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Old 09-30-2011, 03:17 AM
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I don't think you gain much by moving that section down a bit. Personally I like the original version, just my 2 cents. You will actually lose a bit of viewing area, unless of course you can freely walk around the far end of the tank.
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Old 09-30-2011, 03:27 AM
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Originally Posted by The Codfather View Post
I don't think you gain much by moving that section down a bit. Personally I like the original version, just my 2 cents. You will actually lose a bit of viewing area, unless of course you can freely walk around the far end of the tank.
it is hard to tell but stupid me only left 6 feet behind the tank and with the stand pushed back there is not much room to work around.

with it pulled forward that 14 inches it give me a shelf to put the skimmer, reactors and a sink
Old 09-30-2011, 03:56 AM
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Is there a possibility of moving that tele-post? Or is it poured in place? I can't see how the beam is running in the picture. If not you could move or change the arrangement, maybe something that would be more beneficial?
What if you flipped the two ends and put the drop on the left hand side. Could you possibly move the tank forward past the tele-post?
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Last edited by The Codfather; 09-30-2011 at 04:09 AM.
Old 09-30-2011, 04:26 AM
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It actually might work if you flip the sides. Just did some of the math, flip the two sides and pull the tank out. The tele-post should slip by the side. Just a thought.
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Old 09-30-2011, 04:31 AM
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Originally Posted by The Codfather View Post
It actually might work if you flip the sides. Just did some of the math, flip the two sides and pull the tank out. The tele-post should slip by the side. Just a thought.
no i don't think that will work, i was going to turn the left side into my office and computer room. if i put the drop down on the side it would be too small to work with. i will play with it a little more before i lock it together and call it a day
Old 09-30-2011, 04:40 AM
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You can't put your office there. If your anything like me, you'll just stare at the tank and never accomplish anything. Mind you I don't do much to begin with.
Im sure you'll figure something out.
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Old 09-30-2011, 04:59 AM
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I def prefer your original layout but you need to put your equipment somewhere I guess. My fish room is narrower than 6 feet and I am going to make do... just sayin

That thing looks crazy impressive though!
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Old 09-30-2011, 05:39 AM
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Do you plan on drywalling the walls? Doesn't look like you have enough room.
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Old 09-30-2011, 06:37 AM
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Instead of that 2' jog in the back, why not make one long straight viewing pane? That will give you more room back there too.

I think you're going to have issues with leaks where the drops joins the upper portion of the tank on the left side of the drop. How do you plan to keep it from wanting to pull apart? A lip holding the bottom of the drop in place so it can't push out to the right? Hard to describe....
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Old 10-27-2011, 02:23 AM
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
Do you plan on drywalling the walls? Doesn't look like you have enough room.
Well, his drywaller might hate him... I'm glad I don't have to hang any in there.

Dave, that power issue, did you get an electrician to install all those circuits?

There are devices like this:

That can monitor power and your can track them (SNMP traps, emails, etc) and with a UPS and small server, you can log everything and even get power usage stats. What gets measured gets managed.

To run everything on a UPS, you're going to need to think big, like home genset big - if your power goes out for 12 hours on account of ENMAX (not impossible), all the emails in the world won't prevent an issue. You'd have to get a pretty big portable generator to keep everything running for any extended period of time.

If you get any UPS to run the motors for your pumps, you might want to check out how they run on the step-approximated UPS's... I have to use a true sine UPS otherwise the motor on my pumps just shudders for 5 minutes.

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