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Old 03-22-2011, 03:50 AM
someguy someguy is offline
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Originally Posted by staceyd72 View Post
Hi Art,

Very ice setup, looking forward to seeing it grow out.

Any idea what's the difference between the Elos starphire glass and 'our' starphire glass? Also, the back pane is starphire?
My understanding is that Starfire is just a brand name for a type of ultra-clear, low iron glass. In reality there are many makers of this type of glass. Elos uses a their own brand, but they are essentially comparable.
Yes, the back pane is also clear, low iron glass, so the tank could be used as a peninsula or even in the middle of a room.
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Old 04-15-2011, 07:03 PM
someguy someguy is offline
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I have added some new stuff now. There is now a young Kole tang who was bit shy at first, but is now looking really good. Unfortunately I can't get a good photo of him as I haven't figured out how to shoot fast moving fish yet.
I also got my first coral, a small frogspawn. I just got the one because I wanted to get comfortable with the acclimation, mounting, etc process before loading up on others pieces. I initially dialed down my lights and then increased them over a few days. My experience is limited, but he looks pretty happy to me. He is extending his polyps nicely, and in my mind seems to be a brighter colour than when I got him.

As far as acclimating inverts and corals, I am using a medical IV drip set and have found it very easy to set up and fine tune the drip rate. For those of you in the medical field I highly reccomend trying these. For anyone else, If you are interested, I would talk to your vet. They only cost a couple of dollars, so they should be able to sell them very cheap.

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Old 04-15-2011, 07:11 PM
someguy someguy is offline
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I have also set up my refugium in the what was intended to be the ATO section of my sump. I am using an LED light, but it seems dim to me, so I am looking into that. Right now I just have a ball of Chaeto and a couple of big chunks of dead rock that are in the process of coming to life.

I also got my third AI module which really makes the lighting in the tank look much better. I'm looking forward to stocking this thing with corals and seeing how things grow out. My plan for the time being is to not add any more fish for at least a few months, but concentrate on corals and a few clams.

As far as chemistry is concerned, I was having probs with my Ca, Mag and Alk, so I worked on them for a couple of weeks with B-Ionic 2 part and Seachem Mag, and everything is looking good now. I will be looking into a doser as my next equipment purchase.

My next task is moving the sump from below the tank to my little fish room (utility room) behind the tank. I'm just waiting for some plumbing bits from Elos, and hope to have that done next week. It should make everything quieter and make maintenance much easier.

That's it for now. Thanks for looking.

Last edited by someguy; 04-15-2011 at 07:13 PM.
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Old 04-15-2011, 09:53 PM
Sunee Sunee is offline
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Very nice looking tank! Can't wait to see it full of corals.
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Old 05-13-2011, 06:09 PM
someguy someguy is offline
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I have moved my sump from the cabinet below the tank into a small utility room directly behind the tank. This minimizes noise from the sump and makes maintenance a little easier. To save room in this small fish room, I have also moved my water change tank to underneath the cabinet, and will use a small maxi-jet to do water changes. I have put a few plastic storage bins under the stairs to hold food, testing kits and other assorted stuff. My electrical stuff is still a little bit of a mess, but I will be getting some sort of controller soon to clean up the mess. Eventually I plan on mounting a doser of some sort under the stairs as well. The plastic bin in the bottom left of the photo is my top-off container. It holds about 2 weeks worth of fresh water.

New "fish room", acutally more of a fish closet:

Water change tank:
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Old 05-13-2011, 06:20 PM
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Last edited by someguy; 05-13-2011 at 06:27 PM.
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Old 05-13-2011, 06:26 PM
someguy someguy is offline
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Latest additions:
I am moving rather slowly on livestock, as I want to be sure I am completely comfortable on managing water quality. So for now, I'm not planning on any more livestock for at least another 6 weeks.

Current fish are 2 ocellaris clowns, one yellow tang and one kole tang. All are doing very well, eating, growing and very active. They get fed 2-3 times per day, with a mixture of Elos pellets, mysis, blood worms, spirulina wafers, nori and red algea.

Inverts are one cleaner shrimp, a CUC (10 trochus snails and 5 scarlet hermits), and a recently added RBTA. The anemone caused me some concern initially because I was concerned that the tank was a little too new. Having said that, he is doing really well. He moved around the first night in the tank, and by the next morning had settled in and now hasn't moved in about 3 weeks. He is doing well, and in my mind at least seems to have doubled in size. I feed him shrimp and silversides about 2x a week, and so far seems very happy.

Corals so far are my original frogspawn, and since then have added a wellso flat brain, a tiny button coral frag, a bubble pearl and a really nice, big green bubble coral. They are all doing very well, although the frogspawn doesn't seem as happy now as he did the first few weeks. He doens't look ill, but just doesn't seem to expand as much during the day as he did before. Colours are still good though. I feed the brain, and bubbles a couple of times a week with shrimp, silversides and also add some Coral Frenzy every now and then.

The photos look a little washed out. I haven't figured out good photo technique yet.

Water parameters:
Sal 1.025
Temp 80
NO2 - 0- <0.2
Phos - 0
Ca - 400-420
Mag - 1350-1400
Alk - 8.2-8.3

Last edited by someguy; 05-13-2011 at 06:31 PM.
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