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Old 02-07-2012, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Rice Reef View Post
Brad, really sorry to hear that you are experiencing more losses. I still have a 90 gallon sitting in my garage if you need another tank.
Thanks Wayne. I've got lots of tanks. First order is get the ones in the T tank fixed. Second, I still have 2 fish in the 180, no idea how to get them.
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Old 02-07-2012, 08:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I spent an hour trying to move water through her gills, just kills me....
I know you did Brad.. First tears ive actually ever shed for a fish, and that's from here! I can only imagine your pain having to witness this!
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Old 02-08-2012, 01:42 AM
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Did your vet id the culprit?

Sorry to hear about your loss.

Did adding Prime not help at all for ammonia?

I have my new fish in quarantine for 5 weeks and half now and due to this sad story I am going to keep them in quarantine another 2 weeks, just to be safe.

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
My vet is examining a fish right now and will give me a script for it.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...

Last edited by daniella3d; 02-08-2012 at 01:48 AM.
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Old 02-08-2012, 01:55 AM
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
Did your vet id the culprit?

Sorry to hear about your loss.

Did adding Prime not help at all for ammonia?

I have my new fish in quarantine for 5 weeks and half now and due to this sad story I am going to keep them in quarantine another 2 weeks, just to be safe.
Yes, the vet said it was velvet, but I'm not sure what he's basing that on, probably photos under the scope.
No, prime did nothing for NH3 at all. The only thing that really works is a fully mature filter; once I got one, NH3 is now 0 (after a large water change).

I'll be building my fish list over the next couple of months, and I will buy them all at once, Q and treat, then into the tank.
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Old 02-08-2012, 02:33 AM
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so sorry that you were not able to save them Brad. Certainly you did everything that you could possibly try.

I know it will be a while before you are ready to proceed with the fish but I'm wondering how you are planning to handle the big swing in the water chemistry when you add all the fish at one time?
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Old 02-08-2012, 02:46 AM
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Originally Posted by lngrhaul View Post
so sorry that you were not able to save them Brad. Certainly you did everything that you could possibly try.

I know it will be a while before you are ready to proceed with the fish but I'm wondering how you are planning to handle the big swing in the water chemistry when you add all the fish at one time?
That's part of the plan I haven't quite figured out yet Tim T had suggested an ammonia salt added to the tank (NH4CL I think?), and this would keep the filter going. I do still have lots of snails, hermits and shrimp, which will contribute.
I suspect that the filter media from the treatment tank will be as disease free as the fish, so I imagine adding that to the sump with the addition of the fish should balance things out. I think. I can also transfer one or two every other day, they don't all need to go into the display the same day, they just need to be treated and quarantined together.

I haven't really got to that part yet though, at this point I still have half a dozen fish in treatment, 2 fish in the 180 to extract somehow, and then build a fish list. Once I've done that, I need to figure out how to pay for them.
In addition to sick fish, I've had a sick dog for 3 months that has cost me a couple grand so far....sigh
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Old 02-08-2012, 02:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
In addition to sick fish, I've had a sick dog for 3 months that has cost me a couple grand so far....sigh

whats wrong with your dog??
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Old 02-08-2012, 02:51 AM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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well.. you will be ready for fish about April.. April is the next scheduled frag swap and sale you may have to charge a slight cover charge at the door!
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Old 02-08-2012, 02:52 AM
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Originally Posted by lngrhaul View Post
I know it will be a while before you are ready to proceed with the fish but I'm wondering how you are planning to handle the big swing in the water chemistry when you add all the fish at one time?
My advice would be to put the new fish through the hypo salinity routine, whether they look sick or not. I have done that twice now, for a total of 3 months from purchase to display tank. That way you are assured of no ich getting into your display tank. Of course be sure that your display tank is fallow for at least 3 months. And use a fully cycled canister filter with your QT.

I think the fish actually like the lower salinity water, as they adapted quickly, and seemed active and happy. That also gave me plenty of time to get them feeding well, and fatten them up before moving them to the display tank.

During the final week, I did daily water changes with display tank water, to bring the salinity up, changing more water each time until it was almost the same. A little extra salt with the final change brought the salinity equal to the display tank.

Another big advantage with this method is that the new fish are fully acclimatized to your display tank when you are done.
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Old 02-08-2012, 03:27 AM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
whats wrong with your dog??
No idea. Best we can tell, a fungal infection. Lost a ton of weight, neurological issues, one eye messed up.

A specialist suggested a new medication that seems to be helping. We went with fungal even though the tests were negative. Twice. But this stuff seems to be helping, she's actually starting to play, after laying in the corner for 3 months...
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