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while we like to think different the only thing our hobby does is statisfly our own personal need or want for a decoration and actualy harms the reef. if there was no aquarium industry we would not have countrys blowing up reefs for live rock, using cyanide to catch fish which also kills sections of reef, or even pulling corals out of there natural settings in mannors which destroy corals around it. I suport total bans in spicific areas (like areas where easy colection in possible) as the spin off of this is other areas are more expensive to fish which will raise the price of fish. once this happens then groups will look more into captive breeding programs, which if the right permissions and permits are obtained they can fish in total ban areas for fish for the programs. from personaly experiance with total bans on fishing of yellow tangs I can tell you that when I first started swimming in hunama (sp) bay the only fish you would see is parrot fish. 25 years later I see people sending back pictures of tangs when they go there.. this is a direct result of gathering closures and shows they work to replenish populations. I think what I would like to see is a total ban of free fishing with in say 100 miles of hawaii and winth in that limit have a fishery set up where you have to buy a special licience and fish to limits in a spicif mannor to limit the impact of the fishing. then they can adjust limits every year to mannage the population. now I am still checing on a few articles but I haven't found anything that proposes a total ban on having fish, or captive breeding programs yet except for the ones PETA has been trying to push for the last 20 years and the goverment pretty much ignores them now..... the other thing we have to remember is that hawaii is part of the USA where we have the political set up and mind set to put in and enforce bans and limited fisheries, as for this spilling over to other countries I don't think we have to worry about that as most of the fish for our hobby come from countries with totaly different goverment styles and a general lack of enforcment. Steve
![]() Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive. Last edited by StirCrazy; 10-16-2011 at 11:42 PM. |
![]() ok, found the one article.. these are the same people that have put up a total of 8 proposals over the last 11 to 15 years and every one has been turned down by the state of Hawaii. do you realy think this one is going to go through when the stats position is sustainability, they do have to hear the proposal and every couple years this same panic goes around the hobby boards... and every time nothing happens.. Hawaii is opposit of what they group states.. they use the aquarium industry to atract visitors and such.. there are about 10 "tanks you must see" in wikiki alone.. hotels stores ect.. if the state was leaning towards this proposal or any of the others in the last so many years why do they keep giving out permits for busines and such to have large aquariums which include up to 100 yellow tangs in each one....
don't think we have anything to worry about here. Steve
![]() Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive. |
![]() This deserves the Wisers "slow clap". and yes the sky is not falling!. What I read is this is the equivelant of a RM telling the province what laws they should adopt. They are nothing more than a bunch of tree hugging granola eating earth muffins with a sprinkling of tour operators in competition with divers collecting fish. It was "county council " not the fisheries or state passing a "nonbinding resolution" what ever the hell that is, but it doesn't sound too serious.
Last edited by jorjef; 10-17-2011 at 12:29 AM. |
![]() Non-binding resolutions are usually NOT worth the paper they're written on. Non-binding means they can say whatever they want and nobody in charge needs to implement those "suggestions".
That's why in the NHL, they go to "binding arbitration" otherwise the players and GMs know that it is all a waste of time and effort.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it! |
![]() Ugh...
It IS a good thing Myka. Just not for us. For the fish, for the oceans, while you may believe we can be beneficial to these animals in the best of cases scenrio, the fact is, they are better off in the ocean no matter what...as long as the ocean remains able to supprt them. Stop collection and protect these same habitats that collection is banned in and you have yourself the best case sceanrio for the fish... I get why you feel so strongly there is a happy medium but it's only a medium for us and not for the animals themselves. It's hard not to be selfish in a situation like this, but I think no matter which way you look at it the oceans and reefs especially would be better off without our meddling. Habitat/environment protection is key and without it, any ban is senseless but the next largest mitigating factor to the continued survival of any trade related animal is us. Looking at it any other way, IME, is seeing only the side that appeals to u as hobbyists....but I do get where you're coming from. Last edited by gobytron; 10-17-2011 at 02:45 PM. |
![]() There is a petition against the ban that you can sign here: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/...-ban/sign.html
Ret Talbot recently traveled to Hawaii and is there now investigating the state of affairs over there in this matter. Quote:
Last edited by Myka; 10-18-2011 at 03:32 PM. |
![]() I have allways wondered why wild fish are cheaper. I mean, you buy Wild Salmon, it costs a lot more than farmed Salmon. Why are our fish any different. I am all for preserving the oceans, getting CB instead of Wild. Regulate the collection, don't just ban it outright.
It's like saying Cars kill to many people, so instead of all the regulations we have, were just going to ban them all together.. Ya that really makes sense....
Dan Pesonen Umm, a tank or 5 |
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![]() I can't speak for everyone but I'm personally glad I won't get to see hawiian cleaner wrasses dieing in LFS tanks any more. so sad watching them starve to death and must I mention moorish idols? I know there range is huge but at least they won't be collected in Hawaii now
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Who wants to buy a $300 that is difficult to keep alive? Mostly only experts that know they can do it. I would LOVE to have a Moorish Idol, but I know I probably can't keep it which is enough for me to refuse to try. I was in an LFS not too long ago where a customer was mad because a Moorish Idol died before he could buy it. I tried to tactfully explain why he would be a moron to buy it (he's a newbie in the sw world), but he wouldn't hear any of it. Something tells me he might have thought twice if the fish was $300 instead of $50. I personally don't believe that fish like the Moorish Idol and Cleaner Wrasse should be readily available to any hobbyist, and especially not for the insanely low prices they are offered at. If we can't get regulations governing the export of fish from their country of origin then maybe we could put governing regulations on fishes being imported. Maybe sensitive species could have high import taxes which are forwarded to research institutes. There are a lot of ways that these issues in question could be improved. Last edited by Myka; 10-21-2011 at 02:44 AM. |