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![]() I was planning on putting 4 96W PC bulbs (2 10,000K and 2 attinic)over my 108 Gallon tank. Is this too much light for softies and LPS?
My tank is 20 inches deep with a 3-4 inch sand bed. Should I just put in 2 4ft NO attinics instead of the attinic PCs? I was planning on using the Workhorse 7 ballast. Should I use T12 or T8 bulbs? |
![]() Tigger,
I dont believe that is too much light,by a long shot. My corals just told me not to listen to Dana,so i dont think im gonna. ;) Isnt some "Inhibiting" just what we want?... to get the colors we wish ? I dont disagree that they can be "maintained" under these lower lighting scenarios,but to just maintain them is not enouph. I have had many sps in low light areas,and the majority of them are brown,due to producing extra zooxanthellea(sp?)to make up for the lower light levels. This is consistent with mother colonies that are directly under heavy lighting,producing a much nicer color by far. Ok,Could someone hold this rock up so i can crawl back under it now? Marc. [ 14 May 2002, 21:08: Message edited by: Superfudge ] |
![]() Interesting for sure. I'll have to bring this thread to a friend of mine's attention. He's about to pump 1800 watts (one 1000 watt and two 400 watts) into his 170 cube....
![]() Hi,
Isn't a 250W Iwasaki as bright as a 400W MH ? Or am I just confused. - Victor |
![]() Im going to be switching to 400watter from my 250 Iwasakis.Im hoping for better coloration but I guess time will tell. Should be done by the weekend.
![]() Hey Pocilipora, if you're thinking about selling your 250W Iwasakis, let me know. I might be interested in them.
![]() Ive got 1-250watt Iwasaki with ballast and 2-400watt ballasts.
![]() Just hooked up the new 400watt German bulbs. Man these things are insane compared to the 250 Iwasakis.Oh happy day
![]() Well its been 2 months since Ive changed from 250 Iwasakis, to 400 watt 10,000k german bulbs. The tank went through a small diatom algae bloom for about 2 weeks, before things cleared up.
The colors Ive been able to pull out of these corals has been nothing but amazing. I was never able to get these colors with the 250s. Also there are no signs of slowed growth or bleaching by any of my SPS corals. And my Crocea clam loved the change. |
![]() First of all, "Reduced Photosynthetic Activity" is not necessarily a bad thing. When there is a high degree of light, there isn't a need within corals to have a large amount of zoxanthellae. This is because there is sufficient light to run these little zoxanthellae sugar-factories at high efficincy. Therefor at high light levels there would likely be a reduced photosynthetic activity...the coral will purge itself of excess built up zox that it may have gained during a low light period. This would register on this woman's meter as reduced photosynthetic activity. It is well documented that too many zoxanthellae running at maximum efficiency will poison your corals with the waste products (02-day, CO2-night). Also - measuring photosystem II's byproducts and from there extrapolating an change in Rph (Rate of Photosynthesis) is a difficult thing to do theoretically because of the natural flux of these byproducts. This sounds fishy to me...until I hear more proof we should take this Dana and rocket her off to the sun so she can measure the effects of too much light intensity on human tissues. :cool:
Stephen |