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Old 07-09-2011, 06:07 PM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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The cost depends on the size of the macro. The most i had to pay for macro was 14.99 but you get a really decent sized portion. For example Last year when I ordered sargassum it was HUGE with side branches and everything. I also got 3 softball sized portions of red graceillera for the same price. Some I ordered this time were only 4.99 because they were "small" but when they come in I will see how big they are.

You will need to contact JLA to see whats in stock or to be put on their waitlist and to ask for specifics.
I bought all types they brought in except 2. I really liked the other 2 they had as well but im on a budget.

msjboy I love that macro. Maybe some day we can trade macros

Last edited by skabooya; 07-09-2011 at 06:10 PM.
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Old 07-13-2011, 04:17 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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FTS before my new macros show up.
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Old 07-13-2011, 04:45 PM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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I think my tank inhabitants are trying to tell me something. They're spelling it in the algae I forget to scrape off.

Last edited by skabooya; 07-13-2011 at 09:49 PM.
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Old 07-13-2011, 11:08 PM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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BOOYA!!! My macro came in TODAY!!! UPS site said thursday but it came in TODAY!
I just finished adding and arranging my macro algae. The tank is FULL. I am loving it soo much.
When i saw some of the freebies I almost cried, I was in love. I also got some bonus hitch hikers I got a bunch of feather dusters, some brittle stars, some snails, a RED MUSHROOM! and some other coral. It was closed up and loose, im not sure what it is but when and if it opens up I will let you know what it is.
One of the pieces of red grape had apastia on it so I had to chuck that piece. To be on the safe side I want to pick up another pepermint shrimp just to make sure there are no more.

I love JLA. They always give me what I want and more. Their portion sizes are amazing. Their "small" size is more like a medium and in some cases large

I had a bunch of loose pieces of codium as well as some other algae. Maybe green gracileria. As soon as i added them to the tank they flew around so wherever they attach I hope they grow

I already took some pics but I wont be able to post them until later.
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Old 07-14-2011, 01:03 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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Here are some pics. Nothing has really settled in yet but Im anxious

Tiger Striped serpent starfish (hitch hiker)


Red feather

Red calciferous (unknown)

Botryocladia (Red bubble)

Red mushroom (hitch hiker)

Halmedia optuna


Calpura Profilera

There is also an unknown coral but i think its a small xenia frag. Also a bunch of feather dusters, brittle stars, and some snails.

Last edited by skabooya; 07-14-2011 at 01:08 AM.
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Old 07-14-2011, 02:25 AM
Alpha Alpha is offline
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Originally Posted by skabooya View Post
I love JLA. They always give me what I want and more. Their portion sizes are amazing. Their "small" size is more like a medium and in some cases large
Haha yeah nice! But YOU'RE actually doing THEM a favor, and paying them for it too! LOL. When they get new batches of live rock, there's always some macro algae attached. Now when this stuff rots on the live rock, it increases the time for the rock to be "cured". By taking as much of this stuff off the rock, they lessen the curing time and from people like you, make a quick buck too! Most people buying live rock would rather by the "cured" type, than the "raw" type.

Over all, I guess its a win-win situation.
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Old 07-15-2011, 05:17 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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So, last night I got curious and decided to look at my tanks night life. Very cool stuff. here are a couple of shots before I explain the weird sexual orgey I witnessed.

Candycane sweepers


And now for the weird sex
I was using my sons night light toy thingie to look into my tank and these little maggot things were attracted to the light. There were 2 colours; Pink/peach and blue/purple. There ended up being about 40ish around the light and they would follow it like one of those dog/cat lazer toys. Anyway, when they got to the sandbed I noticed that the blue ones would smear white goo along the glass. It was gross, looked like almost cooked runny egg whites or when a bug hits your windsheild and you have a spray of goo but it was white. And upon even closer inspection I noticed there were little dots in the goo. Then I realized... EWWW SPERM. Eggs too but EWWW. Kind of like salmon if you really think about it. But anyway here are some pics AND a video of the 2 coloured maggot things.

Money Shot... well not really all you can really see are the blue dot eggs under the maggot things and some film (sperm) around the eggs.

Video of these weird creatures

Ok and now a normal video of my tank. A tour basically.
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Old 07-15-2011, 01:24 PM
ferret ferret is offline
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Default Re: Macro Algae display tank

I'm pleased to have a member in BC keeping a marine plant display tank! ( J&L told me that only a few guys looking for algae )I have been setting a macro algae tank ( 120 gal system ) and collecting various algae for more than 5 years. I switched my collection from green to red 1.5 years ago
( 85% of algae in DT are red in color ). Occasionally, I'll prepare some frags of algae on rock and send to J&L & King Ed for trading other saltwater stuff. I can't or don't know how to post pictures to the thread ( not enought size ) but I can send you my photos for sharing my collection if you reply giving me you email address. Thanks.

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Old 07-15-2011, 01:37 PM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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120gals wow. That would be amazing. I would want to do that too but the lighting costs would kill me I think. I learned macro needs a lot higher lighting than people give it credit for.

I would love to see your tank. Im sure others would too.
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Old 07-15-2011, 02:18 PM
ferret ferret is offline
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Not really I found some red macro algae do much better at shady area. The T5 lighting fixture like the Tek light 48" 4x54W 4 tubes I have been using is good enough for most green & red algae except the brown ones. However, I just upgraded to my new DIY Led light fixture.
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