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Old 05-26-2011, 11:18 PM
Reefpins10 Reefpins10 is offline
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For me, I was never successful with Island Pet even just 10 blocks away from my appartment. Fish died in a couple day, no matter how heathy they were in the store. I have to drive all the way to J&L in the last 10 years since they have opened the store there. Most of my fish were from them, same with all my equipment. A loyal customer but never get any special discounts from them
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Old 05-27-2011, 12:55 AM
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Read about it on the net and you will see that some strain of ich can resist hypo. I did it twice, once it worked well and the next time it did not. Yes I do have a good refractometer and kept the water at 1.009 for 6 week. Yet when I raised the salinity back, ich was back in one week. Cupramine did it.

Not just because it always worked for you that it will always work for everyone. I did not beleive that either after one successful occurance but now I am a beleiver.

Originally Posted by George View Post
I would like to have creditable prove that "...ich...Some even resist hypo-salinity treatment."
For me, hypo always work on ich. If hypo doesn't work on ich, it usually means salinity(SG) is not on target. SG should be 1.008-1.009 (or salinity 11 - 12). Or you don't hold the salinity at that level long enough. 4 to 5 weeks should be sufficient.
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Old 05-27-2011, 01:32 AM
MKLKT MKLKT is offline
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I think I've had maybe 2 fish die from J&L, the rest have been fine and are all 6-12+ months in my system. My experience has been worse for livestock from King Ed, hardly anything I get from there lives.
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Old 05-27-2011, 03:02 AM
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Buying from different pet stores is another factor to consider. Buying from different stores means you can't really pinpoint where the problem came from. Research store in your area, ask to see their waters salinity. Alot of stores, suppliers, wholesalers keep their salinity low cuz they believe it keeps the parasites from staying alive. In a way...they are keeping their fish in hypo-salinity then you have to take the fish home and acclimate for 3-4 hours and lets face it...we don't do that.

I wouldn't wait the 10 or so weeks reefpin. I would check all the pars and if they are all good...get a couple small fish that you want to keep and try them. I'm with globaldesigns...ich is always present in your tank. I have stated before in another related post that I have a Powder Blue Tang that gets ich all the time. In the beginning I would freak out and load up on the garlic or any other remedy I could think of but the ich came back. I gave up and just let him be...its been two years now and (not braggin or anything here) it is one of the nicest lookin PBs out there...and he still gets spots from time to time.

Sorry to sound winded reefpin...ich is a touchy subject...many reefers have different opinions on the subject. If it were me...I would be adding a couple small fish soon(tomorrow) to keep the cycle in check but check all the water pars first.
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Old 05-27-2011, 03:18 AM
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That's a myth, but in your case it is true. Some people will always have ich because they don't do anything about it. Period.

I don't have ich in my tank, never had, because I don't let it into my tank.

Ich is a parasite. There is no reason why it should be there at all, and no reason why fish have to live with it. Same has with cat fleas. When I had my blue hippo I first did an hyposalinity treatment and when it was cured, it never developped ich again. When I transfered it into the main tank there was no trace of ich and from that day it never showed any, not even when stressed from the move and new environment and blue hippo are known to be ich magnet.

I think that says it all.

Originally Posted by Hawkaholic View Post
Buying from different pet stores is another factor to consider. Buying from different stores means you can't really pinpoint where the problem came from. Research store in your area, ask to see their waters salinity. Alot of stores, suppliers, wholesalers keep their salinity low cuz they believe it keeps the parasites from staying alive. In a way...they are keeping their fish in hypo-salinity then you have to take the fish home and acclimate for 3-4 hours and lets face it...we don't do that.

I wouldn't wait the 10 or so weeks reefpin. I would check all the pars and if they are all good...get a couple small fish that you want to keep and try them. I'm with globaldesigns...ich is always present in your tank. I have stated before in another related post that I have a Powder Blue Tang that gets ich all the time. In the beginning I would freak out and load up on the garlic or any other remedy I could think of but the ich came back. I gave up and just let him be...its been two years now and (not braggin or anything here) it is one of the nicest lookin PBs out there...and he still gets spots from time to time.

Sorry to sound winded reefpin...ich is a touchy subject...many reefers have different opinions on the subject. If it were me...I would be adding a couple small fish soon(tomorrow) to keep the cycle in check but check all the water pars first.
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Old 05-27-2011, 03:43 AM
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
That's a myth, but in your case it is true. Some people will always have ich because they don't do anything about it. Period.

I don't have ich in my tank, never had, because I don't let it into my tank.

Ich is a parasite. There is no reason why it should be there at all, and no reason why fish have to live with it. Same has with cat fleas. When I had my blue hippo I first did an hyposalinity treatment and when it was cured, it never developped ich again. When I transfered it into the main tank there was no trace of ich and from that day it never showed any, not even when stressed from the move and new environment and blue hippo are known to be ich magnet.

I think that says it all.
You really need to start talking to "real people" rather than getting all of your crap info on the interweb...just sayin
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Old 05-27-2011, 04:14 AM
Reefpins10 Reefpins10 is offline
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I have been going through a very difficult personal private life, plus the fish died even hit me harder, it just feels like someone rubbing more salt in my wound. Hawkaholic, thank you very much for your caring words. I may try to get a couple hardy cheap ones and see if it works or not. I am just afraid if it doesn't, I will feel more guilty for killing some more lives while I knew there is no waranty for it. Is there anything that can speed up the process to kill the ich faster without fish ? Please tell me, if anyone knows something I will try it.
And thanks again to all of you, your condolences and advice, it really helps me to go through this time.
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Old 05-27-2011, 04:16 AM
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Daniella3D I just want to say that I value your advice even though I don't practice it. My advice to you is to maybe step back and look at things differently, as many of us take what you say to be very aggressive. You just want to beat it down our throats. Just remember non of us are experts, and if any one thinks they are, then this forum isn't for them.

Anyone wanting to quarantine, Daniella3d has some very valid points and practices. Do your research, and make your own decisions.

Just my 2 cents.

Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 2x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
Lighting: 5ft Hamilton Belize Sun (2x250W MH, 2X80W T5HO)
Type of Aquarium: mixed reef (SPS & LPS) with fish
Dosing: Mg, Ca, Alk

Last edited by globaldesigns; 05-27-2011 at 04:19 AM.
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:15 AM
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Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
Others will dispute this, others may agree, but I am a believer that you always have ICH, but if you have a healthy system, then the fishes immune is able to fight and don't succumb to ICH. Daniella3D has valid points if you wish to go the quarantine route, I myself don't quarantine.
I'm a firm believer of this as well. Ich is always present, just like various organisms that are always present in humans. As long as your immune system is healthy, it'll keep it in check.

Also I'm 0 for 2 on QT, so I'm no longer going this route either...
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:42 AM
Ken Ken is offline
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Hey Reefpins10, sorry to hear of your loss, for someone to lose a part of your life is a big deal so I understand, after 8 years of the same livestock you should be proud of yourself for keeping them that long, I myself have livestock that has been with me for more than 10 years dating back in the 90s. I found that the longer the fish that I have the stronger their imunine system is. I also have Hippo Tangs aka paracanthurus hepatus, never in the history are they ick magnets in my tanks. Unlike many years ago we had a Powder Brown/Goldrim tang we got, they are ick magnet, shortly thereafter develope ick, covered in ick and thought it won't make it through the night, my wife quarantine the fish, nothing chemical involved or hypo, just good water quality,food and dim light and the fish came back well, eventually went to someone and still alive and bossy after 15 years today. Thanks to all the hobbyist for their support and lets help each out. regards Ken
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