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View Poll Results: Are you happy with your switch to LED?
Happy - Switched from MH to DIY 7 12.28%
Happy - Switched from T5 to DIY 6 10.53%
Happy - Switched from MH to store bought 19 33.33%
Happy - Switched from T5 to stor bought 8 14.04%
Unhappy - Switched from MH to DIY 0 0%
Unhappy - Switched from T5 to DIY 0 0%
Unhappy - Switched from MH to store bought 4 7.02%
Unhappy - Switched from T5 to store bought 5 8.77%
Happy - this is my first light 7 12.28%
Unhappy - this is my first light 3 5.26%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 57. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-29-2011, 03:47 AM
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Thanks, do you run them on a controller or do you use the onboard auto system ?

Originally Posted by Pirates_Gold View Post
Remember that the AquaIllumination LED's are modular. Just my opinion, but if I was in your shoes...I would purchase make an initial purchase of a single LED module, controller and 22" rails. Then run it for a while. If you want more punch later, just order another single module, slide it on the rails and daisy chain them together. I forgot to mention that is another cool feature of theirs....expandable and as my budget can afford them.
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Old 06-29-2011, 03:56 AM
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Originally Posted by ensquire View Post
Thanks, do you run them on a controller or do you use the onboard auto system ?
You can use the Profilux controller (and I have one on my other system), but I just use the Aquaillumination controller for my LED lights. There is a USB port for online controller software upgrades. I do not like to hijack other threads so please message me if you have more questions. Thanks
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Old 06-29-2011, 04:03 AM
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Well, it certainly appears that most of the replies are in favour of the switch. There are however 3 people that have replied as unhappy... if by chance you're reading this, I'd sure appreciate a little insight as to why you're unhappy, and what kind of a fixture you're using.

Thanks for the input everybody!

Oh... and thanks for making me feel like I made a mistake!! lol Good thing money grows on trees! (anybody know where I can find the money forest?)

160 gallon Reef, almost all SPS, a few LPS, small handfull of Zoas, and 5 clams. LOVING the upgrade (now that most of the work is done!)

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Old 06-29-2011, 04:59 AM
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If your looking for a great light. Check out orphek. The pr156 is an awesome light. I think orphek is about the best you can do led wise at the moment because they seem to be the only company producing diodes specifically designed for aquarium use. Sure the ai has tons of Cree LEDs but most of the white spectrums pur is wasted but not being optimum for coral growth.
Just my 2 cents.
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Old 06-29-2011, 07:52 AM
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Default Orphek is pretty goo....prices too

I also see by orphek is pretty cool for those who invested in t5 canopies. Also, The newest orphek lites just came out this couple months can also use cheap ikea lights they say. They also have a uv with the bku and white LEDs. Besides marine, whwere can one buy it readily in canada.?
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Old 06-29-2011, 01:02 PM
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This poll is too early, the majority of current LED owners have only been using them for less than a year. LEDs work, the par numbers and data are plenty proof of that but the question is (and has been) how will they serve you 5+ years from now. These fixtures have to last many years without any problem in order for the payback to work out. Plus imagine what will be available for lighting 5 years from now, will people still be happy with their LED fixtures then? Will they still be happy with only blue and white color options? Will all these newer companies continue to provide upgrades to those special fixtures and how much will they cost? Will people miss the effect from the new bulb changes, you know that new bulb smell?

I'm much more comfortable with LEDs now than I was before but you're still dealing with new technology (new to the application) that is advancing at a rate not ever seen previosuly with reef lighting. What was good last year isn't anymore and as new technology advances the previous models become obsolete.

Also consider resale, LED fixtures probably have the worst return compared to other fixtures so if you want to upgrade a few years down the road don't count on your current LED fixture helping you out.

As for the effect of LEDs, personally I think MH and T5 tanks offer better color and overall effect depending on what you're looking for. LEDs offer that controllability but at steady state I don't consider them king but this is personal preference.
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Old 06-29-2011, 02:17 PM
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Your not quite right on your led rant sorry. Mh and t5's and pc the best method of comparison is par. But for LEDs the best measurement of their effectiveness is pur.
Mh and t5 only have the blue an white look. LEDs have numerous color combinations blue, royal blue, white , red, violet, ultraviolet to just name a few. LEDs are replacing hid lighting in the rest of worlds application so its safe to assume they will be here for a while. They run a lot more efficient than halides an cooler.

Long term resale is not something most companies are looking for. Because they designed their units to be able to be upgraded that is why they are modular. You don't have to buy bulbs every eight months but you will have the option to swap put for better diodes.

