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Old 02-16-2004, 03:20 AM
2klude 2klude is offline
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Default need lighting opinions on DIY lighting...please have a look

well i have a canopy for a 135gal tank that needs a lighting system. i can honestly say i dont have any experience with wiring up a ballast. i am very mechanically inclinded so i dont think i will have a problem figuring out how to wire it... it should come with a wiring diagram anyways.

i have decided to go with the workhorse 8 ballast. it can power 6-48" 40w bulbs. do u think thats to much?

so should i get 6 36" bulbs and have them wired in 3 rows across the or should i just go with 6 48" bulbs and still have 3 rows but have the bulbs staggered leaving more lighting in the middle of the tank. kinda confusing. maybe these 2 diagrams may help. the lines are obviously the bulbs. would u go with option A or B.
_________________ __________________ daylight or 10000k
_________________ __________________ actinic or 50/50
_________________ __________________ daylight or 10000k

________________________ daylight or 10000k
________________________ daylight or 1000k
________________________ actinic or 50/50
________________________ actinic or 50/50
________________________ daylight or 1000K
________________________ daylight or 100K

do u think this is to much lighting for a 135gal. i am looking for a very very bright tank...also like the marine look. i have alot of blue and yellow male peacocks aswell as burnadi fronts.

what would u guys recommend as far as bulb combinations.

comments and opinions welcomed. thanx
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Old 02-16-2004, 04:42 AM
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if you want it very bright then forget about what you are thinking. NO bulbs will not be bright enuf for anything except fish in my opinion. especialy on a tank that size.

your best bet is to go VHO for actinic and MH for your main lighting. but this again depends on what your intentions are.. for example down the road say a year or two from now ... what do you hope to achieve?

only after you answer this can you make the proper choice in lighting so you don't waist money.

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Old 02-16-2004, 04:58 AM
Red Snapper Red Snapper is offline
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So, this is African Cichlid set up you have and want to give it that "marine" look. Well, I would go with 10,000K's and actinics like you said. I would do the 36" 6 bulb set up as that would cover the entire length of the tank.
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Old 02-16-2004, 05:03 AM
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Oh this is a freshwater tank.. thought thoes names looked familer I assumed that it was salt as it was not in the fresh water forum hehe.. anyways ya go with the NO's and do hagen power glo's and a couple actinic (phillips 03)

I would do 36" length

power glow
power glo

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Old 02-16-2004, 06:54 AM
2klude 2klude is offline
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thanx for the replys guys. i have decided to go with coralife 10000k and actinic bulbs.

someone told me with the workhorse 7 i could run 2 36" 96W power compacts. it would be one strip in the center of the tank with 10000k/actinic coralife bulb. it would be much cheaper than going with a 6 light setup.

what do u think will be brighter. will i notice a huge difference between the 2 setups.

thanx guys

and yeah its for a all male african peacock and hap tank.
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