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Old 01-30-2012, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by TimT View Post
They will drive anyone nuts who has extreme electrical/magnetic sensitivity. If going under high voltage lines bothers you a smart meter will drive you nuts.
Hmmm, that sounds pretty bad!! How can that be?? What is it in these Smart Meters that creates so much electrical/magnetic sensitivity? Wouldn't they have to consume a lot of energy, too, to be worse than high voltage power lines? Sounds pretty dangerous to me.

And what does that make cell phones, if I understand that chart in the next post? Good thing some of us have really thick skulls or our brains would be all mush!!
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:39 PM
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It's almost funny, In Abbotsford we recently got smart water meters and nobody said a peep. Same transmitting devices, and far less control than the hydro meters will provide. How many of you have phoned to report your power out immediately after it going out? these will do that, meaning faster restore times. They also get rid of grow ops stealing the power because you can tell the load per house on every line, if they don't add up, then something's going on.
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:46 PM
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The problem with the rf is it builds its own network cloud. If you are at the end of the network it transmits a few times an hour for a few seconds. If you happen to be the closest house to the reporting station that undirected antenna is beaming a steady stream of rf into your house as it transmits yours and hundreds of other readings in. Some people will never notice. Sensitive people will go nuts.
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
if I understand that chart in the next post? Good thing some of us have really thick skulls or our brains would be all mush!!
The point of the chart is to show these smart meters put less or about the same RF in the environment as many other devices we use every day, and not that cell phones will fry our brains. I believe they run at 8% of allowable limit so there really is no threat. Once again internet roomers and some inaccurate you-tube videos has got a bunch of people in a big fuss over nothing. If people are that concerned about it they should wrap their heads in aluminum foil as I heard that's suppose to help.
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:54 PM
Veng68 Veng68 is offline
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Originally Posted by Lampshade View Post
It's almost funny, In Abbotsford we recently got smart water meters and nobody said a peep. Same transmitting devices, and far less control than the hydro meters will provide. How many of you have phoned to report your power out immediately after it going out? these will do that, meaning faster restore times. They also get rid of grow ops stealing the power because you can tell the load per house on every line, if they don't add up, then something's going on.
Just curious.......... were did they put the water meter? I had to replace the line connecting the city main to my house a couple years ago and I can't think of how they would place the meter without digging up the outside line again or them putting the meter inside my house.

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Old 01-30-2012, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by TimT View Post
Also anyone with an RF reader can tell when someone is home so they know when to rob you blind.

The company(Corix) that does the smart meter installs are not using licensed electricians. There is already cases of houses burning down due to an improper install of a smart meter.
How exactly does someone with an RF meter know when you're home. The average thief is unlikely to bother with something like an RF reader anyhow. All they need to do is watch your house & see how you come & go. I'd wager 90% of homes these days are unoccupied during a working day, kids are in school, both parents working to make the mortgage. A professional thief has many other ways of scoping out your home. Only had one break-in incident at my house so far & that was a crackhead who tried unsuccessfully to break my car window in the carport late in the evening. Pretty unlikely that a drug addict looking for quick cash is going to use an RF device either. They're just going to smash & grab whatever is close when they're freaking. Could be your car, could be your house. Smart meter isn't going to influence that scenario whatsoever. Fewer grow ops will probably also mean fewer crackheads.

You don't need to be a licensed electrian to install an electrical meter anyhow. Have you ever seen a meter removed from it's socket? It's as easy as replacing a light bulb once the lead seal (tamper indicator wire) is broken & the ring collar is opened.
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Veng68 View Post
Just curious.......... were did they put the water meter? I had to replace the line connecting the city main to my house a couple years ago and I can't think of how they would place the meter without digging up the outside line again or them putting the meter inside my house.

It's the one in the driveway, I have an access panel there. They did our whole area, I'd read that it was all of Abbotsford, maybe only some area's? it came shortly before the bi-monthly water usage bills instead of the yearly amount on property tax

edit: found the site
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Last edited by Lampshade; 01-30-2012 at 07:00 PM.
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Old 01-30-2012, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
The point of the chart is to show these smart meters put less or about the same RF in the environment as many other devices we use every day, and not that cell phones will fry our brains. I believe they run at 8% of allowable limit so there really is no threat. Once again internet roomers and some inaccurate you-tube videos has got a bunch of people in a big fuss over nothing. If people are that concerned about it they should wrap their heads in aluminum foil as I heard that's suppose to help.
Actually the hat may hurt.......... my nephew was getting poor reception from his router so he searched on the net and made a "Dish" made of tin foil....... and it really help with the reception

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Old 01-30-2012, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Lampshade View Post
It's the one in the driveway, I have an access panel there. They did our whole area, I'd read that it was all of Abbotsford, maybe only some area's? it came shortly before the bi-monthly water usage bills instead of the yearly amount on property tax

edit: found the site
I don't have an access panel. I wonder if they bring in water meters into Vancouver how they will address this?

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Old 01-30-2012, 07:03 PM
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Probably the same as the hydro ones and HST....
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