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Old 02-06-2004, 07:58 PM
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I like using a refractometer myself, although I don't have one.
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Old 02-07-2004, 01:07 AM
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I use the refractometer just to check the swingarms once in a while. Let's face it, getting out a refractometer to check four tanks is a huge PITA.

My swingarm matches the refractometer exactly.
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Old 02-07-2004, 03:17 AM
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Default Re: Refractom/PinPoint Salinity monitor/Milwalkee Conductivi

Originally Posted by jakets
Swing arm salinity hydrometer

in my opinion they are junk, I have one that is 0.002 out one way and another that is 0.003 out the other way.. I will be investing in a pinpoint salinity meter very soon. as for PH, test kits are hard to read and very dependent on your color perception so I recomend a PH pen or other type of electronic monitor. If a 2 miniut calibration every 4 months is to much just think about the 5 to 10 minuits needed to do a test each time you want to know what your PH is

electronic guages / meters are way more accurate and conveniant but they do cost money. manual test kits are for people who want to save money.

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Old 02-07-2004, 04:07 AM
fishnut fishnut is offline
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Default Useful Equipment

To Willito:

I find my refractometer and PinPoint pH monitor indispensable.

There is practically no maintenance with the refractometer, except to occasionally calibrate with RO water, and it takes almost no time at all to get a reliable reading (IMO).

The pH monitor requires probe cleaning and calibrating only once a month. I use mine with a battery, and switch it on only when I want to take a reading.
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Old 02-07-2004, 04:26 AM
aussiefishy aussiefishy is offline
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a refractometer is a very precise equipment, for me tech junkie, it is the best (analog) toy you can buy... but for salinity meter, ph etc you need to recalibrate once in a while... so anything with a probe needs recalibrate at leat once every 3 month... conductivity meter?? i cannot compare salinity measure eqquipment with this... so i cannot help you with that one.

as for bang for the buck, out of the three i will buy refractometer... ( opinionated).

for myself, i will buy a aquadyne/neptune contoller and a refractometer. that is the best bang for the buck.
check it out!
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Old 02-07-2004, 03:40 PM
zulu_principle zulu_principle is offline
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I agree with most that suggest that the cheap swing arm hydrometer is just fine.

A nice toy is the refractor, good bang for the buck as the price has fallen considerably in the last couple of years. Just make sure you get one with ATC.

As for the salinity monitor, they are very fickle to operate to calibrate and moreover just a very expensive piece of equipment for a measurement that is not required to be that precise. golden_eye on this board had a used one available recently if your interested you may wish to contact him.


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Old 02-07-2004, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by zulu_principle
As for the salinity monitor, they are very fickle to operate to calibrate and moreover just a very expensive piece of equipment for a measurement that is not required to be that precise.

so your saying that if I bought say 100 snails off you and used my swing arm to measure my tank and it gave me 1.025 and then I measured the water you shipped it in and it measured 1.025 all I would have to do is adjust temp and alk and I can throw them in? this is kind of a trick question as both swig arms I have will varry by 0.004 using the same swing arm on samples taken 2 minuits apart swing arms are crude and not accurate by any means (I do 3 tests now and take the average).

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Old 02-08-2004, 01:35 AM
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Which swingarm Steve ? Mine are SeaTest.
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Old 02-08-2004, 02:08 AM
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Originally Posted by EmilyB
Which swingarm Steve ? Mine are SeaTest.
I have 2 sea tests (both crap) and a deep 6 (also crap)

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