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Old 03-10-2004, 08:00 PM
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Ok you got me.... you can order a loose mushroom coral, which is classified as an anemone, but you cant get them if they are attached to rock as they usually are, there is no difference between captive raised and wild caught corals that I know of as of yet. Any coral that has a skeletal structure or a base of rock (which helps to build the reefs up)is cites protected(basically all corals) Also as tony mentioned, you will also need a $55.00 US Funds, US Fish and Wildlife Certificate with ANY order of livestock. If you think you can do otherwise, try it and pat yourself on the back for the nice donation to your local public aquarium(thats who customs usually donates said livestock too) Try and buy Zoanthidea that are not attached to live rock... and try to buy any Nephtheidae that are not attached to live rock as well... and anemones are not corals they are not cites protected...
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Old 03-10-2004, 08:05 PM
r_wellwood r_wellwood is offline
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Default Border Crossings

Just to share an experience: I brought back a Rose Anemone across the border from Portland via the Vancouver Airport. Did some research on Cites prior to this and made sure the specimen wasn't listed. Printed off that information and also had the seller provide a signed statement of what was being sold, that it came from this person's tank, etc.

I made sure on the Customs form that I indicated I was bringing livestock into the country. They asked what it was, I told them. Didn't end up being an issue in the end, no hassles (thankfully).

Just be willing to give up the specimen(s) if you are getting a lot of static from Customs, and be upfront and knowledgable.

Funny, I don\'t remember being absent minded...
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Old 03-10-2004, 08:07 PM
Nemain Nemain is offline
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Wow I finally figured something out! Looks like the only one that needs a permit is the exporting country. Therefor dun dun dee dun - I can get my corals NP. It will still cost an arm and a leg with duty etc. But he exports to Canada already =-).

I think the only reason he likes for it to be picked up at the boarder is for health issues perhaps?

Anyways, I will let you know how everything goes =)


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Old 03-10-2004, 08:19 PM
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I am very interested too......

Oh yeah, sorry bout my spelling Tony
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Old 03-10-2004, 08:28 PM
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I have brought a fair bit of stuff across the border. Some shipped to Edmonton and some shipped to a friends house in Washington then diven up by my father. I have never brought livestock across. Call 1 800 461 9999. this is canada custom information. when the guy starts talking just hit 0 and you will get a person. They will put you onto someone who will know what you need to do. Make sure you take down peoples names and if you can call the crossing you are going to pick up from before going there that will help. I would make sure you can prove that none of the goods are on the cites listing. I am not sure how you would do that.
Personally, I don't think this is going to be worth the hassle.


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Old 03-10-2004, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Nemain
Wow I finally figured something out! Looks like the only one that needs a permit is the exporting country. Therefor dun dun dee dun - I can get my corals NP. It will still cost an arm and a leg with duty etc. But he exports to Canada already =-).

I think the only reason he likes for it to be picked up at the boarder is for health issues perhaps?

Anyways, I will let you know how everything goes =)


I'm not sure I'm on the same page as you here. A couple cautionary notes ....

1. I could be wrong, but I think CITES needs to be issued from the country of origin for the species or at least somewhere where the species is native. Here you need to be careful. If you can't find "Acropora somethingorother" (for hypothetical example) in U.S. territorial waters, a CITES permit can't be issued in the U.S. for that. So frags from corals that were originally imported into the U.S. can't really be re-exported quite so easily. In the case of zoanthids, however, I beleive that a lot of them are found off Florida so in this case you may be OK with a U.S.-issued CITES permit.

2. Forgive my cynicism but I highly doubt it's for health reasons that he just ships to a border crossing and then you cross the border yourself, pick them up, and cross the border back carrying the livestock with you. In this scenario, he is nicely exonerated from any risk (all he did was ship from a U.S. destination to another U.S. destination) and thus for the actual border crossing you have taken on the full risk exposure.

Obviously, it is possible to import livestock (and as a few people have mentioned). I'm just trying to point out there are a LOT of points to consider. Be careful, whatever you do.
-- Tony
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Old 03-10-2004, 09:01 PM
Nemain Nemain is offline
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The specimen is collected in the US, and is the exporting country. I have already emailed to find out if he has the permit and not to worry, I will be sure that I see the document and have everything arranged post hoc.. As for it not being worth my while, I disagree, he can get me something that I very much want, and I can not find it elsewhere. Getting what I want is always worth it

As for him shipping to the customs office, he ships to the Canadian side, he is still the exporter, and as such, still has some semblance of responsibility.

Did I mention I love this spell checker?

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Old 03-10-2004, 09:20 PM
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Well come on then Beth. Spill the beans. What are you getting? Does he have a web site? Gonna do a group order?


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Old 03-10-2004, 09:53 PM
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its pretty cut and dry, if you are bringing a hard coral or a coral attached to live rock across the border, you will need a cites permit. Additionally if you are importing a livestock order of any substantial size you will probably have to pay a US fish and wildlife fee. If it is worth it for you, great, all the power to you and I hope it goes smoothly for you and the livestock. some people get away with things thats they shouldnt because some customs agents are not very knowledgable, others such as most of the ones at airports will be very dilligent in regards to their job. I have gone to ridiculious expense to get ahold of certain livestock, so I know what you mean when you say its worth it. Its all relative!
(whatever you do, dont fall in love with any deep zone livestock, unless you win the lotto)
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Old 03-10-2004, 09:55 PM
Nemain Nemain is offline
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When everything is figured out, and if I can get more than one thing across the Forsaken boarder, you better believe it will be a group order =)

Will still be a few weeks for me to get everything in order 100%

And i will not be heading down until Easter

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