing of nopox. I guess it might makes a difference since it's a zeovit product.
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Old 04-05-2012, 10:05 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by rastaangel View Post
This will be the last straw for me to shut down.... Ive had enough
First I had a tank break, then wiped out by ick, then wiped out by velvet, then I had a heater give out and kill off everything, then my landlord used ant spray by my tank which killed all my coral and caused a spike which resulted in massive hair algea and most other wiped out so I stared over again, then I stocked again and had a longnose butterfly wipeout 80% of my SPS, restocked then I developed bacterial problems, then red bugs, then AEFW and last night a power surge casue my lead heater to give out and my tank dropped to 74* and nothing is happy!!!!
Think thats enough to throw in the towel? All has happened in less then 2 yrs BTW
I feel bad for you, but I suppose I should point out the obvious: All of this, including the heater BS could have been avoided/fixed with proper planning and education.

Where did you get all your advice from?
This and that.

Last edited by albert_dao; 04-05-2012 at 10:08 AM.
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