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Old 05-25-2011, 10:44 PM
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Ack, lucky bounce...good goals....the reff did it....they farted wrong.....its the odds. Pthhhhhhhh, who gives a hoot.

Old 05-25-2011, 11:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Hydrologist View Post
NO where in your rambling do you show any facts on consistency in the playoffs for the Sedins and Luongo. Yes the Sedins have been good in the past few games, but there are some descent streaks in the playoffs where they have done nothing. To me this means inconsistent!

Do you want me to bring up the fact that both Sedins are -4 in the playoffs? Do you want me to remind you of Luongo getting pulled and not starting the following game? Those are also FACTS!

I totally agree with you. However, in spite of these inconsistencies we are still in the finals. Sounds like a pretty good team to me.
It's not uncommon for a player or players to have a bad game, several games or even a whole series. I remember when Zetterberg & Datsyuk were chastised for their poor play in the playoffs a few years back. As well as Marleau, and Heatley this year. Thornton a few years back. I remember when Theodore was the toast of the league. The next year he couldn't stop a beach ball with a tennis racket. These things happen due to injury, sickness, shut-down opponents, or just plain choking up. Remember when Tikkanen shut down Gretzky for a whole series?
The big prize goes to those teams that can win in spite of the adversities. Can Vancouver win it all? Remains to be seen. I'm a fan, have always been a fan and this team IMO has the best shot to win it all in forty years.
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Old 05-26-2011, 12:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Hydrologist View Post
NO where in your rambling do you show any facts on consistency in the playoffs for the Sedins and Luongo. Yes the Sedins have been good in the past few games, but there are some descent streaks in the playoffs where they have done nothing. To me this means inconsistent!

Do you want me to bring up the fact that both Sedins are -4 in the playoffs? Do you want me to remind you of Luongo getting pulled and not starting the following game? Those are also FACTS!
Sorry, I over esimated your hockey intelligence.

Consistency... Goals in the playoffs ( for the Canucks that would mean 18 games, cause I know that mathematically that will trouble you ) 3 of the top 5 are Canucks, 1 of those a Sedin. Consistent is scoring 8 goals in 18 games in the playoffs.

How about Henrik LEADING THE ****ING LEAGUE IN POINTS! 21 points in 18 games, umm yeah I call that consistent.

Are you for real? -4 in the playoffs, really? WOW. I'm sure this will come as a shocker to you, but +/- does not tally on powerplays. You know, the part of the game that the Sedins are absolutely deadly at, to which their whole game is based around. Oh ****, geuss what? The Sedins just happen to be #1 and #2 in powerplay points.

Noticing a trend here bright guy? How about the Sedins leading or almost leading every major statistcal category they are eligble for.

Luongo LEADS THE ****ING LEAGUE IN PLAYOFF WINS! 12 wins out of 18 games played, a .666 winning percentage, which is better than his .633 regualr season winning percentage! Hmmmm... lets see, oh I know consistent would describe it. Oh and while he was at it, he just happens to lead the league in shut outs.

Here's an idea, go out to the local golf course and see if you can find some Leafs, practicing their "shot", perhaps you could hold hands and dream of the next decade where they might possibly make the playoffs.

Wanna see the ultimate consistency, look no further than your local Leafs, since 1967-68 they have not even been to the Stanley Cup Final, now that is consistent!

Last edited by 2pts; 05-26-2011 at 12:26 AM. Reason: add
Old 05-26-2011, 12:19 AM
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Originally Posted by 2pts View Post
Sorry, I over esimated your hockey intelligence.

Consistency... Goals in the playoffs ( for the Canucks that would mean 18 games, cause I know that mathematically that will trouble you ) 3 of the top 5 are Canucks, 1 of those a Sedin. Consistent is scoring 8 goals in 18 games in the playoffs.

How about Henrik LEADING THE ****ING LEAGUE IN POINTS! 21 points in 18 games, umm yeah I call that consistent.

Are you for real? -4 in the playoffs, really? WOW. I'm sure this will come as a shocker to you, but +/- does not tally on powerplays. You know, the part of the game that the Sedins are absolutely deadly at, to which their whole game is based around. Oh ****, geuss what? The Sedins just happen to be #1 and #2 in powerplay points.