Mh are awesome for coral growth but LEDs are now showing to be as effective. And have more of an ability to make your colors pop. The long term data isn't there yet. But it will be after the short term results we have seen.
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Old 06-29-2011, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by nc208082 View Post
Your not quite right on your led rant sorry. Mh and t5's and pc the best method of comparison is par. But for LEDs the best measurement of their effectiveness is pur.
Mh and t5 only have the blue an white look. LEDs have numerous color combinations blue, royal blue, white , red, violet, ultraviolet to just name a few. LEDs are replacing hid lighting in the rest of worlds application so its safe to assume they will be here for a while. They run a lot more efficient than halides an cooler.

Long term resale is not something most companies are looking for. Because they designed their units to be able to be upgraded that is why they are modular. You don't have to buy bulbs every eight months but you will have the option to swap put for better diodes.

Mh are awesome for coral growth but LEDs are now showing to be as effective. And have more of an ability to make your colors pop. The long term data isn't there yet. But it will be after the short term results we have seen.
This is all mostly true but has nothing to do with my previous comments. To contradict MH and T5s have more options than blue and white and LED fixtures that are available today for the most part only offer blue and white, yes other colors are available but are they used in fixtures?. Resale is not usually the concern of the manufacturer but it is something a customer should consider. And yes like I mentioned many fixtures are now upgradeable but how much will this cost and when buying a fixture with a premium price for the intention of it lasting many years how financially feasible is it to spend additional money on such a fixture well before it's lifespan?

As it stands LEDs cost more money but have a good potential of saving you time and money down the road and of course offer other advantages relating to heat and controllability. But you still have to consider if this will pay off for the individual. First you should plan on keeping the fixture long enough for it to pay off. Then you need to weigh whether you need/want that controllability as many actually don't. As for heat this can vary as well, people with T5s don't typically have issues and if they do it's a result from a combination of equipment and environment, using LEDs may not solve the problem completely.

As for color saying LEDs is better is providing false information. This completely depends on the individual and like I said is personal preference. I personally like the single light source effect from halides for a more natural look. Also T5s IMO offer better color distribution and the actinic effect available just doesn't compare to what's available in today's LED fixtures.

One needs to consider more than efficiency alone, doesn't matter if you compare PAR or PUR you're still talking about efficiency and there are many debates regarding which is the better measurement. Don't get me wrong I'm not anti-LED I'm actually currently building a custom LED fixture but it's important to consider everything and remember LEDs may not be for everyone. This is not a rant, simply providing information to consider.

Last edited by sphelps; 06-29-2011 at 03:18 PM.
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Old 06-29-2011, 03:54 PM
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sphelps - I agree with you to some extent in regards to the timing of this poll. Unfortunately, I'm in the market today, not 4 years from now, hahaha! I'm looking specifically for info in regards to coral growth and coloration... essentially, I want to know if these fixtures are worth it.

Since I can't afford to buy an AI, or vertex fixture (read: my wife would castrate me)... one new question for those of you who have built a DIY fixture... can you still get the lightning storm effects and things like that? Can you run them off of your controller (I have an RKE)? I really like the idea of the sunrise, sunset, cloudy day, and lightning storm effects. If I can't do this, I may end up waiting until the prices come down.

160 gallon Reef, almost all SPS, a few LPS, small handfull of Zoas, and 5 clams. LOVING the upgrade (now that most of the work is done!)

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Old 06-29-2011, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by doch View Post
sphelps - I agree with you to some extent in regards to the timing of this poll. Unfortunately, I'm in the market today, not 4 years from now, hahaha! I'm looking specifically for info in regards to coral growth and coloration... essentially, I want to know if these fixtures are worth it.

Since I can't afford to buy an AI, or vertex fixture (read: my wife would castrate me)... one new question for those of you who have built a DIY fixture... can you still get the lightning storm effects and things like that? Can you run them off of your controller (I have an RKE)? I really like the idea of the sunrise, sunset, cloudy day, and lightning storm effects. If I can't do this, I may end up waiting until the prices come down.
Yes you absolutely can still take advantage of the features of external controllers with a DIY build, if anything it opens more options. If you're thinking of using a profilux you can get a PWM modual from them which can link up to 4 different sets of drivers to open up the full control you're looking for. However there may be a little more expereince needed as I believe some drivers such as meanwell do not have an open drain PWM input and will require the addition of a pull up resistor. This isn't hard to do but again something to be aware of as it's not aways a simple plug and play DIY project.
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