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Old 03-03-2012, 08:34 PM
Kimmi7 Kimmi7 is offline
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Lol. Nice looking pup, looks pit or maybe a dogo.
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Old 03-03-2012, 08:41 PM
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Haha Tank is badass.

Looks like a ball python, I had one of those

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Old 03-03-2012, 08:45 PM
kole kole is offline
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Lol The dog doesn't look to happy to be wearing the snake.
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Old 03-03-2012, 09:04 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by kole View Post
Lol The dog doesn't look to happy to be wearing the snake.

whenever i make tank sit and pose for the camera he puts on a sad look lol
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Old 03-04-2012, 12:30 AM
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My friend is not full of crap, sir. you have no clue what you are talking about. We were about 14 and she was holding the snake and he squeezed her hand and we heard a crack sound and had to go to the hospital. She had to wear a device for a month and half until her broken bone healed. That was just a 2 feet snake! I had snakes for many years but even though they were never larger than 3 feet they could sqeeze very hard.

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Your friend is full of crap.
I do not currently have snakes. I have owned dozens of boas and pythons, I worked for a biology department with 2 14 foot carpet pythons, and I've personally held one end of a 26 foot reticulate python. I've handled all of them, and anytime they squeeze, you simply unravel them. The thought of them crushing or breaking anything is the most ridiculous statement ever. You clearly know absolutely nothing about snakes. Whatever back. pfft.
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Last edited by daniella3d; 03-04-2012 at 12:34 AM.
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Old 03-04-2012, 12:50 AM
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Thats totally a ball python around the dog

Well you friend must have had really f'd up fingers then. A 2 foot long snake cant break bones like that, for a snake to have the strength to break a bone like a finger it would have to be well over 2" thick and theres no way a snake that thick could easily wrap around a single finger. They RARELY even break the rib bones on the prey they eat. Unless they did something stupid like wack their finger against a table because they had a temper tantrun about a snake (sounds plasuable from they way you're talking). Snakes dont kill their prey be breaking bones, they just prevent the prey from being able to inhale. They dont break bones. Common sense?
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Old 03-04-2012, 01:00 AM
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NO idea if she had fragile bones or what, but I don't think so. She was just a kid. I don't think she got a broken bone after that and she's now near 30.

Maybe it was the way the snake held her hand, the position of her fingers, not sure. Anyway the crack was pretty loud and scary when you're 14 year old.

That was my pet snake and I had to bring the snake back to the pet store and give it back for free I was not allowed to keep a snake after that until I was much older and indenpendant.

Anyway that always left me with the impression that larger snakes would have great pressure enough to crush something.

Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
Thats totally a ball python around the dog

Well you friend must have had really f'd up fingers then. A 2 foot long snake cant break bones like that, for a snake to have the strength to break a bone like a finger it would have to be well over 2" thick and theres no way a snake that thick could easily wrap around a single finger. They RARELY even break the rib bones on the prey they eat. Unless they did something stupid like wack their finger against a table because they had a temper tantrun about a snake (sounds plasuable from they way you're talking). Snakes dont kill their prey be breaking bones, they just prevent the prey from being able to inhale. They dont break bones. Common sense?
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Old 03-04-2012, 01:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Oh god!!!!! He's gonna eat the dog!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Or not.

Although I admit I would not feel comfortable putting a snake around my dogs neck. Ironically though I've held a five foot python around my own neck and shoulders and my only thought was darn he's heavy!
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Old 03-04-2012, 01:51 AM
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
My friend is not full of crap, sir. you have no clue what you are talking about. .
Ya, ok. I've held snakes from 1 foot to 26 feet(at well over 200 pounds), all of them squeezed, and I just started at one end an unraveled them. No broken bones. I fed mice to 3 foot snakes, and no broken mouse bones snapping. So unless your friend has bones finer than mice, the snake did not break anything. I think sometimes we remember things from when we were 14 a bit different sometimes than the way they really happened. I'm not gonna argue about it, it didn't happen. go find a Herpetology forum and post the scenario, see what kind of answers you get.
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Old 03-04-2012, 01:59 AM
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Originally Posted by zoaElite View Post
I dont see why this is a problem? Beautiful snake Denny!
Well the problem I see is that the snake is moving all over the floor, its enclosure and what have you. Potentially bringing carpet cleaners or other detergents from your home surfaces, into your tank.

Funny as hell, but I would move him.

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