Noticing a trend here bright guy? How about the Sedins leading or almost leading every major statistcal category they are eligble for.

Luongo LEADS THE ****ING LEAGUE IN PLAYOFF WINS! 12 wins out of 18 games played, a .666 winning percentage, which is better than his .633 regualr season winning percentage! Hmmmm... lets see, oh I know consistent would describe it. Oh and while he was at it, he just happens to lead the league in shut outs.

Here's an idea, go out to the local golf course and see if you can find some Leafs, practicing their "shot", perhaps you could hold hands and dream of the next decade where they might possibly make the playoffs.
never have i laughed so hard as i did with this roast. great post. and *ahem*


and I'll just add that the set plays off of a face off in the offensive zone (an indicator of strong skaters and offensive skill) are VERY productive for the sedin line.
Been there, done that...

Last edited by Wanderer; 05-26-2011 at 12:19 AM. Reason: typo
Old 05-26-2011, 12:55 AM
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just had to throw this up


Old 05-26-2011, 01:29 AM
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Originally Posted by 2pts View Post
Consistent is scoring 8 goals in 18 games in the playoffs.

How about Henrik LEADING THE ****ING LEAGUE IN POINTS! 21 points in 18 games, umm yeah I call that consistent.

haha, I get a kick out of this thread, leading the league in points does not make consistancy.. what did they do for the first two series?? not much.. and were what -10 and -11 (not the exact numbers but close) and I will admidt they did start actualy playing in the last couple games of the second series, but the third series is where they actualy started to play.

I would say there preformance during the play offs has been far from consistant as they only realy made a difference in the last 6 games, to me kessler, tores, burrows, lou and beska (how ever you spell it) have been the most consistant players on the team. I added lou in there because it is consistant with his whole season to let one bad goal a game in and to have a blow out bad game every once and a while.. so his play off preformance is true to his regular season play also.

I actualy hope they win the cup this year, as much as I want to see rollason get a cup so I am a little torn.. my team has been golfing for a while now but watch out next year.. if they get a new goalie

I predicted a Vancouver-boston cup befor the start of play offs but I am hoping boston gets knocked out

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Old 05-26-2011, 02:49 AM
MKLKT MKLKT is offline
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I'm just surprised how both Roloson and Thomas have been getting blown out in the East series. It's better that most people don't see the real strengths of the Canucks. They aren't a one line team, with the exception of the last half of Game 5 the team rolls all 4 lines. Anyway, the real strength of the team has been players like Burrows, Kesler, Raymond, Torres, Hamhuis, and support from Malhotra etc. but the focus goes on the Sedins and Luongo. They didn't win the Presidents Trophy with top goals for, top goals against, 1st in PP and 2nd in PK for no reason.

Sorry but almost every negative post just doesn't really address the team and the games well at all. I love watching hockey in general, I watched the Flames in 04, Oil in 06 and Sens in 07, too. Blind team devotion and hate for other teams is pretty dumb and bandwagon-y.

I've played ice hockey for 20-odd years so I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about.
Old 05-26-2011, 03:20 AM
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Being from a "older" generation,I am a Leafs fan by default.I also have put$$$ behind the Canucks,and Sedins, in a few regular season and playoff pools.Out of the six pools,3 first place $,2 second place $,and first in the last playoff pool with 8 Canucks still available in the final.I believe that is being consistent.Good Luck Canucks and your fans.Cheers Greg
Old 05-26-2011, 04:27 AM
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Originally Posted by MKLKT View Post
but the focus goes on the Sedins and Luongo.
yup there are lots of guns on the canucks but the thing is when the sedins are hot they do actualy make everyone else look like there along for the ride, and I don't like Vancouver my wife does.. but I do agree when they are on they are amazing to watch.

Originally Posted by MKLKT View Post
I love watching hockey in general, I watched the Flames in 04, Oil in 06 and Sens in 07, too. Blind team devotion and hate for other teams is pretty dumb and bandwagon-y.

