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Old 02-03-2012, 02:15 AM
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according to the hydro site:

BC Hydro will not be implementing time-of-use rates because we don't need them.

Time-of-use rates are used in jurisdictions with peak demand that exceeds the utility's ability to supply electricity to its customers. They have to buy expensive electricity in order to meet that peak demand. This is very important in jurisdictions that rely on coal or fossil fuels to generate electricity.

In British Columbia, we are fortunate to have a flexible electricity system that is 94 per cent hydro generation, where water flow can be adjusted to match supply and demand as needed. We are also addressing future capacity constraints through expansions to existing infrastructure, such as Mica 5 and 6 and our Integrated Resources Plan.

This is very true, in most places, electricity production doesn't happen instantly on demand, in BC, it does.
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Old 02-03-2012, 04:18 AM
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I didnt realize so much of your electricity was true hydro generation. Maybe your right. I wonder if they would ever have a different rate for different seasons were water flow might cause problems?

I think all provinces and states have bordering grid connections where they can pick up or sell off electricity depending on capacities. IF the electricity is there....why waste it.

Most places need to utilize always on technologies like nuclear, hydro and than comes coal, gas which can be better controlled. But as we move to even more unreliable and intermittent technologies which are the green solar panels and wind turbines.....TOU becomes important. meters are used for much more than just TOU.
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Old 02-03-2012, 04:43 AM
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Yeah, BC's pretty lucky with that. Most places do have thermal as their main supply, which cannot follow load well, takes time/money to shut down, etc. BC's lucky since we can supply places like that at peak times when prices are high. Then during the night, buy back electricity at a very cheap rate while we store water behind our dams to sell back again at peak times.

Honestly, i think BC will eventually go to TOU as it becomes more common , it's many years away though. Through the 90's/2000's BCHydro put a lot of money into conservation(remember that lightbulb bee thing? lol), which they claim has paid off in reduced peak demand. TOU would be a large way to reduce peak demand, and with smart meters, would cost very little to implement.
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Old 02-03-2012, 05:21 AM
ongquang21 ongquang21 is offline
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Look at this .

We are happily enjoying the lowest electricity price in canada. Now BCHydro is step by step building ground toward TOU. If we copy ON's pricing system, we will be bloodsucked to dead since BC has the lowest income in the coutry.
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Old 02-03-2012, 03:57 PM
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The city of New Wesminster said no thanks to smart meters. HHHMMMM.
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Old 02-03-2012, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by no_bs View Post
The city of New Wesminster said no thanks to smart meters. HHHMMMM.
ya, you already said that 2 days ago. cwatkins told you why

Originally Posted by cwatkins View Post
City of New Westminster maintains their own local electric utility, and as such is responsible for maintaining their own meters.

They probably cannot afford the start-up cost to upgrade the meters for such a small installation base.

What happens in New Westminster is not BC Hydro's problem. They deliver xx power to the city, and the city pays them for it. Whether it's being delivered efficiently is the City's concern (because it would be the city losing money, not hydro)
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Old 02-03-2012, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
ya, you already said that 2 days ago. cwatkins told you why
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Old 02-04-2012, 10:51 PM
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Ok so I was home when they came calling and I said they could not install the smart meters on either of my two meters untill I have more information. (you have to be home to tell them leaving a note doesn't work)

my issue isn't the rf, but some other concerns that have been brought up in the US and here.

there are several California cites now that are removing smart meters and the list is growing larger as time goes on. there are 4 cites in BC that have brought in a moratorium on smart meters.

what are my issues, I'll tell you.

the first is simple money. BC hydro is spending how much on this program? I'll tell you that they claim 1.6 billion. why would a company invest that much if it isn't going to give them a return. they wouldn't and if they don't go to time of day billing then they would never recover any of that money. they would have made more staying with the old meters.

so yes you are going to be paying more for hydro, they just haven't told you yet. anyone in a hot part of BC will be screwed, guess what.. you AC is the biggest electrical use and it runs mostly during prime time.

we have had a step rate for a few years now and what did BC hydro do 1 year after they got permission to institute stepped rates, they raised it. the first year we saved 10 bucks a month, the second we ended up paying an average of 10 more.. so it was a bait and switch.

so even though BC hydro isn't talking about time of day billing right now you can be assured as soon as the smart meter program is finished they will.

and yes crown cooperations can make money, the profit goes into the government coffers and they say they are using it to keep our taxes down.. or so they can keep spending more with out us complaining about increases in taxes.

so enough about money, my second biggest reason (and the reason for cites in the US removing them) is the invasion of privacy, smart meters can be hacked, and people in the US have hacked them to decrease there bills or the latest one would be thieves have been using hacks to learn traffic patterens of houses they intend to rob, this way they don't have to sit outside and watch. they can stalk multiple houses at once from there home and just pull up when they house is empty. and because the smart meters set up a network from meter to meter they can be across town and do this.

and finally my biggest reason, anyone ever thought about how many unionized workers are going to be put out of work when this is done.
right from BC hydro, we are unsure of how many of the remaining 300 meter readers will be affected by this program. so instead of coming out and saying all, because face it there are no meters to read as they will all be reporting through the network they create, they just say we are unsure, and say it will create jobs....

the simple fact is the government wants more money to spend and is looking for other ways to increase there pots with out direct tax raises, so they go about it indirectly.. by getting crown corp's to raise rates, or add user fees (ferries and fuel sir taxes) ect...

sorry about the rant but I am just getting tired of creative taxing, and the gov ramming there agendas down out throats using companies that the public owners. look at gov contracts they are on a zero mandate again this year, but yet they increase cpp, UI, and pension contributions while giving a worker a raise of 0 and wonder why people are getting deeper in debt. BC ferries is another one, they have made money every year but yet they still need to raise rates.

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Old 02-04-2012, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
and finally my biggest reason, anyone ever thought about how many unionized workers are going to be put out of work when this is done.

Maybe this is the real reason some are against these smart meters. The rest is just a smokescreen....
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Old 02-05-2012, 04:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
Maybe this is the real reason some are against these smart meters. The rest is just a smokescreen....
naa most people don't even think about it as they never see these workers, and come on, our government keeps telling us how many jobs there creating to stimulate the economy...

I think 99% of the people that don't want it are because there has been no real information on it, and its getting rammed down our throat just like the HST did. all I know is even if there is a moratorium on them getting them taken out is going to be a lot harder then installing them, so my theory is I'll wait to the last minuet to get them, and only when I have to.

as far as the RF emissions go, I know that one doesn't radiate very much , but they do form a network with each other and there are higher power nodes for collecting.. so when you add all that up you are getting a blanket of RF. have there been studies on cumulative effects? I do know a large enough dose can cause burns, so what can a low dose do over 20 years? I don't know, but I would like to.....

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