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Old 01-31-2004, 06:28 PM
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I've have a mini-ISP setup on my Linux server for about 10 years. I hooked up 6 I-Modems to it for people to dial-in at 56K and use it as their gateway. I set up a webserver, a mail server, and a DNS server on it all for free. To do the same thing on Windows would cost several thousand dollars.
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Old 01-31-2004, 06:42 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Originally Posted by whaase
One more reason why I love running linux

the other reason must be because you love having to write all your own drivers and updates

I've never had to write one driver... Check out Gentoo! You compile the whole operating system for your machine. Took about 5 days on a Duron 750, but it is one fast machine! Updates are easy as 'emerge world', installing a proram is as easy as 'emerge PROGRAM' it grabs all dependances as well. Has over 70000 software titles in its database. I've run it for about 1.5 years and never looked back. You can also use crossover office if you really want and install MS office on your linux box. (Not sure why though) Anyways, didn't mean to hijack the thread!

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Old 01-31-2004, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Originally Posted by whaase
One more reason why I love running linux

the other reason must be because you love having to write all your own drivers and updates

I've never had to write one driver... Check out Gentoo!
What is a Gentoo
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Old 01-31-2004, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by whaase
Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Originally Posted by whaase
One more reason why I love running linux

the other reason must be because you love having to write all your own drivers and updates

I've never had to write one driver... Check out Gentoo!
What is a Gentoo
Gentoo is a distribution of linux. Just like Mandrake, Redhat, Slackware, Debian... etc...

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Old 01-31-2004, 11:40 PM
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Originally Posted by reef_raf
Steve, 5 years ago you could put linux on a floppy (still could, I suppose) but today it's plug and play, has support for most everything, a decent GUI and it needs a much larger hard drive
funny a full install of mandrake with the GUI xwindows was 2.4 gig, win 98 was only 600 meg..

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Old 01-31-2004, 11:59 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Originally Posted by reef_raf
Steve, 5 years ago you could put linux on a floppy (still could, I suppose) but today it's plug and play, has support for most everything, a decent GUI and it needs a much larger hard drive
funny a full install of mandrake with the GUI xwindows was 2.4 gig, win 98 was only 600 meg..

Just remember, you are getting 10x the operating system! I'd never waist 600 megs on Windows Harddrives are cheap. I have a FULL install of Gentoo, that has several gui's (KDE, Gnome, XFCE4, and a few smaller ones), full e-mail server, file server, web server, and it only takes 2 gig. And the last time I rebooted that machine was 11 months ago... I'm not anti Windows, I just think there is much better out there for free!


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Old 02-01-2004, 12:12 AM
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Originally Posted by whaase
Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Originally Posted by reef_raf
Steve, 5 years ago you could put linux on a floppy (still could, I suppose) but today it's plug and play, has support for most everything, a decent GUI and it needs a much larger hard drive
funny a full install of mandrake with the GUI xwindows was 2.4 gig, win 98 was only 600 meg..

Just remember, you are getting 10x the operating system! I'd never waist 600 megs on Windows Harddrives are cheap. I have a FULL install of Gentoo, that has several gui's (KDE, Gnome, XFCE4, and a few smaller ones), full e-mail server, file server, web server, and it only takes 2 gig. And the last time I rebooted that machine was 11 months ago... I'm not anti Windows, I just think there is much better out there for free!


I run XP because I am just a user not a computer geek. I am, however, getting tired of paying uncle Bill more than $100.00 every time I upgrade machines. My question is this; Is there something out there I could look at that is not as costly, and would work well with my Duron one gig machine Preferably with a good gui. Also something I don't have to pay a fortune to keep viruses out BTW I only use less than half of my 20 gig hard drive.
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Old 02-01-2004, 12:36 AM
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Bob, if you are just a "user" I'd stay with Windows. Don't upgrade if you don't have to. I know a few people that still use Windows 98. They have everything they need and MS is not supporting Win98 anymore. I've always hated XP from the start. I went to a open unvailing they had the the Maxbell and got a free XP Pro. I used it for about a month and went back to Windows 2000. I use 2000 on my laptop, but I run linux on my main machine and on another downstairs. Go to , scoll down about 1/2 way and on the left side it will have "screen shots" Take a look what you can do if you want There is also Live versions too. They run off the CD. It'll give you a good idea what it is all about. Enough of my ramblings! If I could get rid of Windows I would! But my wife still won't change

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Old 02-01-2004, 12:55 AM
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Originally Posted by whaase
Just remember, you are getting 10x the operating system! I'd never waist 600 megs on Windows Harddrives are cheap. I have a FULL install of Gentoo, that has several gui's (KDE, Gnome, XFCE4, and a few smaller ones), full e-mail server, file server, web server, and it only takes 2 gig. And the last time I rebooted that machine was 11 months ago... I'm not anti Windows, I just think there is much better out there for free!


no your not, I do have linux and unix experiance from the servers we used to run on a local BBS. had 56 phone lines running through galacitica boxes and 5 servers. it was a total pain in the A$$.

I did get all 3 flavors of linux running good enuf to evaluate it, hence the reason I am running XP now. I decided linux is for tinkerers and kiddy hackers. I went two years on my install of XP untill a hard drive crash and ram burnout (colatterial dammage from a power supply failure ) forced me to reload a new drive. my server has been running win 2000 server for over a year with the only reboot when I moved and 2 power outages..

Linux was popular with the bill haters and the people who were against paying for software back in the day. Now you have to pay for flavors of it, but you get the source code so you can modify it. if windows gave the source code out and only charged 1/2 the amount it would be pretty close to the same idea.

BeOS was going to be the OS to rule them all but bad markiting caused it failure to catch on in the same fasion as OS2 and Beta. I think I still have a copy of BeOS5 and it is amazing, fast, stable and a multimedia lovers wet dream. to bad it didn't pick up enuf to be a main stream OS.

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Old 02-01-2004, 01:53 AM
kris kris is offline
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Hey steve, i was looking at BeOS 5 to run my multimedia software. From what i heard its being devloped under a new name and company... not sure though.
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