I've played ice hockey for 20-odd years so I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about.
you know I have been playing for 35 years now (who cares how long some one has been playing hockey realy, I know people who have never played and can talk about hockey with the best...) team divotion is good for hockey, I personaly only hate one team though and thats calgary. although I was glad when Lanny finaly got a ring as he deserved one. with out team divotion the NHL would have been having problems long long ago, it is what fuels the league and brings money to the teams. with out that there would be no sell outs for the Oiler Vs. Cow town games, or the montral vs. boston, ect.... divotion is what gets the fans out there to the games, with out it there would be no talk of the possability of the return of the Jetts, so ya it is a good thing.

I do watch a lot of hockey, probably 7 to 10 games a week during regular season (did I mention I love center ICE) but I do not jump band wagons.. when my team is out, I watch the rest but it doesn't matter who wins to me (well as long as it isn't Calgary) , I just like watching the play offs as it is realy the only real hockey of the whole year. everyone is going all or nothing playing hurt, and playing about 100% harder than they do in the regular season.. I even had to set two TV's side by side this year as the dumb a$$es decided to play playoff games at the same time.. and I didn't want to miss them.. I know, I need help, good thing there are two TVs in my Bar downstairs.....

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Old 05-26-2011, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by 2pts View Post
Sorry, I over esimated your hockey intelligence.

Consistency... Goals in the playoffs ( for the Canucks that would mean 18 games, cause I know that mathematically that will trouble you ) 3 of the top 5 are Canucks, 1 of those a Sedin. Consistent is scoring 8 goals in 18 games in the playoffs.

How about Henrik LEADING THE ****ING LEAGUE IN POINTS! 21 points in 18 games, umm yeah I call that consistent.

Are you for real? -4 in the playoffs, really? WOW. I'm sure this will come as a shocker to you, but +/- does not tally on powerplays. You know, the part of the game that the Sedins are absolutely deadly at, to which their whole game is based around. Oh ****, geuss what? The Sedins just happen to be #1 and #2 in powerplay points.

Noticing a trend here bright guy? How about the Sedins leading or almost leading every major statistcal category they are eligble for.

Luongo LEADS THE ****ING LEAGUE IN PLAYOFF WINS! 12 wins out of 18 games played, a .666 winning percentage, which is better than his .633 regualr season winning percentage! Hmmmm... lets see, oh I know consistent would describe it. Oh and while he was at it, he just happens to lead the league in shut outs.

Here's an idea, go out to the local golf course and see if you can find some Leafs, practicing their "shot", perhaps you could hold hands and dream of the next decade where they might possibly make the playoffs.

Wanna see the ultimate consistency, look no further than your local Leafs, since 1967-68 they have not even been to the Stanley Cup Final, now that is consistent!

Wow, your grade 6 education is really starting to shine in this post. Let me brake down the word consistency for you (as you have clearly demonstrated you have no idea what it means). To be consistent means to do the same thing day in and day out. This is of course not the official definition but I figured I would have to dumb it down a few notches for you to comprehend. (Now, your still with me right?)

You state that over 18 games (thanks, I understand the math) 3 of the top 5 are Canucks......that is great news you should be very proud of that. However, over the first two series how many points did the Sedins have? Where they able to, game in and game out provide sound offense? (I won't even go into there defense, because any hockey fan knows they don't have any). This doesn't sound very consistent to me.

I will even go one step further and break down "consistency" in a simple example (my 4 year old nephew was able to understand this concept, so I am hoping it's not over your head)

Player 1:
scores 0 goals in game 1
scores 0 goals in game 2
scores 0 goals in game 3
scores 4 goals in game 4

Total goals = 4

Player 2:
scores 1 goal in game 1
scores 1 goal in game 2
scores 1 goal in game 3
scores 1 goal in game 4

Total goals = 4

Now from my example provided who is the more consistent player?

Now your attack about me golfing with the Leafs. HAHAHA, I absolutely hate the Leafs, they are a terrible team with a terrible ownership. Do you think that just because I live in Ontario I am a Leaf fan? Give your head a shake.

Yes, the Sedins can score on the power play, there stats prove they suck the rest of the game (the majority of the time). On what percentage out of the game is a team on a powerplay? 10%, 20%, 30% of the time? That leaves a significant amount of time being played where the Sedins CAN be detrimental to the team. (again both at -4)

Now, back to my game of golf with the Leafs
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