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Old 04-24-2011, 06:45 PM
Chooki11 Chooki11 is offline
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Default 20ppm Nitrates

I can't seem to bring my Nitrates lower then 20ppm. I do 10g water change in my 65g tank weekly and clean the filters about every 3 weeks. I did a 10g water change lastnight and still the nitrates are 20ppm. Any suggestions on why they aren't going down?
I don't over feed, or so I think, the fish eat everything given to them, the anemones eat whats fed to them.
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Old 04-24-2011, 07:40 PM
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What kind of filters do you have? If they are 'mechanical' filters like canisters and hang ons containing pads and sponges they are trapping and holding waste allowing it to break down and turn into nitrate. A protien skimmer essentially removes the waste before it breaks down. Either way they should be cleaned at least once a week or more for a saltwater system to keep them running efficiently and prevent nitrate buildup.
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Old 04-24-2011, 08:50 PM
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Also how much live rock do you have? this will also play a part, even though the fish eat all the food given to them, they also poop...

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Old 04-25-2011, 01:00 AM
RickS RickS is offline
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Nitrates are just a biological by product of the food -> fish -> waste -> ammonia -> nitrite -> nitrate. The problem you're having is that you are not exporting the nitrate.
If you want to reduce the build up of any product in your water (change the conditions) by changing water then you need to do large water changes. If you have 65 gallons of water in your tank and you do a 15% (10/65) water change then you will only drop the nitrate from 20 to 17 (20 - (20 * .15)). To make any change you would need to do 50% changes, which would drop you to 20 -10 = 10 - 5 = 5 - 2.5.

I use live rock / sand and a protien skimmer with no detectable trace of nitrate in my 185 gallon reef. Bit of algae on the rocks but the fish and inverts like to nipple on that.
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Old 04-25-2011, 03:17 AM
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Have your crossed referenced your test kit

Originally Posted by Chooki11 View Post
I can't seem to bring my Nitrates lower then 20ppm. I do 10g water change in my 65g tank weekly and clean the filters about every 3 weeks. I did a 10g water change lastnight and still the nitrates are 20ppm. Any suggestions on why they aren't going down?
I don't over feed, or so I think, the fish eat everything given to them, the anemones eat whats fed to them.
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Old 04-25-2011, 06:20 AM
Chooki11 Chooki11 is offline
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Thank you for all the replies. I have 2 Eheim canister filters, one is for up to 65g and the other is for up to 110g(i think, its twice the size of the other one) I also have a hang in tank Hydor skimmer. Approx. 85lbs of live rock(probably more then that) and at least 75lbs of live sand. When I clean my filters I clean the pads with the water from the cannisters, don't know if this is correct but it's what was suggested to me. I thought it was strange but did as was suggested as I don't know much better lol. The reason for a hang in tank skimmer is I do not have room for a sumo in my stand or beside it, it seems to work great though, lots of foam and lots of crap...
Again thanks for the responses and help, any and all help is greatly appreciated and I look forward to more information form everyone
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Old 04-25-2011, 06:24 AM
Chooki11 Chooki11 is offline
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Originally Posted by staceyd72 View Post

Have your crossed referenced your test kit
I have 2 tests, both of the same brand API. One is a reef maters kit and the other is a saltwater kit. Both read 20ppm.
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Old 04-26-2011, 06:40 AM
darb darb is offline
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also check your source water if you aren't using RO water ... wherever you may be.
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