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Old 11-30-2011, 09:07 PM
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I have been using reef crystal for a year now and never ever had brown sludge. I have gone through 4 buckets already and nothing but happy. I have huge large palythoas and zoanthids polyps and my sps are doing great and growing very fast.

I will not change salt and will stay with Reef Crystal. I love it and it is much cheaper than H2O which I tried and had bad results with my zoanthids and some SPS.

Best salt I ever used and I tried a few (H2O, Red Sea Coral Pro, Seachem). It always mix clear and fast. I even use it right after mixing when replacing the water from the coral I sell and it clear become clear in no time.

Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Can't be reef crystals I'm left with a lovely brown layer of sludge after every mix lol.
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Old 11-30-2011, 09:11 PM
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I love it as well and just bought 10 pails =)

I'm not very good with rinsing my mixing container after a water-change so I think letting things sit isn't great either. I think what I'll do from now on is get the next batch mixing immediately to make rinsing it unnecessary.
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 11-30-2011, 10:34 PM
Aquaria Aquaria is offline
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
I love it as well and just bought 10 pails =)

I'm not very good with rinsing my mixing container after a water-change so I think letting things sit isn't great either. I think what I'll do from now on is get the next batch mixing immediately to make rinsing it unnecessary.
Thats what I do otherwise I rise well with hot water if I plan to have thebucket empty. (only takes me 5 min wink wink lastlight) I mostly started thisthread to see if others had the same experience with switching from io to reef crystals Did u guys notice the same changes? I also recommend others who are using IO to try out the IO reef crystals coral definitely like the latter much more and it's not that much more then reg IO. Anyone in bc know who sells buckets of io reef crystals? All I have been able to find is 50g bags I might phone j&l see if they can get buckets there's nothing on the site or instore about pails
Aquaria's SPS nano
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Old 12-01-2011, 12:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquaria View Post
Thats what I do otherwise I rise well with hot water if I plan to have thebucket empty. (only takes me 5 min wink wink lastlight) I mostly started thisthread to see if others had the same experience with switching from io to reef crystals Did u guys notice the same changes? I also recommend others who are using IO to try out the IO reef crystals coral definitely like the latter much more and it's not that much more then reg IO. Anyone in bc know who sells buckets of io reef crystals? All I have been able to find is 50g bags I might phone j&l see if they can get buckets there's nothing on the site or instore about pails
too pricey for me in the 50G bags and imo I would not pay more then $10 a pail, not alone a bag, for this stuff, when regular I.O work's fine.

so what they rinse it a tad bit better and add mag,ca etc. not worth it unless you like to max your bioload out. everything else can be added.
Clintos:29G Cube 24"x24"x12"D,ATI 24" 6 x 24W powermodule,4 blue,2 x 10 000K ATI's, tap water,
1 mp 10, 1 nano hydor,mag 3 lift pump, approx 40lbs L.R,2" dsb,15G sump/refuge,
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"Corals,corals,corals-they are as fascinating as candle lights."

Last edited by phyto4life; 12-01-2011 at 12:38 AM.
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Old 12-01-2011, 01:18 AM
Aquaria Aquaria is offline
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Idk were ur getting salt but $10 a bucket seems pretty cheap, you must let me know. it's a $6-8 difference from io to io reef in 160g pails and a 4 dollar diff on the bags it still cheaper then other salts and I haven't had to dose since starting i think its a better instant ocean salt. My coral are ALOT happier since changing I clean my w/c equipment less I don't have to dose calc or alk and it's still cheaper then the rest of them its worth it to me. And for the record iv been using io for awhile now cuz I found the rest to not be worth the extra $10-25 all I was asking was if others liked the change
Aquaria's SPS nano
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