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Old 12-07-2011, 05:55 PM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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Default Hockey Card Value

Ok, I dont know much at all when it comes to the value of hockey stuff but I have been researching for a bit now trying to get one for my husband for christmas. He LOVES Wendel Clark from the Toronto Maple Leafs. Im reasearching because I dont want to pay $300 for a card that is only valued at $20.

So I have only been able to find a few things and that is the value is around $2-40 depending on the condition.

Anyone else have more experience to add to this? I found a graded one for almost $400 and its on "sale". But from what I have read I think it is over priced.

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Old 12-07-2011, 07:03 PM
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I wouldn't be paying $400 for any Wendel Clark card. I've got his rookie and I think I paid 10-20 bucks for it. The best cards on the market right now are called The Cup by Upperdeck. The best card you could get him would be one with a jersey patch and an's a sweet one on ebay...

...the more colours in the jersey patch, the more expensive it is. Hope this helps
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Old 12-07-2011, 07:20 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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was at a card shop the other day and noticed a bobby orr card for 600 looked like the most expensive card they had...then i was sad to see sydney crosbies card right next to it for $800 like really...i hate crosbie lol
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Old 12-08-2011, 12:34 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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Yea I wouldnt pay that much for a clark card. I wrote the seller about that and he says that it is priced at that much because it is evaluated by beckett and is a 10 "pristine" on their scale. There are only 10 wendel clark cards in the world at that level and he has most of them. They have been selling at $500 so the price it is at is correct.
I personally dont think that is true after doing some research.
I did find a KSA level 9 card for $64 but I need to do some research on KSA grading.

The cards with the jerseys are cool but my husband isint crazy about them for some reason. However I did pick up a signed wendel clark Jersey and had it mounted and framed with pins and plaque with the COA Its a surprise.

I want to get him the wendle clark o pee chee RC card so our son (19 months old) can give it to his daddy
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:48 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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Well I did some reading up and KSA grading is not very good. They are usually a grade or two lower than PSA. PSA is considered to be the best and is internationally accepted. They are brutal when it comes to grading.

I am learning so much about cards. Im getting so into this. LOVE IT!

Does anyone have anything else to add so I know what to look for in cards ? I know back in the day O Pee Chee was the best. Today O Pee Chee is still awsome but they make the upper deck cards which are what you want. Upper Deck by O Pee Chee also makes different versions.
There sure are a lot of branches of cards and things to consider before purchasing if you hope for something worth anything.
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Old 12-08-2011, 05:16 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Check ebay, I have gotten some great deals on cards there.....
A Bobby Orr rookie for $600??? Let me know where...good deal if its in really good shape....don't hate Crosby too much..he has been good for hockey... better than Ovechkin.....As for Wendal..$10-$20 for a decent card is max.
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Old 12-08-2011, 05:18 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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The reason I say ebay is hockey cards are way less valuable to most americans...
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Old 12-08-2011, 05:01 PM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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yup. I've been going on e-bay. Thats where the big money wendel clark card is and its from the states. Other Wendel clark cards from the states are going for 60+ but they are tropps. Others are poor quality O Pee Chee. You can see the creases and soft corners and discolouration on them. I refuse to pay anymore than $30 for a wendel clark card. I have not seen the value above that even when graded unless its on e-bay. BUT go figure... no bids lol.

Bobby Orr would be a NICE card to have. Thats my father in laws fav player. lol.

My husband decided to make a collection for our son. He wants to collect all the rookie cards from the 1st pics, possibly the 2nd pics of the season for all the years my son has been alive until he is 12. Then we will give him the cards and he can decide if he wants to continue with the collection or stop it right there. I thought it was a cute idea. Hes only 19 months old so We only need 3 cards. 2 from last year because there were 2 good top picks and 1 from this year.
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