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Old 06-17-2011, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamieh View Post
Just back in Saskatoon from an eventful trip to Vancouver. I was walking out of arena just as some guy fell over the side of a walkway for about a 30 ft drop. It sounded like 2cars colliding when he hit the ground. I then had to walk through the war zone to get to my hotel. What a scary nightmare that was. After passing the zone around me heading away from disaster were lots of small groups of middle aged people trying to get away from the chaos, yet we were continuosly meeting small groups of young loud people heading into the fray. They were loud and drunk. The van loads of riot police heading in and the mess all around me made methink I was in the middle east somewhere and not a Canadian city???
Sounds like fun, did you enjoy the game at least?
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Old 06-17-2011, 02:16 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by Slick Fork View Post
Whatever the history the VPD has with its citizens is moot. Criminal behaviour is criminal behaviour period and should not be excused.

How does robbery, assault, and arson translate into an acceptable social statement? Just because you don't like somebody or something isn't an excuse to behave like this. They destroyed the property of innocent people and companies, those caught should be forced to pay the entire bill.
It's not moot.
it's exactly why you had people making the mistake of siding with the rioters rather than with their city.

It not an excuse, a reason for is not always an excuse.
just a logical explanation for an illogical act.
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Old 06-17-2011, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by parkinsn View Post
Still more class than this guy will ever have
This will be one the guys who is not a canucks fan and came to this event with the sole purpose of rioting.

You dont bring accellerants and what is probably a backpack of anarchists tools to a hockey game without an alterior motive.

These guys, like the black bloc, wore canucks jerseys to be able to blend into the crowd anonymously after inciting violence.

off hand, how many on this board would even actually know how to set a car on fire in minutes?
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Old 06-17-2011, 02:44 PM
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
This will be one the guys who is not a canucks fan and came to this event with the sole purpose of rioting.

You dont bring accellerants and what is probably a backpack of anarchists tools to a hockey game without an alterior motive.

These guys, like the black bloc, wore canucks jerseys to be able to blend into the crowd anonymously after inciting violence.

off hand, how many on this board would even actually know how to set a car on fire in minutes?
So how did he make out with the theory of blending into the crowd anonymously? Check posts #46 & 47 to see that he's tentatively been identified as a young individual with seemingly a lot to lose, scholarship to university, sports possibilities..... I fear for our future society, a few more of these potential leaders running the show.....
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Last edited by mike31154; 06-18-2011 at 03:34 AM.
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Old 06-17-2011, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
So how did he make out with the theory of blending into the crowd anonymously? Check post #50 to see that he's tentatively been identified as a young individual with seemingly a lot to lose, scholarship to university, sports possibilities..... I fear for our future society, a few more of these potential leaders running the show.....
Agreed. The worst part for this poor guy is that there is a laundry list of charges that can and will most likely be brough down on him. I would imagin that the police are are going to make examples of all these people they catch. Due to the fact that 10,000 rioters are going to get off but the 100 or more that they do catch are going to get the full brunt of the law in a effort to ensure that this type of thing does not happen again.
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Old 06-17-2011, 03:14 PM
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These people should be charged with treason, IMO that's about right. Max sentence in Canada is life in prison.
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Old 06-17-2011, 03:26 PM
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I watched more of the video's last night and looked and a bunch of the photo's on facebook..... it was a mob of everyone.

There are a few video's of people who tried to stop this who only got beat up, curb stomped is probably a better term for how badly they were beaten. There is one photo of an elderly man trying to stop a group of people and a kid is waving a skateboard at him.

The more I look into this the worse it looks

But the best quote I have seen "Who's the more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him"
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Old 06-17-2011, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
These people should be charged with treason, IMO that's about right. Max sentence in Canada is life in prison.
Should be but wont. Its nice to dream.

I would think arson, distruction of public/police property, obstruction of justice etc. That would be a few years in jail for him.

If that car was on fire/exploded I would like to see, murder, attempted murder conspirisy to committ murder. What if it blew up and hurt/killed one of those 100+ people standing around behind it? Manslaughter perhaps....
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Old 06-17-2011, 03:34 PM
monocus monocus is offline
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Default rioters

well we can always chain and weigh down the identified rioters ,dump them in the straight and make a reef out of them-got to think positive
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Old 06-17-2011, 05:14 PM
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The whole thing is really quite sad.

In terms of loyalties, one might point out that there are more Canadian players on the Bruins then there are on the Canuks. There's hardly any disloyalty in being a Boston fan.

As for the guy lighting the car on fire, I expect he is in some real trouble. He will go to federal prison and perhaps for a long time.

It's probably not the same car (although it might be), but the intent is clearly the same.

It might also be pointed out that the instigators all wore masks. Most of the pictures are of Canucks fans, who were not wearing masks, and who were at the hockey game. Regardless of who started the riot, there is no question that fans at the game joined in.

In defending something like this, a person is really no better than those who actually participated.
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