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Old 11-16-2011, 03:25 AM
Reefrookie79 Reefrookie79 is offline
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Default Pls Help

So I'm having a problem with ich all of a sudden. The only thing I've changed is got some Mushrooms and Pulsing Xenia. I've lost 2 of my perc clowns and now my tang and neon goby has white spots all over. Is there any chems out there I can get that will help me with this quickly so I don't loose my last 2 fish?

Thanks in advance
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Old 11-16-2011, 03:39 AM
beginnersluckpg beginnersluckpg is offline
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I've heard and am currently dosing my food with garlic extreme, just concentrated garlic extract. This is about all u can do to my knowledge without killing corals, and without a quarantine tank. Just don't over do it with garlic.
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Old 11-16-2011, 03:51 AM
Casey8 Casey8 is offline
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I was using Ich-X directly into my reef tank full of sps and lps. All my invertebrates including shrimp and starfish were survived after the treatment. Just make sure you know exactly your water volume so you are not overdosing, and you have to do 20% of water change everyday. I did for a full week of treatment, then I stopped it even it was still showing signs of ich on some fish. But eventually it went away in about a week. I was also using a UV at the same time in 3 weeks period.
Remember to turn off your skimmer while using this medication.

Last edited by Casey8; 11-16-2011 at 03:53 AM.
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Old 11-16-2011, 02:45 PM
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Please tell us more about your tank. How big is it? How long has it been setup? How long were the fish in the tank before they died? Did they all get white spots? What did they do before they died? Got pics?
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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Old 11-24-2011, 07:59 PM
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without a quarantine tank or separate sick fish tank there really isn't much you can realistically do. also note, the ich will stay in your system for a couple months. you really gotta QT the fish before you put them into your system or get your LFS to QT them for you if you trust them. after they look ok in QT, then you can transfer them into your system, fatten them up, feed them garlic with their food, and that should toughen them up so they can resist the ich and other diseases that they will be more susceptible to if they are stressed and unhealthy. alot of medications are not so great for a reef tank and the ones that are supposedly reef safe aren't so effective against ich. that's of course, just my opinion. some people run UV sterilizers as a preventative measure against things like ich as well but how effective they are is still debatable.
- rev.
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