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Old 01-18-2012, 01:26 AM
MustangMX MustangMX is offline
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Default Need help please!

Hey guys im new around here, i have a friend of mine that has a 90g saltwater tank that he has had for 2 years and everything is running fine in it but he has been out of town for months and will not be coming back for a while he has asked me to take it apart for him, What i need to know is how do i store the live rock for him? He sold his coarls back to the lfs so the only thing in the tank is the live rock and some sand, but i need to find out what to do because the live rock has some red algea and bubble algea and some other stuff growing on it so how do i store this rock and clean it because he plans on reusing the rock in a year he told me.

Any help is great ty!
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Old 01-18-2012, 01:33 AM's Avatar is offline
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Storing the rock for a year is a long time to keep the tank running only for rock with what it sounds like algae growth.
1)I would take all the rocks outside using the garden hose and wash it well only with clean water, place it in an open tub let dry then cover and hide till next year
2)Sell the rock as I am sure you could get about $2-3$/lb
3)leave it be in the tank with a running power-head and lights off for roughly 3-4 weeks then remove let dry and store.
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