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Old 03-18-2012, 03:08 PM
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Looking great Wayne, I'm jealous your stand has doors. I have yet to build mine.
Updated fish wish list?
Tankless and Planning
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Old 03-18-2012, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by HaZRaTTy View Post
Well I guess you learn something new everyday, I was under the general impression any restriction of flow would cause the back pressure on your pump. That being said it could be because of the 12 hour night shift and being up for 30 but I can't wrap my head around the physics behind it and how it doesn't create it care to explain?
For the sake of me explaining this I am making up some numbers..

Pressure= Force/Area
Force= Mass x Acceleration

Lets say for 1kg of water accelerates at 2m/s2.
Force= 1kg x 2m/s2
Force= 2kgm/s2= 2N

For now lets say the area of a pipe with no recirc line is 2m2

therefore, Pressure= 2N/2m2 = 1N/m2 or 1 kPa

Now lets do the same math with a recirc line, which would actually have a greater area then a pipe without it.

1kg of water accelerates at 2m/s2 again
therefore Force= 2N

This time the area will be 3m2 because we have more piping for the recirc.

therefore, Pressure= 2N/3m2 = 0.666N/m2 or 0.666 kPa

The extra area of pipe for a recirc line creates less back pressure on the pump as proven. This is such even with the valve restricting flow from the recirc line as there is still more area from the pump to that recirc valve than there would be from the pump up to an equal point in the line with no tee'd off recirc.

My explaination might be a little confusing but it works out!

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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Old 03-18-2012, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Cade View Post
Looking great Wayne, I'm jealous your stand has doors. I have yet to build mine.
Updated fish wish list?
Looking forward to seeing some doors on there Cade!

Yeah I have a little bit of a list in mind. These will all be added slowly over time:

-Tang of some sort.. looking at Scopas, Tomini, Kole, but I really want a Whitecheek!
-Lyretail Anthias
-Bicolor, Midas, or Tailspot Blenny
-2x Percula Clownfish
-Either a Blue Spotted/Yellowhead Jawfish or a Watchman Goby/Pistol Shrimp combo
-Hawaiian Flame Wrasse
-Another wrasse, not too sure yet
-Flame Angel (maybe)
-Purple Firefish
-Mandarin Dragonet

Subject to change of course, but thats a general list.

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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Old 03-20-2012, 01:37 AM
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Picked up the CUC and my first few fish today! The DT is looking good and is starting to grow some algaes hence the cleanup crew!

My cleanup crew list so far is:
(pictures are not mine, my camera is out of service at the moment so this will have to do for now)

-10 x assorted snails (Trochus, Nassirus, Cerith)
-10 x hermit crabs (Red scarlet, blue legged)
-1 x Cleaner Shrimp

-1 x Peppermint shrimp

-1 x Ruby Red Emerald Crab, he's missing one claw but this guy munches algae like its going out of style!

The new fish that went into QT are:

-A Ocellaris Clown pair

-Blue Sided Wrasse

The wrasse seems to be quite stressed out, hiding at the bottom and not swimming at all so I am hoping he will pull through.

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef

Last edited by wmcinnes; 03-20-2012 at 01:45 AM.
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Old 03-27-2012, 05:34 AM
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A few updates to share with you! (I apologize for the poor picture quality, still need to get a camera charger)

The clean up crew absolutely devoured the hair algae growth on my sand and rocks and stopped any diatoms that were starting to grow in their tracks.
I had the hardest time finding my peppermint shrimp the other morning and then I came across this...

I think my Ruby Red Emerald like the taste of peppermint... little bugger! The crab also scared me another time when I found it lying on the sand bed not moving.. buuuuut after closer inspection it was his first molt! He is quite a bit larger now and has grown his second claw back!

The unfortunate peril of my shrimp called for me to go out and get another invert that would protect itself! I picked up a Boxer Shrimp/ Coral Banded Shrimp and this guy means business. I am hoping it doesnt cause too much havoc. So far so good.

Also went out and got this little guy. Hes a busy boy thats for sure, digging himself dens/holes all over the place!

Picked up a nice size Red Starfish too add a little color! I didnt manage to get a photo because he was up against the viewing glass and I couldnt get a good shot. Another time.

Got my hands on a few more pieces of equipment as well:

A Marine Magic Doser, which will probably not be used for a while but I got it throught Eli's group buys at a deal I could not pass up

..and a Neptune Apex Lite Controller from fellow Canreefer, Wayne Mah. His tank is amazing by the way. Its got me already planning my 200+ gallon tank of the future! Awesome work Wayne and thanks again!

I did a little bit of cleaning up and organized the electrical tonight as well. Hoping to do some Apex programming after work tomorrow!

Next purchase will be lights, probably Sols, but I will be waiting until I get my income tax refund!

Oh and just for fun, this is where I was this weekend. Man oh man was it nice!

Cascade Mountain and Banff below it.


Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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Old 03-27-2012, 07:23 AM
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With your attention to detail, this tank is going to be awesome!

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Old 03-28-2012, 08:33 PM
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DAM! I was careless and left the screen top off my tank think, 'Oh the Goby doesn't go anywhere near the top of the tank so it doesn't matter if this is on'...
Well think again Wayne!

Found that my Goby went carpet surfing last night as I found him shrivelled up on the floor when the tank lights went on this morning.. Stupid mistake. Oh well, first casualty (besides the Peppermint Shrimp dinner) and I am hoping that this is my LAST!

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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Old 04-03-2012, 08:05 AM
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Quick update: Tank is doing very well. ATO and Apex have been fully integrated into the system! ALLLSOOO...Apex VDM Module and 2x AI Sol Superblues (Black) ordered from Martin @ ModularLED! Woo am I ever excited to get them!

Oh and I also spent some money on my other toy... nice and shiny now!!


Rainforest of the Sea
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Old 04-03-2012, 09:36 PM
soaptray soaptray is offline
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One sexy car. I was close to buying an RS4 before my wife caught wind.
200g Inwall With Fish Room - Coming Soon!
28g JBJ Nanocube HQI, 150w MH, Retro Actinic
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Old 04-08-2012, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by soaptray View Post
One sexy car. I was close to buying an RS4 before my wife caught wind.
LOL thats too bad!

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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