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Old 03-29-2011, 03:06 AM
wehtam wehtam is offline
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Default clownfish gone.....??

Noticed earlier one of my clowns was missing. Moved some rock/looked in the back chambers and nothing..

I have a RSM130 with two clowns(percula) and a banded goby plus 2 hermits a mexican turbo and a nassarius(sp?) snail. Also hear a "clicking" sound at night time. So I'm assuming there is a mantis/shrimp in there of some sort....

Just wondering if you guys think that the mantis/shrimp might have at it?? the two clowns I have had for I think for 2-3 weeks...

Im just curious.. looked around and it didnt jump, unless my cats ate it.... but they wouldnt be able to get to it behind the tank.... anyway enough of my rant..

Im just bummed haha

thanks guys

p.s. anyone know how to catch a mantis??
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Old 03-29-2011, 06:50 AM
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TheMikey TheMikey is offline
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I think if it was a mantis, you wouldn't have your goby or your snails. Clicking could be a number of things. Odds are, if it's gone, it carpet surfed. They get fairly small once they dry up... also possible your cats got it or that it flipped under your stand.
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Old 03-29-2011, 10:41 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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I had the same problem. I found my clownfish between my bookcase and stand. It was a teeny weeny gap and he was stuck onto my stand. I had to use a piece of paper to slide between the bookcase and the stand to scrape him off because there was nothing else that could fit in the gap. He was dead and dried up.
still had pretty colours though
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Old 03-31-2011, 11:44 PM
wehtam wehtam is offline
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Originally Posted by TheMikey View Post
I think if it was a mantis, you wouldn't have your goby or your snails. Clicking could be a number of things. Odds are, if it's gone, it carpet surfed. They get fairly small once they dry up... also possible your cats got it or that it flipped under your stand.
That's what I was thinking, but my other clown I noticed today has no tail.....

So going to set a trap or freshwater dip my LR...... And see what happens.
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