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Old 02-10-2012, 09:03 PM
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Default Dry Rock Suppliers

Turning to the dark side , have owned a fresh water tank for the last 3 year, going to give SW a try. I'm sure this has probably been brought up a few times in the past, but can anyone recommend somewhere that I can pick up some dry rock at a decent price? I am thinking about mixing 40% live rock with 60% dry, any suggestions? Should I go with more live rock or can I get away with less? I am a couple months away from setting my tank up, should I buy all of the rock now and put it in rubbermaid containers to let it cure and give it time to seed the dry rock before my tank is actually set up?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
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Old 02-10-2012, 09:09 PM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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Have a look at these
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Old 02-10-2012, 10:05 PM
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Good idea with letting the rock cook for a few weeks. You could go even less live rock and still be ok, but generally the more you have the easier the cycle will go. Make sure you have a powerhead and a heater in there and you'll be good to go.
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Old 02-10-2012, 11:33 PM
monocus monocus is offline
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Default dry rock

try a landscaping place . i picked up some nice lace rock for cheap
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Old 02-10-2012, 11:49 PM
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The sooner you get the live rock curing the better. I lost 2 months of curing time as I dragged my butt looking for some.

As to the ratio of dry to live, that will depend on how you plan on stocking your tank over the next, say, year or so. The more live, the more livestock you may add sooner.
For instance, in my 75g I'll have 40Lbs of dry and only ( for now ) 14Lbs live, so I'll only be able to add critters that the 14Lbs can support until many months from now. I believe if I was to fully stock the tank over the first few months, I'd need at least 50-75Lbs of live rock. Basically 1-1.5Lbs/g is needed for a healthy, fully stocked tank.

Here's a better idea of my thoughts;
My understanding is 4" of fish per 10 gallons of water, give or take very small or very large fish.
Having less than 1-1.5Lb/g means less than 4"/10g. For at least a year.

You have to decide how patient you can be vs how much live rock you can talk yourself into buying.
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Old 02-10-2012, 11:52 PM
Bob Bob is offline
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Red coral has marko rock for about 3.00 a pound....
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Old 02-10-2012, 11:56 PM
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You haven't mentioned what size your tank is.
I picked up a box of this and it's quite nice.
Whether you can get it near you without shipping, or if you need enough to justify the shipping ...
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Old 02-11-2012, 04:09 PM
sully08 sully08 is offline
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I started up my 220g about 9 months ago and mixed 100lbs of nice macro rock (ordered from J&L) with 60lbs. of really nice cured live rock that I purchased from a fellow canreefer. Not even sure if the tank cycled, if it did I missed it.
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Old 02-11-2012, 08:12 PM
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Everyone has good points,

Though my understanding from Adding LR to Dry rock would be to add the benefical bacteria for to reduce your cycle time. That being said the more LR you add the better and the faster your cycle will be done. As greg suggested if you add 1/10th LR to Dry your cycle will take longer as if you were to add 50-50.

I added about 25 lbs of Dry base rock and about 30-40lbs of LR and I didn't even see a cycle in my 65G.

As for adding Coral / Fish / Clean up crew. You should wait until after your cycle. Some choose to add the clean up crew during it's really your choice I myself would suggest after. As for adding fish and Coral to your system after your cycle do as you normally would. New fish every 1-2 week as suggested I'm sure would be fine.
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Old 02-12-2012, 02:40 PM
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Thanks alot for the information, it has answered a few questions that i had. As for tank size I am considering a 75g or 90g with a 50g sump, if I have enough plexi glass. Does the type or live rock make a difference in regards to filtering, or do people select rock just based on appearance?
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