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Old 01-13-2012, 11:06 PM
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With Quagmire's voice in mind ... aalllriight
The RO/DI is finished. I updated the pics
The filters are currently flushing and then I'll start making water. And not the yellow kind
Looks like I'll be able to buy some live rock next week
I'm pretty sure I have come up with a solution for mounting the sump socks and hope to work on that this weekend. I grabbed some plex today just in case
Wow, so much left to do. I've still got to finish the light mod, get comfortable mixing salt, pre-set 8 heaters, bah, you guys don't need to hear all this. You know what's involved
At least these are things we LIKE to do
Maybe the tank and stand will arrive next week too so I can get on the plumbing and house wiring. I still have to cut a hole to the sump in my office
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Old 01-25-2012, 02:28 AM
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I finally got the fixture mod finished. I'm just having troubles linking the pictures to the mod. I haven't had this issue before. ??? WT ???
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Old 01-25-2012, 02:49 AM
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Fixture pics up !!!
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Old 01-25-2012, 05:33 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Awesome man get that thing going! Have you updated your thread with pics doesn't ring a bell.
Thanks for askin' ...
Nope, all I've done is link the light mod. It took me 2 days with the wiring, and the burning of a ballast, and the crushing of a new ballast, and then the figuring out how to make the 2nd new ballast fit. So, no, there's been no build progress
Sucks to be me.
I hope to make some progress over the next couple of days, in between the job hunting.
I want to next tackle cleaning up our rec-room to make room so I can pull down all the suspended tiles and run some wiring. This will get me much further along as I will know 'exactly' where I can cut the wall for the plumbing and electrical.
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Old 01-31-2012, 09:16 AM
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I'm gettin' close to buying Live rocks, but I can't find any close to home
Come on guys, .....
Sell me some rocks in GVRD

Last edited by gregzz4; 02-03-2012 at 02:08 AM.
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Old 02-03-2012, 02:24 AM
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Monday was a whole lot of fun. I got to be the first one to ruin our new carpet Woohoo
I was plumbing the pumps from the sump in my office and some spa flex was not co-operating. So I decided to spin a bulkhead that had been tight for over a week. Next I water tested it. Not the brightest thing to do in the middle of the night. I should have just waited 'till Tuesday and bought a new bulkhead as I knew the gasket would leak.
Long story short, I had to pull all the gear out of my office and roll the carpet & underlay back. I ran a blower fan for 2 days and just now finished putting the carpet back. Plus I washed every towel we own as I used them all sopping up the leak.
Thankfully it was only RO water.
I have also decided to NOT run my pumps external. Call me a chicken, but even while I was installing new bulkheads today, I was having issues with the whole shebang, so I ran out and bought some glass squares to cover the bulkhead holes. The silicone is drying now and I will test the sump on Sunday.
There is enough room in the sump for both Eheims and that is the new plan.

Lets sum up my booboos thus far;
-Blown ballast
-Destroyed ballast
-Soaked new carpet and underlay, which now will not sit as flat as new
-Wasted 2 bulkheads, and have 2 more I shouldn't have bought
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Old 02-03-2012, 02:35 AM
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On the plus side, I finally bought some Live Rock. Timing wasn't on my side and I ended up buying it from J&L instead of a member. I picked through 2 160g Rubbermaids and only bought 14lbs, but it will do for a start. It's going to cure while I put things back into perspective. Too bad I didn't buy some 2 months ago, but ce la vie.
Like the wife says, 'What's the rush?'
Maybe this rock won't need to cure ... I'll find out soon enough. It has been sitting @ J&L for quite some time already.
So, to end ...
It's official, I'm a Dad again. I have so far spotted 6 brittle stars and a very shy crab.
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Old 02-03-2012, 03:31 AM
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Ummmm........... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............hmmmmmmmmm........... ........

We need more pics!!!
Feed the bear goodies, make a new friend, don't feed the bear...............

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Old 02-03-2012, 04:00 AM
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You wanna see flood pics, go watch 2012
There's nothin' to document at the moment, but I will definately put 'em up when there's something worth lookin' at
As for the stars and crab, there's no way I could get you pics of them in the rubbermaid. They are, for lack of a more manly word, teensy
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Old 02-03-2012, 04:31 AM
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OK, OK, pics
Last weekend I managed to get 2 circuits for the tank and sump run, and a third for the office AC. The tank outlet is not visible as it is on the other side of the wall, but you can just make out the back of the stand.
What you see here is the 20A for the AC and my guitar amp on the left, and on the right is one of the 2 15A circuits I ran. This one is split between a regular and surge outlet. The surge is for things such as the RKL and ATO. The other duplex is for simpler things like the pumps and some ( lots ) of GFCIs. I am only surge protecting the solid state stuff.

Next is a shot of what the base rock might end up looking like.

And this last shot is of my puny Live Rock purchase. Do you see the stars and crab? Ya, I thought you could
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