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Old 05-26-2011, 01:24 PM
2pts 2pts is offline
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Whatever, you obviously are one of those people who have a hate on for players on a team that is tops of the league.

Sedins had 9 and 10 points in the first 2 rounds. That is pretty damn good, better than probably 95% of the league, which they consistently are at that top 5% of the league.

Who cares what percentage of a game is special teams? The Canucks are put together to excell at special teams play, because that is what wins in the playoffs.
Originally Posted by Hydrologist View Post
Wow, your grade 6 education is really starting to shine in this post. Let me brake down the word consistency for you (as you have clearly demonstrated you have no idea what it means). To be consistent means to do the same thing day in and day out. This is of course not the official definition but I figured I would have to dumb it down a few notches for you to comprehend. (Now, your still with me right?)

You state that over 18 games (thanks, I understand the math) 3 of the top 5 are Canucks......that is great news you should be very proud of that. However, over the first two series how many points did the Sedins have? Where they able to, game in and game out provide sound offense? (I won't even go into there defense, because any hockey fan knows they don't have any). This doesn't sound very consistent to me.

I will even go one step further and break down "consistency" in a simple example (my 4 year old nephew was able to understand this concept, so I am hoping it's not over your head)

Player 1:
scores 0 goals in game 1
scores 0 goals in game 2
scores 0 goals in game 3
scores 4 goals in game 4

Total goals = 4

Player 2:
scores 1 goal in game 1
scores 1 goal in game 2
scores 1 goal in game 3
scores 1 goal in game 4

Total goals = 4

Now from my example provided who is the more consistent player?

Now your attack about me golfing with the Leafs. HAHAHA, I absolutely hate the Leafs, they are a terrible team with a terrible ownership. Do you think that just because I live in Ontario I am a Leaf fan? Give your head a shake.

Yes, the Sedins can score on the power play, there stats prove they suck the rest of the game (the majority of the time). On what percentage out of the game is a team on a powerplay? 10%, 20%, 30% of the time? That leaves a significant amount of time being played where the Sedins CAN be detrimental to the team. (again both at -4)

Now, back to my game of golf with the Leafs
Old 05-26-2011, 02:48 PM
MKLKT MKLKT is offline
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Kelser has been the biggest cornerstone (overall as goals aren't everything) and is the leading Conn Smyth candidate for a reason. I hated him when he first started with the Canucks for his attitude and stone hands, but it's hard to dislike the effort and determination he's had this year.

A lot of the Sedins minuses came from ~2 games from the Chicago series so if you've been watching you'd know that. +/- isn't shifted during special teams. All I really care about is that the whole team has showed up now, can't have no-shows at this stage of the game!
Old 05-26-2011, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Furthest thing from being number one, you beat the 8th place team in game 7 overtime. Congrats on the win but don't get too excited just yet.


what a hater. where the flames at?
Old 05-26-2011, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by NU-2reef View Post

what a hater. where the flames at?

golfing... and making scotia bank commercials
Been there, done that...
Old 05-26-2011, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by NU-2reef View Post

what a hater. where the flames at?
Pretty much the same place your team has been in every previous year. I'm not sure why you Vancouver fans always need to put other teams down to make yours seem better. You've had a good year and you're on your way but the cup isn't yours yet, that was my only point.
Old 05-26-2011, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Hydrologist View Post
Wow, your grade 6 education is really starting to shine in this post. Let me brake down the word consistency for you
Lol...when you start off that strong and then misspell break... dude that made my morning honestly =) I'm not hatin' I just really needed the laugh this morning!
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Old 05-26-2011, 05:39 PM
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Maybe I should of got my nephew to proof read my response (it was an early morning)

Still I think my point has been made

Last edited by DAVE; 05-26-2011 at 05:41 PM.
Old 05-27-2011, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Lol...when you start off that strong and then misspell break... dude that made my morning honestly =) I'm not hatin' I just really needed the laugh this morning!
Incredible.... I just saw this today and you are right, great way to start the day.
Old 05-31-2011, 07:41 PM
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I'm going to Vancouver Pizza for lunch.

Old 06-01-2011, 10:22 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Just a quick fyi, there are exactly the same amout of canadians on both teams, Thomas has never lost to the Canucks and if the Canucks expect to win the series they better average 30+ shots a game or it's series over. Thomas was the #1 goalie this year in save percentage and despite his unorthodox style of play, seems to manage the wins when he has too. So yeah, I am a proud Bruins fan since 67 and have waited a lot longer to see my team in the final as well. So with a big "Hell Yeah" I proudly proclaim that I hope the Canucks live up to their past playoff records and fold like a bad poker hand when they meet the Bruins.
Go Bruins Go!
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