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Old 07-09-2011, 03:28 AM
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Default Hole in the head

My Sohal Has developed a patch above his eye. small but still noticeable also looks to be a little swelling. now I did just move some rock and he did get stuck a couple of times so im not sure if its a wound from him freakin out while i rescued

my tank is 130 gallon so lots of swimming room and diet is a mix of daily misas and or cut up shrimp, and macro every other day also eats NLS pelets daily, food is soaked in cod liver oil and garlic guard and occasionall Selcon. water quality is good I did have a Ph drop and a spike in amonias but that has been dealt with,the only other issue is KH is at 190. i have just made a 20% water chaange and removed the carbon from my tank.

Please give me a little insight as the only write ups found are based on cichlids in which says most part is ue to water quality and poor diet.
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Old 07-09-2011, 03:35 AM
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You should really remove all carbon as I have read often that it does contribute to this disease in saltwater fish. Also it is said that giving garlic on regular basis is not that good for the fish liver.

Just removing the carbon might do the trick.

"The history of activated carbon use at the Toledo Zoo has shown a correlation between the use of lignite (coal-based) carbon and the formation of HLLE lesions in some fishes. Moving the fish to aquariums without carbon filtration sometimes caused the lesions to heal without additional treatment. Once carbon use at the facility was curtailed over ten years ago, cases of HLLE greatly diminished.

Based on those preliminary observations, the Toledo Zoo funded this study, the objective of which was to demonstrate the relationship between carbon use and the development of HLLE. "

and another reference:

"There have been cases of HLLE where the only change needed was the removal of carbon. In these cases the HLLE developed while carbon was being used. Sometimes other treatments were attempted and either had no effect or did not fully solve the problem. When the carbon was removed the HLLE went away. In some cases the carbon was returned and immediately following the return of the carbon the HLLE returned as well. "

Originally Posted by Titus99 View Post
My Sohal Has developed a patch above his eye. small but still noticeable also looks to be a little swelling. now I did just move some rock and he did get stuck a couple of times so im not sure if its a wound from him freakin out while i rescued

my tank is 130 gallon so lots of swimming room and diet is a mix of daily misas and or cut up shrimp, and macro every other day also eats NLS pelets daily, food is soaked in cod liver oil and garlic guard and occasionall Selcon. water quality is good I did have a Ph drop and a spike in amonias but that has been dealt with,the only other issue is KH is at 190. i have just made a 20% water chaange and removed the carbon from my tank.

Please give me a little insight as the only write ups found are based on cichlids in which says most part is ue to water quality and poor diet.

Last edited by daniella3d; 07-09-2011 at 03:42 AM.
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Old 07-09-2011, 04:05 AM
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Ammonia?? How long has it been since your tank cycled? How many and what fish do you have in your tank?

Although tangs like non veggie food from time to time all tangs except the blue tang need algae to live and grow. What is the first ingredient on the NLS pellet label. It should be spirulina.
Go to the LFS and buy Wardleys spirulina discs or pellets. Wardley because it is spirulina.
Go to an Asian market and buy non flavoured nori.

You should be dropping in a couple of discs at least twice a day and have some nori on a clip.
Tangs feed all the time throughout the day.

It is important to use garlic extract when you add a tang to ward off ich but I would not be using it and the other stuff daily. Use selcon soaked food now and than.
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Old 07-09-2011, 04:21 AM
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thanks for the great info

all carbon was removed the reason for cabon in the first place to remove a little metroplex as i had a stressed out firefish who devopled a little ick. i just never removed it thinking no harm.

and as for the ammonia it was from adding a little to much lr at one time and my ph probe was out of cal. but it was shortlived and is better now

i just did a test on the water prior to water change and nitraes were at 5 and ammonia was at 0.1.

thanks for the advice on feed and food soak. i do use frozen spirulina product daily but i will look intothe wardleys
would it be wise to start a antibiotic or just to travel the road
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Old 07-09-2011, 04:22 AM
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sorry tank is a year old give or take a month
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Old 07-09-2011, 04:56 PM
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No you do not need antibiotics. You need to get the ammonia to zero.
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Old 07-09-2011, 05:34 PM
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Ammonia to zero and increase the nori or speralina based foods.

My old Tank Shut down Jan 2011
New 220G build about to start
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Old 07-09-2011, 07:17 PM
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Ammonia will be 0 ASAP my fuge was jousting my brothers fish as he was moving plus adding new rock. A little much on billows but fugue is m t now and water changes were done I will increase plant matter foods

Is there any veggies I can feed him. That may do good
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:23 PM
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K well after taking all advice by increasing plant based foods and ensuring water quality the mark has become smaller buy Alot and seems to be scabbed over it is now about a pin head in size

Thanks to all the people who helped. I will keep a eye on him.
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Old 07-12-2011, 03:09 PM
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Although tangs like non veggie food from time to time all tangs except the blue tang need algae to live and grow
Correct, but that does not equate to any tang requiring spirulina as the main part of its daily nutrient intake.

The optimum nutrient intake for tangs is far more complex than simply feeding them aquatic based plant matter in large amounts. Furthermore the premium pelleted diet known not to induce HLLE that was mentioned in the article on HLLE that was linked to above, was NLS, as was the pellet food used in the study by Tilghman, et-al that took place almost a decade ago.
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