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Old 05-22-2011, 01:07 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
No offense but I have a bad feeling for your fish, I can't imagine running that large of a system without filtration or doing a water change with that many fish in a new system
I don't take offense... I hope that people don't start hating on me because of my "experiment" cause I think that this can be good for people to see... but as with any experiment, failure would not be a surprise. I hope your feelings are wrong... On a side note I'm not going to just let my fish die... if I need to I can do a 50% water change within 3 hours.
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Old 05-22-2011, 01:17 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
you got some cajones my friend......
Ya it came in on my first SPS frag plug... I saw it but didn't do anything about it... besides my tangs were getting tired of just eating the brown stuff. I thought they might want some color in their diet. I'll be getting some green soon enough but I need to get some sodium silicate.
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Old 05-22-2011, 01:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Greenmaster View Post
I don't take offense... I hope that people don't start hating on me because of my "experiment" cause I think that this can be good for people to see... but as with any experiment, failure would not be a surprise. I hope your feelings are wrong... On a side note I'm not going to just let my fish die... if I need to I can do a 50% water change within 3 hours.
Greenmaster, are you testing to see how the water is doing as time goes by?
Planning a first reef tank. Thanks for indulging me with all my questions.
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Old 05-22-2011, 01:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Greenmaster View Post
I don't take offense... I hope that people don't start hating on me because of my "experiment" cause I think that this can be good for people to see... but as with any experiment, failure would not be a surprise. I hope your feelings are wrong... On a side note I'm not going to just let my fish die... if I need to I can do a 50% water change within 3 hours.
That is good to know, hopefully it wont be to late.....I kinda of have issues with "experimenting" when it involves live fish and corals. However I understand many people do different things with their systems and it will be interesting to see how yours turns out. I guess you wont know until you try, so I have to say I also hope my feelings are wrong. Best of luck to you.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 05-22-2011, 01:24 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
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Originally Posted by Sea Witch View Post
Greenmaster, are you testing to see how the water is doing as time goes by?
Yup... at one point I saw .05 nitrites (smallest hint of pink) and nitrates got up to 20.... I dosed some vodka sodium carbonate and splash of bacteria... was kinda scary cause I spilled too much vodka so I had a bacterial bloom and it got a little cloudy, and required a drip of sodium carbonate and to be checked on every couple hours but in the end it went to all 0's so I'm happy.
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Old 05-22-2011, 01:33 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
That is good to know, hopefully it wont be to late.....I kinda of have issues with "experimenting" when it involves live fish and corals. However I understand many people do different things with their systems and it will be interesting to see how yours turns out. I guess you wont know until you try, so I have to say I also hope my feelings are wrong. Best of luck to you.
Thanks, Some items of note. I do have an aqua controller I also have someone in my house at all times that can "take a pulse" on my tank. I get updates from them about twice while I am at work. I also work in delivery so if I had to I could be home within 15 min of an alarm or a phone call. I understand that many people have issues with "experimenting" with live anything... but where would we be if people didn't try experimenting? I don't have the funds (not sure if you even can) to replicate fish and their reaction to my water chemistry so the only way for me to find out if it can be done this way is to try it... I have some more eccentric things I will be trying with my tank... but that is years away and only if my tank can stay stable and thriving. You know those first two fish I had that died... I almost gave up at that point... It made me very sad. I get that feeling in the pit of my stomach when I think about it... If all of my fish die... maybe I'll just do some brackish water something for a while... something with no experimentation.
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Old 05-22-2011, 02:02 AM
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
That is good to know, hopefully it wont be to late.....I kinda of have issues with "experimenting" when it involves live fish and corals. However I understand many people do different things with their systems and it will be interesting to see how yours turns out. I guess you wont know until you try, so I have to say I also hope my feelings are wrong. Best of luck to you.
+1. This is how I feel too.

I'm also interested to watch how yours does. I applaud your creativity and just makes me nervous.....but I do hope it turns out well. I think everyone has the right to run their tank the way they want, and there are lots of ways to achieve good results. I can think of several parts of saltwater aquarium keeping that are controversial with experts having strong opinions that are in direct conflict with one another.
Planning a first reef tank. Thanks for indulging me with all my questions.
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Old 05-27-2011, 03:11 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
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I won't be getting any fish for a month or so...
My sister had a house fire and I'm giving my "fish money" for the next little while to her to help her get back on her feet.
I don't know if this is against the rules but if it is please delete this post.

David and Marion Preece had a house fire and lost almost everything. I hope that some how we can rebuild her life close to what it was before the fire. Although there are many things you can't replace, (photos, souvenirs, and sentimental items) they are in great need of normal every day things like a broom, underwear, and a couple pairs of shoes. It is hard to imagine what it would be like to have nothing except a little dept on some items that you no longer have.
If you wish to donate please log into PayPal and make a payment to
Even a couple dollars would help. Thanks.
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Old 05-27-2011, 04:51 PM
DisneyCoralReef DisneyCoralReef is offline
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My heart goes out to the family. How devastating. Thankful there were no injuries. God Bless.
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Old 05-27-2011, 08:34 PM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
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Sometimes life is best left to it's own devices.
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